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Major terror attack against India could trigger nuclear war: Experts

India & Pakistan are victims of UK's policy of divide and rule game,since they already have divided but still a tool of game, since they already used like tools then India presented itself as aggressor and;
Aggressor ever countered by aggressive strategy and tactics.
Everything is fair in war.
Well, what do you know about, india 's nuclear capabilities, problem with nuclear war is, although india will be hit, but pakistan will be completely wiped out,so stop this chest thumping.

India will not be wiped out in initial attack, but the downwind will take care of that very easily over the next few months.
Pakistan may use nuclear weapons against India if the latter goes for a large scale military assault against it in retaliation for a major terror attack emanating from across the border, two top American experts have warned US lawmakers.

Given the presence of a strong government in New Delhi and the pressure on it from Indian citizens in the event of a repeat of 26/11 type terror attack, the ties between the two neighbours have greater danger of escalating towards a devastating nuclear warfare, in particular from Pakistan.

Such a dangerous scenario can only be avoided by the US working with Islamabad to ensure that there is no further large scale terror attack on India emanating from Pakistan, two top American experts George Perkovich and Ashley Tellis told members of the powerful Senate Armed Services Committee Subcommittee on Strategic Forces during a hearing yesterday.

“South Asia is the most likely place nuclear weapons could be detonated in the foreseeable future. This risk derives from the unusual dynamic of the India-Pakistan competition,” said Perkovich, vice president for Studies Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

“The next major terrorist attack in India, emanating from Pakistan, may trigger an Indian conventional military riposte that could in turn prompt Pakistan to use battlefield nuclear weapons to repel an Indian incursion. India, for its part, has declared that it would inflict massive retaliation in response to any nuclear use against its territory or troops,” he said.

“Obviously, this threatening dynamic whereby terrorism may prompt conventional conflict which may prompt nuclear war – challenges Indian and Pakistan policy-makers. India and Pakistan both tend to downplay or dismiss the potential for escalation, but our own history of close nuclear calls should make US officials more alert to these dangers. The US is the only outside power that could intervene diplomatically and forcefully to de-escalate a crisis,” Perkovich said.

Tellis said the most useful US contribution towards preventing a Pakistani use of nuclear weapons in such a scenario and the Indian nuclear retribution that would result thereafter would be to press Pakistan to exit the terrorism business or risk being left alone (or, even worse, the object of sanctions) if a major Indian military response ensues in the aftermath of any pernicious terrorist attack.

“Other than this, there is little that the United States can do to preserve deterrence stability between two asymmetrically-sized states where the gap in power promises to become even wider tomorrow than it is today,” he said.

Both the experts, who are from the Carnegie, told members of the Senate sub-committee that Pakistan today has more nuclear weapons than that of India.

Major terror attack against India could trigger nuclear war: Experts | idrw.org

These EFING "experts" need to stop instigating.
If Pakistan launch nukes first against India, strategically that would be the quickest way to win a full scale war against India. After the nuclear explosion there will be a lot of panic in India. Depending on where the nuclear bomb is detonated, it can potentially cripple the Indian's defense capability. Than the Pak army will have an easier time on Indian land.

Vice versa, if India launch first, they will be victorious and can easily invade and conquer Pakistan.
If Pakistan launch nukes first against India, strategically that would be the quickest way to win a full scale war against India. After the nuclear explosion there will be a lot of panic in India. Depending on where the nuclear bomb is detonated, it can potentially cripple the Indian's defense capability. Than the Pak army will have an easier time on Indian land.

Vice versa, if India launch first, they will be victorious and can easily invade and conquer Pakistan.
Than you for your wise thoughts! We are better off without any nuclear war or any war at all !
If Pakistan launch nukes first against India, strategically that would be the quickest way to win a full scale war against India. After the nuclear explosion there will be a lot of panic in India. Depending on where the nuclear bomb is detonated, it can potentially cripple the Indian's defense capability. Than the Pak army will have an easier time on Indian land.

Vice versa, if India launch first, they will be victorious and can easily invade and conquer Pakistan.

Win-win for you guys, eh?

On Topic:

If there are no terror incidents traced to Pakistan, there is need for India to try anything stupid and no chance of Nuclear war. What is so difficult to understand? Unless Pakistani establishment implies that all the India-bound terrorists are covered under the Nuclear umbrella as an unstated state policy!
If indian strategists really think they can win a war ; they may carry out o false flag attack on them selves to create excuse for war...
One more reason why India's Hindutva regime must seed control of Kashmir to its Muslims and to stop aiding terrorism against Pakistan and Afghanistan. Its hilarious how Indian self righteousness gets the best of even the most educated Indians. India sent its Arrny in support of a terrorist movement called Mukhti Bhini. India has exported terrorism in all countries in South Asia especially Pakistan.
If you can see beyond Planet Pakistan syndrome (Which I know you are capable of ), please show us where the mukti bahini terrorists are committing kidnapping and bombing railway stations and hotels in lahore and islamabad? What happened to MB post 72? and compare that to your haqqanis and hekymtyaar and all the relics of cold war that your brass cherishes like their own kith and kin.

as far as afghanistan is concerned, the usual suspect is the rhetoric of Ajit Doval, in which you hear what you really want to hear. He in his speech as a private citizen said, pakistan could be re-payed in it's own asymmetric coin, not that it is being done. All th terror activities in pakistan are direct product of purposeful gross negligence and tacit assistance of grooming such assets by your own intel agencies.... but unless you get out of your planet pakistan syndrome, the ability of introspection will remain a pipe dream.

As far as Indian Regime is concerned, how ever the political ideology leans towards, our constitutional and institutional strengths are beyond the comprehension of Pakistan and an alien concept to followers of Planet Pakistan/ Indian Boogey man syndrome. Irrespective of a congress or a BJP govt, India's policy will and always remain India First, Can you say that about yourselves?

Yea man, it makes a lot more sense to have millions in your home country wiped out in a Nuke attack, because some rag tags decided to do a terrorist attack.

There is absolutely no way that India can prevent Pakistan from using Nukes, India never had the capability, neither has one today, to destroy Pakistan's nuke status completely. Unless it can do that and save it's own a**, this kind of talk is just cheap and more like, slow news day.
Well, resolve of Pakistani Military is quite suspect where it's primary goal remains to be self preservation, where it chooses to surrender than fight a conventional war to death. Loosing a war propels PA to control the country for a couple of decades, so why would Pakistani military establishment shoot itself in foot by launching a Nuclear attack in MAD situation where it can instead benefit from it. Tactical Nuke argument looks good on paper but only proves counter productive in practical terms.
Win-win for you guys, eh?

On Topic:

If there are no terror incidents traced to Pakistan, there is need for India to try anything stupid and no chance of Nuclear war. What is so difficult to understand? Unless Pakistani establishment implies that all the India-bound terrorists are covered under the Nuclear umbrella as an unstated state policy!

A conventional war will cause too many lives on both sides and will drag on for years.
A nuclear war between the two will save more lives. The question is who want to be the King of Southern Asia? India or Pakistan?

If indian strategists really think they can win a war ; they may carry out o false flag attack on them selves to create excuse for war...
Given the size and manpower of India, I can only see Pak win a full scale war by using nuclear weapons first to disable and cause the most initial damage, than use land and air force and launch an offensive on India.

Given the size of India nuclear weapons and who knows if they even work, the possibility of MAD is 0.
Tactical nukes in a massive strike can disable indian airforce and most known nuclear sites while causing minimal collateral damage. Strategic nukes would still be available as detrlerrence against vastly weakened indian nuclear forces who would now be facing complete inhilation of all civil population if they try to strike back...
A conventional war will cause too many lives on both sides and will drag on for years.
A nuclear war between the two will save more lives. The question is who want to be the King of Southern Asia? India or Pakistan?

I don't know how you guys get the idea that India ever wanted to be the King of South Asia. But as much as you like to believe so, India just wants to be left alone - without any needling in terms of cross border terrorism/infiltration. India is arguably the biggest country that is just content with what she has, happy to maintain status quo on all her borders. Perhaps that same attitude is construed as her weakness.

In any case, it is only when the neighbors think that they can get away with even the gravest of provocations that India is forced to respond.
Pakistan may use nuclear weapons against India if the latter goes for a large scale military assault against it in retaliation for a major terror attack emanating from across the border, two top American experts have warned US lawmakers.

Given the presence of a strong government in New Delhi and the pressure on it from Indian citizens in the event of a repeat of 26/11 type terror attack, the ties between the two neighbours have greater danger of escalating towards a devastating nuclear warfare, in particular from Pakistan.

Such a dangerous scenario can only be avoided by the US working with Islamabad to ensure that there is no further large scale terror attack on India emanating from Pakistan, two top American experts George Perkovich and Ashley Tellis told members of the powerful Senate Armed Services Committee Subcommittee on Strategic Forces during a hearing yesterday.

“South Asia is the most likely place nuclear weapons could be detonated in the foreseeable future. This risk derives from the unusual dynamic of the India-Pakistan competition,” said Perkovich, vice president for Studies Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

“The next major terrorist attack in India, emanating from Pakistan, may trigger an Indian conventional military riposte that could in turn prompt Pakistan to use battlefield nuclear weapons to repel an Indian incursion. India, for its part, has declared that it would inflict massive retaliation in response to any nuclear use against its territory or troops,” he said.

“Obviously, this threatening dynamic whereby terrorism may prompt conventional conflict which may prompt nuclear war – challenges Indian and Pakistan policy-makers. India and Pakistan both tend to downplay or dismiss the potential for escalation, but our own history of close nuclear calls should make US officials more alert to these dangers. The US is the only outside power that could intervene diplomatically and forcefully to de-escalate a crisis,” Perkovich said.

Tellis said the most useful US contribution towards preventing a Pakistani use of nuclear weapons in such a scenario and the Indian nuclear retribution that would result thereafter would be to press Pakistan to exit the terrorism business or risk being left alone (or, even worse, the object of sanctions) if a major Indian military response ensues in the aftermath of any pernicious terrorist attack.

“Other than this, there is little that the United States can do to preserve deterrence stability between two asymmetrically-sized states where the gap in power promises to become even wider tomorrow than it is today,” he said.

Both the experts, who are from the Carnegie, told members of the Senate sub-committee that Pakistan today has more nuclear weapons than that of India.

Major terror attack against India could trigger nuclear war: Experts | idrw.org

Indian nukes doesn't work... the tests in pokhran were a big fail.
how come a defence related site be so dumb!
I really have a feeling that USA is almost wanting this to happen. They are the most keen people to see Indo-Pak wars so that both the countries fall back by decades.
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