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"Make Iran Great Again" Donald Trump says

Yes but still you could have kicked them out but not storming their embassy like savages. Also acting like thugs is not the way to negotiate people hated you more than they sympathizing with you.

Pardon me if my post offend Iranians friends here, and please do correct me if my speculation is wrong:

Imo, the Iran Hostage Crisis is one of the key how Ayatollah Khomeini win the political power struggle.

Before Iranian Revolution in 1979, Anglo-Saxon has successfully installed Pahlavi dynasty as proxy to control Iran. Pahlavi dynasty heavily relied on US and UK, the survival of regime was in US and UK's hand. Iran is the front-line of cold war which is very important to US and UK. Many Iranians especially those who benefited from US-Iran relationship were pro US and UK.

During Iran Hostage Crisis, US-Iran foreign relationship was completely screwed up. The crisis strengthened Ayatollah Khomeini followers's political stance and those who pro US and UK were oppressed successfully. Imo, it's the turning point of Iranian Revolution, it helps Ayatollah Khomeini win the political power struggle.

The US, UK and France completely misjudged Ayatollah Khomeini's political will. If you read memoirs of William H. Sullivan(Ambassador to Iran) - "Mission to Iran" and telegraph text between Sullivan and Zbigniew Brzezinski, they misunderstood the situation badly.

The price is so high, I think it's one of the top three mistakes of US foreign policy. The first one is made by Douglas MacArthur and President Harry S. Truman on Korean peninsula. The second one is Vietnam War.

"Mission to Iran" https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/669967.Mission_To_Iran ,
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What is inside story that is different?

there is a collusion between US and Iran, Iran is allowed to threaten US on daily basis, US will put sanctions on Iran and exclude biggest oil buyers from those sanction. Iran will be allowed to meddle in middle east to threaten Arabs who in turn will buy yuge amount of defense equipment from US. This most recent spat of threats was to create a reason to bring US naval power in around China.
there is a collusion between US and Iran, Iran is allowed to threaten US on daily basis, US will put sanctions on Iran and exclude biggest oil buyers from those sanction. Iran will be allowed to meddle in middle east to threaten Arabs who in turn will buy yuge amount of defense equipment from US. This most recent spat of threats was to create a reason to bring US naval power in around China.

Same strategic in Eastern Europe, Russia play the Iran role. In far east, North Korea play that role.

Eastern European countries, Arabs, Japan and South Korea are hostages, it's collusion indeed.
there is a collusion between US and Iran, Iran is allowed to threaten US on daily basis, US will put sanctions on Iran and exclude biggest oil buyers from those sanction. Iran will be allowed to meddle in middle east to threaten Arabs who in turn will buy yuge amount of defense equipment from US. This most recent spat of threats was to create a reason to bring US naval power in around China.
Wow that broke my heart due poor condition of Arabs that are stuck between Iran and the US ... but you are missing something over here:
First of all Arabs don't seem be upset over their relations with Americans:
DQY-p3kVoAAUYoL.jpg ef68fd5238e845fb934e10acb4d49c30_18.jpg Mike Pompeo met with Saudi King Salman today and a bottle of hand sanitizer.jpg
Why? 'cause unlike what you think it's them that are working with Americans, it's obvious to see that Arabs are seeking American interests in every conflicts tacking place in the region .. be it in Qatar, Yemen, Iraq, Syria,Lebanon, Palestine or elsewhere , the one that is meddling in the region is not Iran but Saudis with Americans' support so don't turn the table. No one has forced them to do what they are doing as no one can force anything upon Iran that is against our will/policy..
Secondly these threatened Arabs afraid of Iran had been buying huge amount of defense equipments from US even before Islamic revolution:
The real reason behind buying weapons:

The untold story behind Saudi Arabia’s 41-year secret debt
"...The goal: neutralise crude oil as an economic weapon and find a way to persuade a hostile kingdom to finance America’s widening deficit with its newfound petrodollar wealth. And according to Mr Parsky, the President made clear there was simply no coming back empty-handed. Failure would not only jeopardise America’s financial health but could also give the Soviet Union an opening to make further inroads into the Arab world..."

"...The basic framework was strikingly simple. The US would buy oil from Saudi Arabia and provide the kingdom military aid and equipment. In return, the Saudis would plough billions of their petrodollar revenue back into Treasuries and finance America’s spending..."​

On Americans putting sanctions on Iran and exclude biggest oil buyers from those sanction ... that would be great to see which country has been excluded??? Iran oil exports is now something around 300 to 400 k barrels per day which dropped from 2.5 million barrels per day before sanctions ...

And on Iran will be allowed to meddle in middle east to threaten Arabs ... if you don't see what Americans do to remove Iran from existence let alone the region then I think you are blind.
1. In the last days before the success of revolution, American general was in Iran and he ordered Iranian military to open fire on the civilians, it would pity to not let them have their response from Iranian.

2. U.S embassy was a cover for their center of espionage activities in the region, intelligence gathering equipments in this facility was covering the whole middle east, Iranian captured a spy nest not an embassy.

3. Iranian dictator escaped to U.S and they refused to return him, so again it was not good to not letting them know the price of their choices. Americans learnt their lesson and we saw how quickly they turned their back on their puppets in the region.

4. Iranian were very kind to not execute the under cover American spies who were directly involved in the killing of Iranian civilians, considering the fact that even Europeans never respected this so called diplomatic immunity.

Yes however every countries embassy is nest of spy's and it's the same for all countries including Iranian embassies abroad the key is not getting caught and the fact is there was a better way to handle it. And I wouldn't like them storming into any of our embassies any more than they liked us storming into theirs with no warning.

And if the amount of espionage was going beyond the risk of what that countries intelligence services could handle at the time the proper way of handling it would have been to immediately inform the U.S. government that their personal had X amount of time to leave the country while you barricaded them in and escorted them out of the country..... And any info about who did what and when really doesn't matter because the most vital info would have been destroyed and or transmitted long before you got in the doors or even tainted and placed there for you to find.... Plus, since your dealing with a superpower the repercussions simply wouldn't of been worth any evidence you may or may not have found. And on top of that your making the U.S. look more like the victim globally and taking that approach was very much due to the new leaderships lack of experience in diplomacy and statecraft at that time because what they did was shortsighted and lacked proper strategy and should never be repeated.
Yes however every countries embassy is nest of spy's and it's the same for all countries including Iranian embassies abroad the key is not getting caught and the fact is there was a better way to handle it. And I wouldn't like them storming into any of our embassies any more than they liked us storming into theirs with no warning.

And if the amount of espionage was going beyond the risk of what that countries intelligence services could handle at the time the proper way of handling it would have been to immediately inform the U.S. government that their personal had X amount of time to leave the country while you barricaded them in and escorted them out of the country..... And any info about who did what and when really doesn't matter because the most vital info would have been destroyed and or transmitted long before you got in the doors or even tainted and placed there for you to find.... Plus, since your dealing with a superpower the repercussions simply wouldn't of been worth any evidence you may or may not have found. And on top of that your making the U.S. look more like the victim globally and taking that approach was very much due to the new leaderships lack of experience in diplomacy and statecraft at that time because what they did was shortsighted and lacked proper strategy and should never be repeated.
Please don't twist the facts, gathering public information is one thing, running coups amd utilizing military against civilian is another, the second is an act of war and punishable by bullets.
So we were very kind to these spies.

What you said is the same blah blah of Zarif when in reply of quitting the deal, he said you don't understand the international laws!
There is no law, there is no human rights, these are just excuses which morons and puppets use to implement their masters' wishes.

If bullies reach the conclusion that their strength cab do the job done, then they will arrange the exuses too, and whether with or without excuse, it's their strength will finish the jobe.

We recovered 18 volumes of confidential information from U.S embassy, including the identity of some U.S spies in Iran, our next president Bani-Sadr was one of them, can your brain handle the amount of the damage if he would remain in power?!
Please don't twist the facts, gathering public information is one thing, running coups amd utilizing military against civilian is another, the second is an act of war and punishable by bullets.
So we were very kind to these spies.

What you said is the same blah blah of Zarif when in reply of quitting the deal, he said you don't understand the international laws!
There is no law, there is no human rights, these are just excuses which morons and puppets use to implement their masters' wishes.

If bullies reach the conclusion that their strength cab do the job done, then they will arrange the exuses too, and whether with or without excuse, it's their strength will finish the jobe.

We recovered 18 volumes of confidential information from U.S embassy, including the identity of some U.S spies in Iran, our next president Bani-Sadr was one of them, can your brain handle the amount of the damage if he would remain in power?!

LOL! You think I'm under the delusion that the U.S. or any EU power gives a damn about international law or human rights????

My opposition to what they did has NOTHING to do with International Law, rather proper strategy and tactics and weighing in short term and long term pro's and con's!!!!

The proper way of dealing with and arresting spy's is to do exactly what the IRGC & VEVAK did with Jason Rezaian, Amir Hekmati & others...! You follow them gather evidence, ID & follow their accomplices to bring down the entire network especially the high profile traitors that are capable of doing real harm....
Storming the embassy and taking everyone in there hostage is for the weak and impotent now at that time Iran's intelligence services may not have been properly in place to counter U.S. activities and I agree they had to go at least until the right time where Iran could counter them in a proper way but going about it the way those guys did was a RETARDED act that in the long run did far more harm to the country than good! And that has nothing to do with international law rather proper strategic thinking and tactics that you clearly lack & are incapable of understanding!

I suggest you watch Gand0(Sosmar kotapah Irani) again and pay more attention! Did the IRGC jump and arrest Jason Rezaian or any of the others as soon as they figured out what they were doing? NO!
And mesleh yaboo ha storming the embassy is also retarded and it doesn't help you identify the real threat which are the Iranians that are betraying their country for one reason or another and storming the embassy does nothing to identify the real threat because a treater is not going to stop betraying his country simply because you stormed the embassy so it's an utterly retarded move that keeps the real threat in place regardless of whether the Americans have an embassy in Iran or NOT! And that's why you go after the actual spy's to identify and bring down their network like in Gand0 rather than storming the embassy like a bunch of MORONS!

Clearly this is the type of common sense you clearly lack & that's why you support Hejab by Force!
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