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"Make Iran Great Again" Donald Trump says

The hostile act was using drone in Iranian airspace to spy on Iran. Shooting down an unmanned drone over your own airspace is not hostile.
Oh really?! What about storming a you USA embassy and taking the staff hostages. They could have asked the Americans to leave without invading their embassy.
Oh really?! What about storming a you USA embassy and taking the staff hostages. They could have asked the Americans to leave without invading their embassy.

Hahaha! So China can fly spy drones over Amerikan airspace and this is ok behaviour. I love this type of thinking. Can't wait for the Chinese navy to have a home port of Havana.
Hahaha! So China can fly spy drones over Amerikan airspace and this is ok behaviour. I love this type of thinking. Can't wait for the Chinese navy to have a home port of Havana.
No, nobody have the right to violate the sovereignty of others.
Trump is a business man he has no idea on how to deal with international relations

the oil sanctions on Iran have brought the oil exports from 3.8 mbpd in 2018 to 240,000 bpd in 2019

thats a 95% cut in oil revenue or around $50-60 billion in real terms

the gas sanctions are going live tonight

US has time Iran does not, Iran is getting desperate and when Iran gets desperate it attacks, we know this from history

Trumps advisors have told him that sanctions will bring Iran to the table

they are dead wrong, I have a feeling Iran will make a move against soon

this is not the end

tRump advisers were bought by Israel, KSA and military-industrial complex and international oil cartel. They provoke Iran and tell tRump Iran will negotiate, those advisers knew exactly Iran will have to retaliate.

Those advisers are dragging tRump into the war against Iran, Israel and KSA will be beneficiaries.

How about Pakistan? Will Pakistan gain or lose in this mess?
So how does Iran responds to this friendly gesture?
It is not a friendly gesture, what is important is actions not empty words. Beside reimposing sanctions & his previous wordings like calling Iranian a terrorist nation his top national security adviser is the one who has attended a terrorist group annual meeting that is responsible for killing 17k Iranian people including Iranian president, prime minister, spokesmen of the parliament and 72 other MPs ... in one video tape this terrorist group agent reports to Iraqi intelligence agent that they'd carried out 220 explosions (terrorist attacks) across Iran in on day before Iran-Iraq war .. and this adviser whom has been paid by this terrorist group called them the future vision of Iran in a way that they would celebrate new year Christmas 2019 in Tehran ... still are being supported by American state department:

If Iran and GCC can sit together and resolve some problems through a dialogue, it can help a lot but Iran has not shown any willingness to adopt a peaceful course.
Iran has always welcomed talks and negotiations most of time it was Iran that stepped forward and has received no feedback, back in 2005 we had defensive pact with Saudis and it's been proved Suadis were pushing American to attack Iran in 2007-8 while back then there was no Yemen, no Syria no other things.

Overcoming Regional Challenges in the Middle East: An Iranian Perspective
Chatham House, London

Q: Do you see a time where Saudi Arabia and Iran will collaborate? When will that be?
Mohammad Javad Zarif:
Tomorrow, if they're ready. We didn't break diplomatic relations. I'm saying it, and I'm saying it with every possible intention. We are ready to engage with all our neighbours in the Persian Gulf for security in the region, starting tomorrow. If they're ready

Iranian foreign minister urges regional cooperation after returning from Oman, Qatar

“We have repeatedly suggested a system of dialogue in the Persian Gulf, but unfortunately this has not been acknowledged by some countries, who see their future through tension, pressure and imposing on neighbors,” Zarif said, according to state media.

Zarif Says Neither Saudis Nor Iran Can Dominate Middle East; Talks Needed
Zarif said there is "a dire need for change" and "Iran is ready for it because we are big enough, old enough, mature enough to appreciate this reality."
"None of us can become the new hegemon" in the region, he said. "The era of hegemonic influence is long gone," he said. "Neither Iran nor Saudi Arabia can be the hegemons of the region. That's a fact."
Zarif called for a new "regional dialogue forum" that would include five Gulf Cooperation Council countries along with Iran, Iraq, and Yemen. He said such a dialogue has the potential to transform the Middle East.

Furthermore Iran responded to Kuwait's plan of dialogue positively in way Iran president had a trip to Kuwait to show Iran readiness for solving problems & misunderstandings .. despite the fact that dialogue plan was initiated by all members of PGCC including Saudis, they refused of taking any further step & Rohuni trip became pointless and no talk took place..

"...Sources told Kuwaiti daily Al Seyassah that Rouhani’s visit is linked to the message from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), comprising Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, to Iran to start a strategic dialogue.

The message was conveyed last month by Kuwait’s Foreign Minister Shaikh Sabah Al Khalid Al Sabah to Rouhani in Tehran.

The GCC countries agreed at their summit in Manama in December to send a message to their neighbour that would centre on starting a dialogue based on the principles of good neighbourliness, non-interference in the domestic affairs of other countries and respect for the sovereignty of other countries, the official said..."​

I hope we can at least talk. No expectations, just some talk. We need an end game to these sanctions, we can't rely on Europe, or Asia or Russia/China. The only player we need to sit down with is the U.S...You can bet SA and Israel are hopping mad because their Orange Prince did not attack Iran.

Talks are the best way to solve and address such a crisis if and if the other side would have good intention as you do... once you sit around table Pompeo would put his 12 demands on the table, what would you do?
Would you stop your nuclear program?
Would you stop your missile program?
Would you let IAEA inspectors to visit every where?
Would you accept Iran get excluded from region?
Would you accept his accusation of Iran supporting terrorism?

And if you don't they say Iran is not interested in dialogue and is after nuke .... more sanctions would be force upon you ...

And if you accept then .. alert : Iraq, Libya, Morsi and ... destinations would be wrapped in a fancy present paper decorated by white peace doves delivered at your home at midnight .....

I am fan of talks but you can not talk with people that set demands before talks even get started while the outcome of previous talks are still up in the air....
No, nobody have the right to violate the sovereignty of others.
Quite right.Now if only the west would abide by that principle in the mena region and stop fvcking meddling in its affairs.
Fat chance of that tho`,telling imperialists to stop meddling is a bit like telling a junkie to stop shooting up heroin except that in this case its not smack that the west is addicted to,its oil and gas and just like a junkie it`ll do just about anything to make sure it keeps getting its fix.Oh,and theres also the lucrative gulf state protection racket as well.
Quite right.Now if only the west would abide by that principle in the mena region and stop fvcking meddling in its affairs.
Fat chance of that tho`,telling imperialists to stop meddling is a bit like telling a junkie to stop shooting up heroin except that in this case its not smack that the west is addicted to,its oil and gas and just like a junkie it`ll do just about anything to make sure it keeps getting its fix.Oh,and theres also the lucrative gulf state protection racket as well.
Actually I am a critic of the western imperialism and meddling in other countries affairs.
Oh really?! What about storming a you USA embassy and taking the staff hostages. They could have asked the Americans to leave without invading their embassy.
1. In the last days before the success of revolution, American general was in Iran and he ordered Iranian military to open fire on the civilians, it would pity to not let them have their response from Iranian.

2. U.S embassy was a cover for their center of espionage activities in the region, intelligence gathering equipments in this facility was covering the whole middle east, Iranian captured a spy nest not an embassy.

3. Iranian dictator escaped to U.S and they refused to return him, so again it was not good to not letting them know the price of their choices. Americans learnt their lesson and we saw how quickly they turned their back on their puppets in the region.

4. Iranian were very kind to not execute the under cover American spies who were directly involved in the killing of Iranian civilians, considering the fact that even Europeans never respected this so called diplomatic immunity.
1. In the last days before the success of revolution, American general was in Iran and he ordered Iranian military to open fire on the civilians, it would pity to not let them have their response from Iranian.

2. U.S embassy was a cover for their center of espionage activities in the region, intelligence gathering equipments in this facility was covering the whole middle east, Iranian captured a spy nest not an embassy.

3. Iranian dictator escaped to U.S and they refused to return him, so again it was not good to not letting them know the price of their choices. Americans learnt their lesson and we saw how quickly they turned their back on their puppets in the region.

4. Iranian were very kind to not execute the under cover American spies who were directly involved in the killing of Iranian civilians, considering the fact that even Europeans never respected this so called diplomatic immunity.
I agree, you have all the reasons and moral high ground. I respect Iranians and your choices. Americans prefer fire power than talking.
1. In the last days before the success of revolution, American general was in Iran and he ordered Iranian military to open fire on the civilians, it would pity to not let them have their response from Iranian.

2. U.S embassy was a cover for their center of espionage activities in the region, intelligence gathering equipments in this facility was covering the whole middle east, Iranian captured a spy nest not an embassy.

3. Iranian dictator escaped to U.S and they refused to return him, so again it was not good to not letting them know the price of their choices. Americans learnt their lesson and we saw how quickly they turned their back on their puppets in the region.

4. Iranian were very kind to not execute the under cover American spies who were directly involved in the killing of Iranian civilians, considering the fact that even Europeans never respected this so called diplomatic immunity.
Yes but still you could have kicked them out but not storming their embassy like savages. Also acting like thugs is not the way to negotiate people hated you more than they sympathizing with you.
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