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I do not know. Because I dont live in India. I only get dualism based reports on tolerance and intolerance. Its either a large orange or green. with a prominent yet relatively small white in the middle.
The question is NOT of what is a hindu or what is a Muslim. here the question is of whether the Hindu-Muslim is going to be on the radar screens of such extremists in parties.

I do not live in India, neither am I in contact with anyone who has a strong religious affinity. So I cannot authoritatively answer the question of what this awareness of identity would lead to. I can share only share my experience and opinion, which may or may not reflect on society on any scale.

I know some of my friends/acquaintance/relatives who dislike Muslims. Some infact, despite not being extremist Hindus, hate Muslim. Even some Christian friends of mine hate Muslims. Indian Muslims to be precise cause I have seen them being friendly (with honesty) to Muslims here but hate the Muslims in India. So my experience says that any ostracization of Muslim, if it happens, would not be based on any religion identity. Or the religious identity would play just a part. Any hatred towards them has more causes than just religion. Because, as many posters in this forum (and my article) have said, Hinduism is all inclusive. It wouldn't/can't disapprove any religion because it is different. Hinduism itself is a pot-pourri of multiple schools of thought, from atheism, monotheism to polytheism. People worshipping cows to eating them. So can the Hindu identity by itself shun/persecute Islam? No, not without the support of multitude of other factors which exist on a certain scale.

Can any such exclusion of Muslims gain a wide support? No. Hindus/Indians by large are just like any other large, stable modern society, tolerant unless it directly affects them. People who do not bother about what others think or do. Think that religion teaches them love and peace. It is just a minority that actually thinks of dominance/violence. The current Indian society is more concerned about development/jobs/money than some sort of religious hegemony. To give an example, the hawkish and much publicized Hindu extremist Modi only talks about development. All the so called Hindu leaders have been put in the back and all the talks is about economy in the national party. It is the obvious stand for the people and party - a hungry stomach doesn't cares for religion.

Can a exclusion of Muslims be carried out without majority support? It is rare in the world that majority actually supports the national policy. Even in the democracy like India, it is rare for a govt to have more than 50% share of the votes. The majority is always the silence watcher, and a relatively small group carrying out the acts. I am sure as a Pakistani you are well aware of this fact.
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If there is no problem than what's problem in being Hindu republic state rather than secular state?

Because India is home to many different religious groups, languages and traditions.
Accepting a state religion will alienate others automatically and will eventually make them 2end class citizens, especially considering the low levels of education among many people.

State sponsored religion + half/non educated population + social problems has never been a good idea in history.
So RSS thinks that the Muslims are not native to India, for 'Indianization' ?

Islam is not native to India and its association with Arabic culture does create a problem. Some people in Pakistan have woken up to their native culture and civilization, IVC. This has not happened with the Indian Muslims yet. The Indianization is just that waking up process.
Islam is not native to India and its association with Arabic culture does create a problem. Some people in Pakistan have woken up to their native culture and civilization, IVC. This has not happened with the Indian Muslims yet. The Indianization is just that waking up process.

Islam is a religion not an ethnicity that it has to be native to India. The S.Asian Muslims are native people of this land. You need to shed this delusion and Islamophobia of yours. Just because the Muslim Indians practice Islam doesn't mean you somehow have the cultural high ground because you are a Hindu. By your measures Hinduism is not native to India either.
Islam is a religion not an ethnicity that it has to be native to India. The S.Asian Muslims are native people of this land. You need to shed this delusion and Islamophobia of yours. Just because the Muslim Indians practice Islam doesn't mean you somehow have the cultural high ground because you are a Hindu. By your measures Hinduism is not native to India either.

Sorry, Hinduism is native to India. Islam unfortunately has a tendency to obliterate all local cultures and bring about Arabization where ever it went. Case in point North African countries which were not Arab are Arabized, Iran, Afghanistan, now Malaysia, Brunei, and certain parts of Indonesia. Turkey escaped that process due to Ataturk.

Islamophobia has a very valid reason for existence in India given its history. People are just ensuring history does not repeat itself in India again.
So RSS thinks that the Muslims are not native to India, for 'Indianization' ?
On the contrary, many right wing hindu organisations often say that Indian muslims and christians are also hindus, since hinduism is all encompassing. LK Advani has also reiterated that view, saying that they are muslim hindus and christian hindus. Their point being that one can worship the god or gods they believe in in whatever ways they choose, as per hinduism, and that hindutva is not about a specific religion, but the culture of the region. So your belief of what hindutva groups think about muslims and christians is so wide off the mark as to be the exact opposite of what they actually think. Hindutva proponents not only believe that muslims and christians are native to India, but that they are also hindus.

Note that I am not stating my personal opinion, but that of some right wing hindutva groups - presumably including the RSS.
Sorry, Hinduism is native to India. Islam unfortunately has a tendency to obliterate all local cultures and bring about Arabization where ever it went. Case in point North African countries which were not Arab are Arabized, Iran, Afghanistan, now Malaysia, Brunei, and certain parts of Indonesia. Turkey escaped that process due to Ataturk.

Islamophobia has a very valid reason for existence in India given its history. People are just ensuring history does not repeat itself in India again.

The very fact that you are still alive and trolling and in the majority is testament to the fact that your Islamophobic allegations are ill founded and based in hatred of Muslims rather than in facts.

On the contrary, many right wing hindu organisations often say that Indian muslims and christians are also hindus, since hinduism is all encompassing. LK Advani has also reiterated that view, saying that they are muslim hindus and christian hindus. Their point being that one can worship the god or gods they believe in in whatever ways they choose, as per hinduism, and that hindutva is not about a specific religion, but the culture of the region. So your belief of what hindutva groups think about muslims and christians is so wide off the mark as to be the exact opposite of what they actually think.

Note that I am not stating my personal opinion, but that of some right wing hindutva groups - presumably including the RSS.

I understand that this kind of stupid/illiterate opinion cannot be yours.
Sorry, Hinduism is native to India. Islam unfortunately has a tendency to obliterate all local cultures and bring about Arabization where ever it went. Case in point North African countries which were not Arab are Arabized, Iran, Afghanistan, now Malaysia, Brunei, and certain parts of Indonesia. Turkey escaped that process due to Ataturk.

Islamophobia has a very valid reason for existence in India given its history. People are just ensuring history does not repeat itself in India again.

But Hinduism itself obliterated other cultures in its wake.. Buddhism literally disappeared..
I think the issue here is xenophobia with you regarding Islam. Additionaly, the examples of Indonedia and Malaysia are quite odd as their culture has survived quite well and mixed with Islam. The same happened with India.. and its myraid of cultures..
Islam created the Hindu-Muslim.. whose identity was very much of the land.. something you have convientitly chosen to ignore in your xenophobic ideal.. a very basic e.g.

This is a Indian Hindu wedding

This is an Indian Muslim Wedding

This is an Arab wedding.

Tell me.. which are closer?

Does your view apply here??
Need not fear such dear Oscar. There are about 1 million Muslims who belong to RSS too. They are in process of saffronizing the green. So in the long run, we will all be wearing saffron.
I wonder if @Bhai Zakir would like to be "saffronized" ???

Nope. They have been Indianized rather than let them be Arabized. They still are muslims.
So the Muslims will have Sanskrit names instead of Arabic under BJP's rule ???
The very fact that you are still alive and trolling and in the majority is testament to the fact that your Islamophobic allegations are ill founded and based in hatred of Muslims rather than in facts.

LOL. The credit for that goes to my forefather who repeatedly fought off the Muslims invaders. I am from the Maharashtra region and our Marathas overran the Aurangazeb's army. I actually do not hate muslims, considering a lot of my family are muslims including my best buddies in office.
The very fact that you are still alive and trolling and in the majority is testament to the fact that your Islamophobic allegations are ill founded and based in hatred of Muslims rather than in facts.

I understand that this kind of stupid/illiterate opinion cannot be yours.

The issue the gentleman is going through is one which the organization VHP and RSS has its roots in. Its called Xenophobia

Xenophobia comes from the Greek words ξένος (xenos), meaning "strange," "foreigner," and φόβος (phobos), meaning "fear."

Xenophobia can manifest itself in many ways involving the relations and perceptions of an ingroup towards an outgroup, including a fear of losing identity, suspicion of its activities, aggression, and desire to eliminate its presence to secure a presumed purity.

The first is a population group present within a society that is not considered part of that society. Often they are recent immigrants, but xenophobia may be directed against a group which has been present for centuries, or became part of this society through conquest and territorial expansion. This form of xenophobia can elicit or facilitate hostile and violent reactions, such as mass expulsion of immigrants, pogroms or in other cases, genocide

Xenophobia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From the same link in addition

The second form of xenophobia is primarily cultural, and the objects of the phobia are cultural elements which are considered alien. All cultures are subject to external influences, but cultural xenophobia is often narrowly directed, for instance, at foreign loan words in a national language. It rarely leads to aggression against individual persons, but can result in political campaigns for cultural or linguistic purification
Quite possible. Like Indonesian Muslims who have retained their Hindu names.

So you mean that in Hindutva India, the Hindus will decide what Muslims should name their kids after?

Yeah the soviets tried this. now there's no Soviet Union :lol:

I want to see how Hindus can control 250 million or so Muslims :D
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