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Major terror attack against India could trigger nuclear war: Experts

"The next major terrorist attack in India, emanating from Pakistan, may trigger an Indian conventional military riposte".....if No Pakistani terror, then no Indian riposte, then no pak tac nukes, no ind retaliatory full blown nukes......

The solution is simple...get rid of the terrorists pakistan.
two top American experts have warned US lawmakers...

These Americans are so much fun.

The solution is simple...get rid of the terrorists pakistan.

What about Indian rapists? Should we get rid of them too?

As for getting rid of Pakistan, why don't you try it? I mean not only cheap words, but actual deeds. Just try it... Prove to me that your words actually mean something.
Yeah nukes will be last option in case of full scale war.
BRO . It's all in the game . U nuke us we retaliate. Simple. :D Nothing new in this report .

Once Modi said before he became PM: When 26/11 happened . MMS government went crying to US. Crying Obama Obama please intervene to catch the perpetrators . Why go to Obama go to lahore ( ment invading Pakistan)

So I don't think anything less than this for terror strikes on India will be acceptable for 1.2 billion people who voted for him for this job. To respond adequately to Pakistan and China. And it's not a secret that Indian army is very massive in its capabilities for Pakistan army to even resist Any Full Invasion. Mostly they won't use tactical nukes per say. IT WILL BE JUST A WEAPON to threaten India and even US to intervene . God forbid if PA used nuclear weapons . The reaction time as been reduced to minutes now. Any missile launched from Pakistan will be considered as nuclear tipped . SO retaliation would be on the way even before first missile reach Indian cities . Don't forget WE ARE TALKING ABOUT "MASSIVE RETALIATION"


Too Lil can be done if it reached this level of emergency . Leave other nations for a while . They can just wait and watch . They are not fools to enter into nuclear war for sake of other nations interest .
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One more reason why India's Hindutva regime must seed control of Kashmir to its Muslims and to stop aiding terrorism against Pakistan and Afghanistan. Its hilarious how Indian self righteousness gets the best of even the most educated Indians. India sent its Arrny in support of a terrorist movement called Mukhti Bhini. India has exported terrorism in all countries in South Asia especially Pakistan.
One more reason why India's Hindutva regime must seed control of Kashmir to its Muslims and to stop aiding terrorism against Pakistan and Afghanistan. Its hilarious how Indian self righteousness gets the best of even the most educated Indians. India sent its Arrny in support of a terrorist movement called Mukhti Bhini. India has exported terrorism in all countries in South Asia especially Pakistan.

Pakistan has been trying for 6 freaking decades... if there was any substance in the movement... things would have gone Pakistan way by now...but since the strategy has failed its high time Pakistan realize that Kashmir is not going anywhere but staying with India... no matter how hard t hey try
Pakistan has been trying for 6 freaking decades... if there was any substance in the movement... things would have gone Pakistan way by now...but since the strategy has failed its high time Pakistan realize that Kashmir is not going anywhere but staying with India... no matter how hard t hey try

Ghaznavi triumphed at his 17th attempt.
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Gee, I wonder why.:rolleyes:
Business dear...business. At the moment West's geo plolitical interests do not allow them to see the reality in inida. But that might change very quickly, as the history has shown us...
As for getting rid of Pakistan, why don't you try it? I mean not only cheap words, but actual deeds. Just try it... Prove to me that your words actually mean something.

He's addressing Pakistan, asking them to get rid of the terrorists. Language is a funny thing. One missed comma and it goes from friendly advice to a threat of annihilation.:-)
Thats' what Pakistani Military establishment has been trying to tell the world...without showing any proof.. or with a proof that is not good enough. A typical ostrich syndrome thats' plaguing PAkistanis for 3 generations.

Oh well...

LTTE, Mukti Bahini, BLA, TTP...

List of indian sponsored terrorism in the neighboring countries is very long.

No body expected that the indians on this forum come out of this state of denial anytime soon. So your response doesn't surprise us one bit.
One more reason why India's Hindutva regime must seed control of Kashmir to its Muslims and to stop aiding terrorism against Pakistan and Afghanistan. Its hilarious how Indian self righteousness gets the best of even the most educated Indians. India sent its Arrny in support of a terrorist movement called Mukhti Bhini. India has exported terrorism in all countries in South Asia especially Pakistan.
@Horus @MastanKhan @Donatello @Dazzler @Manticore @Oscar Can we make a sticky thread to resolve this issue that Does PA really afraid of IA's "Numerical superiority"? And in any case PA is not able to defend Pakistan from IA invasion without using Nukes? Coz our Indian members think that PA is scared of IA numerical superiority...!
two top American experts have warned US lawmakers...

These Americans are so much fun.

What about Indian rapists? Should we get rid of them too?

As for getting rid of Pakistan, why don't you try it? I mean not only cheap words, but actual deeds. Just try it... Prove to me that your words actually mean something.

I am suggesting that pakistan should get rid of the terrorists..The likes of hafiz sayeed,Lakhvi, dawood ibrahim, mod hafiz etc who are international terrorists...and I suggest that you take some English classes.
Yea man, it makes a lot more sense to have millions in your home country wiped out in a Nuke attack, because some rag tags decided to do a terrorist attack.

There is absolutely no way that India can prevent Pakistan from using Nukes, India never had the capability, neither has one today, to destroy Pakistan's nuke status completely. Unless it can do that and save it's own a**, this kind of talk is just cheap and more like, slow news day.
Yea man, it makes a lot more sense to have millions in your home country wiped out in a Nuke attack, because some rag tags decided to do a terrorist attack.

There is absolutely no way that India can prevent Pakistan from using Nukes, India never had the capability, neither has one today, to destroy Pakistan's nuke status completely. Unless it can do that and save it's own a**, this kind of talk is just cheap and more like, slow news day.
Well, what do you know about, india 's nuclear capabilities, problem with nuclear war is, although india will be hit, but pakistan will be completely wiped out,so stop this chest thumping.
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