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Lets not judge the Indian society for the post of a few mate:)
It only takes a few.. peer across your border for a testament to that.

Nope. They have been Indianized rather than let them be Arabized. They still are muslims.
How is Saffron Indian.. or Green Arab??

Indian Muslims already have a very unique identity and culture that has evolved over a 1000 years. Its intertwined with Indian history, why does it need to be "saffronned" to have it acceptable?
It only takes a few.. peer across your border for a testament to that.

Your fears are baseless. The fundu a Jain gets, the more harmless he becomes. Likewise the Hindu. The more fundu a Hindu becomes, the more liberal he/she usually is.
Old enough to have made a switch from being a congress supporter to an RSS supporter.
Wow! From one extreme to the other! You should have tried something in-between! But I love those khaki shorts those yahoos wear - kinda sexy, what? :whistle:

As regards the Rs.1,96,000 crores of bank credit to the so called minorities, it isn't recoverable and therefore a complete write-off. And that's the honest tax payer's money, for crying out loud! Mine and yours!

Mera Bharat Mahan!
How is Saffron Indian.. or Green Arab??

Indian Muslims already have a very unique identity and culture that has evolved over a 1000 years. Its intertwined with Indian history, why does it need to be "saffronned" to have it acceptable?

It is essentially to curb extraterritorial loyalties and tendencies. To put the nation before one's religion.

Wow! From one extreme to the other! You should have tried something in-between! But I love those khaki shorts those yahoos wear - kinda sexy, what? :whistle:

I like khaki shorts. They are simple and have not felt it necessary to wear hot pants like the French Legionnaire :lol: to show off their sexy butts.


I found the middle ground and that was RSS. An organization based on Indian cultural ethos rather than commie/marxist Congress.
Wow! From one extreme to the other! You should have tried something in-between! But I love those khaki shorts those yahoos wear - kinda sexy, what? :whistle:

Kind of surprising to hear someone gets it on watching those old men in short...
As regards the Rs.1,96,000 crores of bank credit to the so called minorities, it isn't recoverable and therefore a complete write-off. And that's the honest tax payer's money, for crying out loud! Mine and yours!

Mera Bharat Mahan!

I highly doubt that figure. Feels more like Congress taking the minorities for a ride.
So there is indeed radicalization of Indian society in Progress. Considering that the RSS is accused of following the ideals of the Nazi party in Germany.. are we to expect similar propositions from it such as having Indian Muslims wear a Green Crescent to identify them in public?

Indian politics is evolving to the extent that political parties are starting to shy away from the religion angle and are starting to place their cards on the table as to what the voter can expect of their policies towards mostly corruption , widening the socialism schism and addressing the economy gaps, the socio political issues affecting India and to a much lesser extent the Indian foreign policy. More hype exists on corruption and finger pointing and little if any borders on religion. The chances of any Indian political party winning a majority place in parliament with enough muster to suspend the constitution to the extent of committing genocide against any minority religious group is as strong as the chances of the State of Pakistan deciding that it really is a Hindu state and changing its constitution to make it an exclusive enclave for all Hindu reverts. Indians are forward thinking when it comes to elections. Many options are placed on the table for them. They have in the past and I am confident will continue to do so for an eternity, chosen wisely and maturely
There is no "clandestine" move to favor Muslims. Congress cannot be blamed for fooling the Indian public on appeasement. Our honorable Prime Minister himself went on record saying "Muslims have a first right to resources".
Muslims must have first claim on resources: PM - The Times of India
Officially they are what is called 'priority citizens' or first class citizen etc. This is not a secret.
But that said - there is no sanction in the Constitution for the same. It is done by our great political party for electoral gains.

Also don't term it as minority-ism because it is not. Sikhs/Jains/Parsis/etc are not given such privileges. Let's just call a spade a spade.

That said there is no need to Saffronize anyone. It sets a bad example. Green, pink or God forbid black is also fine - as long as the Indian identity is not compromised. Promoting Indian nationalism and comradeship(not the Marxist kind) in school is a nice way of increasing social bonds. But like everything good, it needs moderation.
So there is indeed radicalization of Indian society in Progress. Considering that the RSS is accused of following the ideals of the Nazi party in Germany.. are we to expect similar propositions from it such as having Indian Muslims wear a Green Crescent to identify them in public?

There is no religious radicalization going on.

The massive surge in support for BJP is because Congress by pursuing it's uber-socialist policies had turned Indian economy into a train wreck.

In this government tenure, inflation has remained above 8%, Real growth has remained below 6% and jobs in every sector except construction have stagnated, fiscal deficit has remained above 5%.

In manufacturing total number of people employed has decreased from 55.75 million to 50.74 ( page 146,148), Non-Manufacturing sectors have witnessed growth from 27.44 million to 48.28 million but out of this 20.84 increase,18.1 million is from construction.


This government has brought back soviet-era license raj policies in guise of environmental clearances, practically forbidden mining, has made land acquisition an impossible task and wasted public money on socialist white elephants like NREGA and FSA.

On personal level, i have seen average packages offered by companies to freshers, falling each year.

The only person who would be satisfied with this government is welfare queen class which thinks it is entitled to live on other people's money.

Congress has always maintained that it is a party "only" for aam aadmi, a welfare queen who believes that government should change his nappies every night. Non Entitlement class has turned away from congress as congress has practically declared an economic war against them.

There is no rise in religious fundamentalism. On the contrary it is on decline.
You mean just like Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

then debate next 100 years that we are Hindu first or Indian first.

or even better I am more Hindu than fellow Hindu.

You are already debating on Secularism first or Hinduism first....
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