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Majority Muslims want Sharia law in their countries: Study

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Yep. Thats why you can't say that Sharia will be a success since elected leaders in that system can be corrupted as easily in the democratic system.
@Pboy then what system do you suggest? There is risk in EVERY system!
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@Pboy EVERYONE in politics EVENTUALLY becomes corrupt!

Had these "leaders" EVEN THE LEAST of ideas HOW and WHAT they will be questioned on day of judgement...BASED on THEIR leadership, I bet you not a single 1 would fight for the leader chair!

[MENTION=145755]Pboy[/MENTION] same goes with democracy!

You have all these campaigns. Jalsas, debate shows, everything.

1. The people can elect the people they want.

2. The elected people can get sentenced and be brought to court if they have done something wrong.
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Ahmedinejad rigged the elections in Iran along with the religious leadership.

That is corruption.

Yep, but how can you guarantee that the members in the commitee can not be influenced or corrupted?

Thing changes quickly in politics and what to do if the masses wants to change committe members? Its too late by then.
no elections were rigged simple western propaganda and secular Muslims follow west blindly democracy system corrupts people more than any than any other system and Islam has its own system and their can be no political parties in that
@Pboy then what system do you suggest? There is risk in EVERY system!

The same system as now.

Or a mix.

no elections were rigged simple western propaganda and secular Muslims follow west blindly democracy system corrupts people more than any than any other system and Islam has its own system and their can be no political parties in that

There are proof of that the elections was rigged.

People in Iran are claiming it.

Political experts based IN IRAN are claiming it.

The rest of the world is claiming it,
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The same system as now.

Or a mix.
@Pboy the same system now is ALSO prone to corruption, why support 1 and demote the other?! :unsure: Just cause 1 is linked with religion?
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@Talon, @Zarvan: most people here understand that society deals with crimes against its members by punishing the perpetrator and aims for deterrence as well as reform of the criminal (although revenge used to be a factor, much less so now)

Most of us are arguing how such harsh punishment for such crime as 'theft', sits with the generally accepted opinion : 'punishment should be proportional to crime' .
If you want to achieve such proportion(but still want to chop off hands for theft), you will need to give death penalty for awful lot of crimes (which used to be the case quite long a go). How is it going to be fair?(that murder gets same punishment as other criminals with less sever crime).

We are asking for balance between safety and wellbeing of law abiding citizen and rights of criminals, sharia goes to the other extreme. I personally wont want somebody's hand chopped off just for stealing something from me.
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@Pboy the same system now is ALSO prone to corruption, why support 1 and demote the other?! :unsure: Just cause 1 is linked with religion?

The second system is failing in 2 countries who is using it. Maybe not in pure form, but still.

People who talk against the regime are killed or jailed. No freedom of speech. People getting sentenced without any proof of their guilt. Minorities getting treated unfairly. Women getting treated unfairly.

Absolute power given to people who leads which reminds of Dictature.
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@Talon, @Zarvan: most people here understand that society deals with crimes against its members by punishing the perpetrator and aims for deterrence as well as reform of the criminal (although revenge used to be a factor, much less so now)

Most of us are arguing how such harsh punishment for such crime as 'theft', sits with the generally accepted opinion : 'punishment should be proportional to crime' .
If you want to achieve such proportion(but still want to chop off hands for theft), you will need to give death penalty for awful lot of crimes (which used to be the case quite long a go). How is it going to be fair?(that murder gets same punishment as other criminals with less sever crime).

We are asking for balance between safety and wellbeing of law abiding citizen and rights of criminals, sharia goes to the other extreme. I personally wont want somebody's hand chopped off just for stealing something from me.
shariah is law of Allah and he knows what is best for society and theft is not a small crime and if somebody will do it his hands will be chopped and murder the person will be murdered the extreme shariah brings balance otherwise rapes in India are telling why world need shariah

The same system as now.

Or a mix.

There are proof of that the elections was rigged.

People in Iran are claiming it.

Political experts based IN IRAN are claiming it.

The rest of the world is claiming it,
yes USA dogs are claiming it and traitors in Iran who never accepted Islamic revolution
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shariah is law of Allah and he knows what is best for society and theft is not a small crime and if somebody will do it his hands will be chopped and murder the person will be murdered the extreme shariah brings balance otherwise rapes in India are telling why world need shariah

yes USA dogs are claiming it and traitors in Iran who never accepted Islamic revolution


According to official figures, Ahmadinejad handily beat Mousavi in Mousavi's hometown of Tabriz — a shocking result, given the candidate's popularity in his own region.

• Ahmadinejad beat Mousavi in the big cities, even though Iran's very limited polling and anecdotal evidence indicate that Mousavi is far more popular than the President in cities.

• The official figures put support for the other main reformist candidate, Mehdi Karoubi, at below 1%. That is far less than what was expected, and a drastic departure from the pattern in previous election

Not to forget that the Religious leadership announced the results very quickly which raises suspicions.

And there is many, many more proofs.
@hinduguy I know this is a little long but it gives roughly the full explanation and conditions for cutting the hand...You do not go around chopping hands...there are conditions:

Conditions for the penalty of theft:

The following are the conditions which must be met in order to establish the penalty of theft:

1) The one who steals is sane

2) He has reached puberty

3) He steals equivalent to the amount (nisab) or more. The Nisab is one Dinar or ten Dirhams (i.e. 4.374 grams of gold). The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said:

There is no cutting (of hands) for stealing that is less then ten Dirhams (Musnad Ahmad).

Sayyidah Aisha (Allah be pleased with her) reports that The hands were not cut in the time of the Messenger of Allah for stealing worthless things (Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah).

Aisha (Allah be pleased with her) narrates that: The hand of a thief was not cut off during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give peace) except for stealing something equal to a shield in value (Sahih al-Bukhari, 6792, & Sahih Muslim, 1685).

A shield was worth one Dinar at that time, as narrated by Ibn Abbas in Sunan Abu Dawud & Sunan Nasai.

4) He steals the article from a place that meets the requirements of security and safeguarding. This security is considered when the article is safeguarded by a guard or by it being locked in a place.

5) The article is in the ownership of another person

6) There is no confusion in it (as to whether he took it by way of theft or for some other reason).

7) It was stolen secretly (not by force, etc).

Thus an investigation is necessary, which in today's world is overlooked when punishment is given....Esp severe ones UNDER THE NAME OF SHARIAH
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@Talon sis, I need detail info about Dajjal, can you provide ?

How many Dajjal will be .. 1 or around 30 ?
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The second system is failing in 2 countries who is using it. Maybe not in pure form, but still.
@Pboy When you corrupt a system and ask it to do miracles it is like cutting out your heart and expect the person to be alive and moving!
People who talk against the regime are killed or jailed. No freedom of speech. People getting sentenced without any proof of their guilt. Minorities getting treated unfairly. Women getting treated unfairly.

Absolute power given to people who leads which reminds of Dictature.
@Pboy NONE of this is allowed in shariah!

@Talon sis, I need detail info about Dajjal, can you provide ?

@BDforever Nope...:disagree: THAT is 1 of the few topics I do not touch :disagree:

Yaar it confuses A lot! :blink:

I have read up about it...Will tell you what I have read (many will NOT agree with me) on weekend...Right now, concentrate on the thread please ;)
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@Pboy When you corrupt a system and ask it to do miracles it is like cutting out your heart and expect the person to be alive and moving!

@Pboy NONE of this is allowed in shariah!


But people are using the system for their own gain and misusing it!!!!

This is most probably gonna happen in Pakistan too!
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@Pboy When you corrupt a system and ask it to do miracles it is like cutting out your heart and expect the person to be alive and moving!

@Pboy NONE of this is allowed in shariah!

@BDforever Nope...:disagree: THAT is 1 of the few topics I do not touch :disagree:

Yaar it confuses A lot! :blink:

I have read up about it...Will tell you what I have read (many will NOT agree with me) on weekend...Right now, concentrate on the thread please ;)

what about YA'JUD MA'JUD ? :D
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@hinduguy another site gives this:

1- The thing should have been taken by stealth; if it was not taken by stealth, then the hand should not be cut off, such as when property has been seized by force in front of other people, because in this case the owner of the property could have asked for help to stop the thief.

2- The stolen property should be something of worth, because that which is of no worth has no sanctity, such as musical instruments, wine and pigs.

2- The value of the stolen property should be above a certain limit, which is three Islamic Dirhams or a quarter of an Islamic Dinar, or their equivalent in other currencies.

3- The stolen property should have been taken from a place where it had been put away, i.e., a place where people usually put their property, such as a cupboard, for example.

4- The theft itself has to be proven, either by the testimony of two qualified witnesses or by the confession of the thief twice.

5- The person from whom the property was stolen has to ask for it back; if he does not, then (the thief’s) hand does not have to be cut off.

Roughly the same conditions with minor adjustments as to the value of the property...and yes, I forgot the witness part
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