So there is indeed radicalization of Indian society in Progress. Considering that the RSS is accused of following the ideals of the Nazi party in Germany.. are we to expect similar propositions from it such as having Indian Muslims wear a Green Crescent to identify them in public?
There is no religious radicalization going on.
The massive surge in support for BJP is because Congress by pursuing it's uber-socialist policies had turned Indian economy into a train wreck.
In this government tenure, inflation has remained above 8%, Real growth has remained below 6% and jobs in every sector except construction have stagnated, fiscal deficit has remained above 5%.
In manufacturing total number of people employed has decreased from 55.75 million to 50.74 ( page 146,148), Non-Manufacturing sectors have witnessed growth from 27.44 million to 48.28 million but out of this 20.84 increase,18.1 million is from construction.
This government has brought back soviet-era license raj policies in guise of environmental clearances, practically forbidden mining, has made land acquisition an impossible task and wasted public money on socialist white elephants like NREGA and FSA.
On personal level, i have seen average packages offered by companies to freshers, falling each year.
The only person who would be satisfied with this government is welfare queen class which thinks it is entitled to live on other people's money.
Congress has always maintained that it is a party "only" for aam aadmi, a welfare queen who believes that government should change his nappies every night. Non Entitlement class has turned away from congress as congress has practically declared an economic war against them.
There is no rise in religious fundamentalism. On the contrary it is on decline.