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"Make Iran Great Again" Donald Trump says

I hope we can at least talk. No expectations, just some talk. We need an end game to these sanctions, we can't rely on Europe, or Asia or Russia/China. The only player we need to sit down with is the U.S...You can bet SA and Israel are hopping mad because their Orange Prince did not attack Iran.
I hope we can at least talk. No expectations, just some talk. We need an end game to these sanctions, we can't rely on Europe, or Asia or Russia/China. The only player we need to sit down with is the U.S...You can bet SA and Israel are hopping mad because their Orange Prince did not attack Iran.

Negotiation with americans is a big mistake... Not again!

They have to respect and accept our deterrence and firepower first... Then we can talk !
I hope we can at least talk. No expectations, just some talk. We need an end game to these sanctions, we can't rely on Europe, or Asia or Russia/China. The only player we need to sit down with is the U.S...You can bet SA and Israel are hopping mad because their Orange Prince did not attack Iran.
Fooled me once, Shame on you (JCPOA)
Fooled me twice, Shame on me (Renegotiation)
this is him begging Iran to get off his nutsack and let him maintain his strongman image for re-election.

Isnt it ironic how the US interfered in everybodies politics for so long and is now terrified of others interfering?

it looks like a battle between Russia and Iran now LOL.

Iran will try to humiliate trump a la jimmy carter to get him out of office. while the Russians will try to hack democratic candidates and release strategic dirt on them...

whos going to win? stay tuned.
Trump is a business man he has no idea on how to deal with international relations

the oil sanctions on Iran have brought the oil exports from 3.8 mbpd in 2018 to 240,000 bpd in 2019

thats a 95% cut in oil revenue or around $50-60 billion in real terms

the gas sanctions are going live tonight

US has time Iran does not, Iran is getting desperate and when Iran gets desperate it attacks, we know this from history

Trumps advisors have told him that sanctions will bring Iran to the table

they are dead wrong, I have a feeling Iran will make a move against soon

this is not the end
‘Make Iran great again’: Donald Trump says he will be Iran’s ‘best friend’ if it renounces nuclear arms

US President Donald Trump said Saturday that he would be Iran’s “best friend” and that the Islamic republic could be a “wealthy” country if it renounced nuclear weapons, amid soaring tensions between the two nations.

“We’re not going to have Iran have a nuclear weapon,” Trump told reporters outside the White House as he prepared to depart for Camp David for meetings on the situation with Iran, which downed a US drone earlier this week.

“When they agree to that, they’re going to have a wealthy country. They’re going to be so happy, and I’m going to be their best friend. I hope that happens.”

“Let’s make Iran great again,” he added, tweaking for the occasion his main domestic political mantra.



So, the big question is : if Iran can be a good friend, then for who USA brought all that military forces in Arabian sea?
USA is just trolling Arabs and bringing them more and more into debt trap. Arabs should end war in Yemen, and try to normalize relations with Iran.
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Wacky USA foreign policy. If you wanted to improve relations with Iran, just honor the existing nuclear treaty. :cuckoo:

Trump got put into an eyeball to eyeball confrontation and blinked. Now he is trying to be the nice guy. :omghaha:
Remove all Sanctions against Iran, act like a friend then maybe we can be friends! Short of that it's nothing but nonsense coming out of your mouth!
For 40 years the U.S. has placed one sanction after another on Iran & what has that gotten them so far????? NOTHING! And they still don't get it!
And the downing of the U.S. Global Hawk by an Iranian built systems is clearly prof that Iran doesn't need the U.S. help to be Great(whatever that means)! Hell, if we did we wouldn't be so great in the 1st place but rather just another client state with little control over our own foreign and economic policy much like Europe is today or worse like Saudi Arabia with no control over anything that matters that has to hand over tens of Billions yearly for outdated junk just to survive!
When dealing with MK Ultras fembots, always don't do what they want; do what is in your interest.

trump is a djinn/orange monster, so do what Iran needs and Iran needs nukes.

trump is trying to buy time for the next false flag.

Which means nukes are needed soon, to prevent war like PDRK can prevent war with their nukes.

What is more important, the economy of Iran or the safety of the Iranian people. Get nukes ASAP or else trump with be back with a bag of false flags.

Why can Pakistan get nukes while Iran can't.
If they are smart they should know that there is no point of hostility with America.
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