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Major terror attack against India could trigger nuclear war: Experts

Oh Sure! Why not? Now where can we buy more American weapons and stay protected?
This is merely scare tactics by usa, seriously it's the only country in the world to use nukes , I'm damn sure both Indians and Pakistanis are sane enough people to know what the consequences of such a war can attribute, I highly doubt it will happen but they have 1 point right that South Asia is probably the most prone to a nuclear war, God forbids this happens as both our countries will go back centuries and I'm sure we don't want that to happen
One more reason why India's Hindutva regime must seed control of Kashmir to its Muslims and to stop aiding terrorism against Pakistan and Afghanistan. Its hilarious how Indian self righteousness gets the best of even the most educated Indians. India sent its Arrny in support of a terrorist movement called Mukhti Bhini. India has exported terrorism in all countries in South Asia especially Pakistan.

This bold part is debatable.

Ghaznavi triumphed at his 17th attempt.
Ghazni was left alive, Pakistan has been divided.
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