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Majority Pakistanis want legislation to be influenced by Islam, survey reveals

How is it low? I am paying about 50K zakat by next month before ramadan for having only few assets now imagine those having billions even if are paying half of the zakat obligatory, would be a grand sum. This is besides all those cuttings which banks deduct as zakat from our savings there.

But yes it is also a fact that many people do not pay zakat because there is no strict implementation of zakat law
are you not supposed to pay only 2.5 percent of your income from fixed assets? plus 2.5 percent of your income?
are you not supposed to pay only 2.5 percent of your income from fixed assets? plus 2.5 percent of your income?

Oh it needs a detailed answer however, am pasting the general details for your information though am not good at calculation but you can easily understand. BTW this not just fixed assets or income but there are many categories of movable and immovable wealth which if exceeds the normal needs during a lunar year qualify for paying zakat.

Please read the link to understand though am also pasting few details


Q9. What are the specified Nisab, (minimum wealth) and the rate of Zakat for each category of wealth?
The Nisab and the rate of Zakat for each category are given below.

Category of wealth Nisab Rate of Zakat

A. Personal wealth Three (3) ounces of gold or its current value 2.5%

B. Agricultural produce
1. From cultivated land
2. From non-cultivated land 653 Kg of wheat or its equivalent value. 1. 5%
2. 10%

C. Minerals and Rikaz 20%

D. Live stock

1. Goat and sheep
2. Cows
3. Camels

40 goats and/or sheep
30 cows
5 Camels See tables below

Sub Category 1: Sheep, lambs, and goats
Nisab: 40
Number owned
Zakat in kind
1 to 39
40 to 120
121 to 200
201 to 399
Greater than 400
4+1 for every 100 above 400
Oh it needs a detailed answer however, am pasting the general details for your information though am not good at calculation but you can easily understand. BTW this not just fixed assets or income but there are many categories of movable and immovable wealth which if exceeds the normal needs during a lunar year qualify for paying zakat.

Please read the link to understand though am also pasting few details


Q9. What are the specified Nisab, (minimum wealth) and the rate of Zakat for each category of wealth?
The Nisab and the rate of Zakat for each category are given below.

Category of wealth Nisab Rate of Zakat

A. Personal wealth Three (3) ounces of gold or its current value 2.5%

B. Agricultural produce
1. From cultivated land
2. From non-cultivated land 653 Kg of wheat or its equivalent value. 1. 5%
2. 10%

C. Minerals and Rikaz 20%

D. Live stock

1. Goat and sheep
2. Cows
3. Camels

40 goats and/or sheep
30 cows
5 Camels See tables below

Sub Category 1: Sheep, lambs, and goats
Nisab: 40
Number owned
Zakat in kind
1 to 39
40 to 120
121 to 200
201 to 399
Greater than 400
4+1 for every 100 above 400
Its difficult to do like for like comparison from this... but thanks for posting.
All this long essay not gonna hide the fact that you guys are just subcontinental Indians with a different religion. You are just an acronym that was dreamt up by foolish mullahs of Lucknow and Aligarh.

Dont try too hard to show that you are different from Indians. I know you are a little different from rest of Indians. Thats coz of waves upon waves of plunderers, looters from west that raided your part of land. Your lands were looted, your people maimed and converted. Now you have the galls to tell us that you are some specials Qoum dropped from Mars! Hilarious indeed!!

Regarding your unconquered history, dont give us this shit. Give me the names of Kings and Empires which were ethnically based on landmass of current Pakistan? Maharaja Ranjeet Singh (A Hindu King) ruled east, west punjab as well as afghania. So he cant be called specifically a Pakistani. Okay, for a moment, let me say he was a Pakistani. Who else??

and where does your claim come from...?

I've noticed Indians make these baseless rants all the time - when it is mainly Indians who constipate and search for that 0.001% Eurasian DNA so they can go and stone a Dalit.

We are Pakistanis!
P - Punjab
A - Afghania
K - Kashmir
I - Indus
S - Sindh
TAN - Baluchistan

We are a diverse country; with unique ethnic groups that are all united under the flag of Islam.

Indians need to remove this false misconception; they must also stop throwing themselves upon us when it comes to 'ethnicity'. We are neither Arabs nor are we Indians. Lands of the Indus has always been distinct from the rest of sub-continent. Only twice since 3500 BCE has a civilization from the far east of the Indus plains (Modern day India) had conquered large portions of Modern-day Pakistan and that only being loose and brief.

We look different, we have different ethnic groups, we talk different, we are built different, we are a different people.
Sure there are similarities because of the period of Mughal and British rule, but that still doesnt change that we are very different.
Like going nuts religiously hasn't done enough damage to them already. They are their own worst enemies.
Its difficult to do like for like comparison from this... but thanks for posting.
well ok we do simple calculation if you have seven tola gold or 52 tola gold you are suppose to give zakat. And if we deduct as per government rate of 2.5% on it then if you have 7 tolas it means you have to pay roughly Rs18k (may be more or less a little bit any good mathematician or religious member can correct if am wrong). Now calculate Rs2.5k on every 50,000 rupees as currently gold in Pakistan is at about Rs50k per 12 grams.
well ok we do simple calculation if you have seven tola gold or 52 tola gold you are suppose to give zakat. And if we deduct as per government rate of 2.5% on it then if you have 7 tolas it means you have to pay roughly Rs18k (may be more or less a little bit any good mathematician or religious member can correct if am wrong). Now calculate Rs2.5k on every 50,000 rupees as currently gold in Pakistan is at about Rs50k per 12 grams.
thats quite high, i wonder why people buy gold in pakistan at all.
thats quite high, i wonder why people buy gold in pakistan at all.

:lol: well honestly at first I used to thing investing in gold is a good option but last week when I wanted to sell some jewelry it was a shocker that how they deduct almost half of the gold and pay you money for half.
I am not an expert but looking at current state of government, people just want something that will be better.
As individual people generally don't think about big picture like which version of Islam.
They know in their heart and mind religion is there not to hurt any one, it is there to give us peace and satisfaction or something much better which will be never delivered by current system.

Don't look at results collectively ... because sometimes big picture looks horrible... but look at what each individual is trying to say ... Enough of this system .. we need better one .. They only only other system which is religion so they are choosing that.
KARACHI: Around 78 per cent of Pakistan’s population “strictly supports” that the teachings of Holy Quran should influence the country’s laws, a report said.

A research report issued by Pew Research Center on Wednesday titled “Whether Quran should influence laws in countries” posed the question to respondents from 10 countries with significant Muslim populations.

The question was posed in the following words: “Which of the following three statements comes closer to your view: Laws in your country should strictly follow the teachings of the Quran, laws in your country should follow the values and principles of Islam but not strictly follow the teachings of Quran, laws in your country should not be influenced by the teachings of the Quran.”

The report noted a striking variation in the extent to which people think the Holy Quran should influence their nation’s laws.

In Pakistan, the Palestinian territories, Jordan, Malaysia and Senegal, roughly half or more of the full population says that laws in their country should strictly follow the teachings of the Holy Quran, said the report.

By contrast, in Burkina Faso, Turkey, Lebanon and Indonesia, less than a quarter agree for this. While only 13% of Turkish respondents “strictly support” Islamic influence on legislation, Saudi Arabia and Iran were conspicuously absent from the survey despite their considerable Muslim populations.

The second category of respondents – those who feel legislations should be enacted following the principles of Islam but “not strictly” – amassed at 16%.

Only 2 per cent of the approached Pakistani respondents were of the view that the country’s laws should not be influenced by the Holy Quran.

When contacted for a comment, PML-N minority lawmaker Dr. Ramesh Kumar Vankwani told Dawn said that religion should preferably be away from legislation.

“If there is a consensus on following religious practices in legislation then the true essence of the Holy Quran should be implemented — which talks of peace and harmony,” he said.

Dr. Kumar was of the opinion that if Quranic teachings are implemented in legislations then the preaching of other religions should also be used when formulating laws for its followers.

“But this will only see the majority rulings getting approved while those of minorities will face hindrance,” he concluded.

The report shares the main findings of a recent Pew Research Center survey of 10,194 respondents, with results reflecting a full country sample including Muslims and Non-Muslims.


@Horus @Oscar @Jango @Gufi @haviZsultan @pak-marine @Spring Onion @Secur

i mean, PEW is so stupid to even ask such a question for countries around the world. Its a neo-con agenda, neo-colonisalism in my opinion. Since when did the devil created "secularism", that supposedly rational men concocted out of their (brains? or what ) become the norm around the world?

Kindly don't mistaken me. i admit there is good present in secular laws, because most of them, besides the main principles, essentially have been paralleled from religious laws in Judaism and later Christianity. But is PEW that narrow minded to think Pakistanis are sheeple who will follow the "enlightened" west and become ROSHAN KHAYAL?

They belittle our faith Islam this way, and belittle Qur'an Paak, Qur'an Majeed, Qur'an Kareem, Qur'an Hakeem, which we believe to be the Eternal Uncreated Word of God, His Speech, One of His Attributes.

We will be in sha Allah a modern nation, high tech, global nation, super power, but no one dictates to us who we will be.

That is the reason why schools throughout Pakistan celebrated "I am not Malala" day.

its true, but people dont want Mullah's version of Islam, they want a progressive Islamic state which lead Muslim world to future.. but for that we need leadership like Great Jinnah for this task..

mullah version of islam is an oxymoron. Actually, i am not ashamed to say that the Mullah version of Islam you are talking about is not Islam at all. They have no relation.

Many Pakistanis are inspired by the new Caliph in Iraq.

mirza masroor ahmad, also inspires many pakistanis, and claims to be a Caliph in London England his home

Both the Caliph in Iraq and the Caliph in London are imposters in my opinion
May Allah give the purest form of Islam to Islamic republic of Pakistan!
@Horus for President :dance3:
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