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Major Gaurav Arya On Current Situation in Laddakh

He lost all credibility. No need to watch further.

@Han Patriot @Feng Leng @Beast @sinait @IblinI
Stupidity just lost it's value today.

when a chinese have nothing to comment about he is sarcastic and calls reinforcements.... and then those reinforcements post that they are not interested.

but that really proves my point here, chinese dont have original war strategies because they never fought a real full sale war with anyone in last many years. The once they fought are where they lost completely.... and they simply run away from any confrontation.... even on pdf they are running around
all your reinforcement folks simply have no answer to one argument i made... this is just the start.

come one, show me the real mettle of chinese pdf poster. instead of showing emojis show some good arguments.
when a chinese have nothing to comment about he is sarcastic and calls reinforcements.... and then those reinforcements post that they are not interested.

but that really proves my point here, chinese dont have original war strategies because they never fought a real full sale war with anyone in last many years. The once they fought are where they lost completely.... and they simply run away from any confrontation.... even on pdf they are running around
all your reinforcement folks simply have no answer to one argument i made... this is just the start.

come one, show me the real mettle of chinese pdf poster. instead of showing emojis show some good arguments.
It's not about mettle, it's about your stupidity that no one wants to talk to you. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Major Gaurav on current situation in Laddakh, India V China stand off.
Calling Chinese cowards.

China is scared of its own people. He says China has Pakistan as its allies now.
On a current display of a photograph of beaten Indian soldiers, Major says that it was a set up by actors and filmed in Pakistan. Pakistani soldiers were wearing Indian army's uniform.

Now this is Bollywood material for sure.

Can't watch this murdering rapist ball of shit, Major Retard sorry Retired Arseya is a gaslighting arse that has fooled Indians into believing he knows what he is talking about.
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Several indians on this forum lionise him for what he did
That's a Pakistani titleholders' capability of the reading source and evaluating the content. I do need to congratulate you on this. You do truly represent the psyche as well as the intellectual capacity of elite Pakistanis here on the forum. Bravo!

(@Joe Shearer eiy nao, Ar ekta gem. )
my goodness, pdf think tank analyst is going off topic is the last thing i want to see..... where did the COVID19 comes into picture here? isent pakistan batteling it right now? (And my prayers for all those fighting it)

@dbc @krash @BHarwana dont want to retaliate and then get off topic myself.....

basically the poster here is trying to take attention away from the fact that chinese never had anyone who can give military consultancy.
i can see pakistani tv shows, web shows and other outlets where pakistani military strategist openly give heir suggestions and opinions .... why? because they are also battle hardened.
That is not the case with china...
Your posts hurt my brain every time I actually try to read them.
I don't know how much this argument holds water, Iraq too had 8+ years of military experience when Gulf war started but the Iraqis were used to slow moving Iranian Army and completely caught off guard by new doctrines like AirLand Battle. Yeah, the Indo-China gap maybe not that huge but we won't know until it happens.
Iraqi's and Iranians were 2 dumb armies fighting each other.....

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