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Major breakdown of electricity in different areas of Pakistan

candle tak available nahi thi, welcome to puranay se bhi purana pakistan
Our elite is busy filling the top positions in the country with their lackeys - either for political reasons or to expand their own family influence. Our entire bureaucracy is incompetent- it was a slow process that started in the 70s courtesy Bhutto. I thought that the army was still competent but this notion is also being dispelled.
The rot has been at least 5 decades in the making.
I kept thinking the entire day, if the power is taken out, most of the defense systems would be neutralized without wasting ammo.
Independent power generation.

It would be poor strategy and tactics to underestimate the preparations of the military.
The general mood of Pakistanis victims of this situation is to crack political jokes. Tells a lot about the nonserious attitude our stupid people have. Its why Pakistan is in such a shit spot, not just because of leaders but people. To hell with this country.
The general mood of Pakistanis victims of this situation is to crack political jokes. Tells a lot about the nonserious attitude our stupid people have. Its why Pakistan is in such a shit spot, not just because of leaders but people. To hell with this country.
What do you think the people should do? Everyone if hoping the issues can be solved democratically, without opening up Pandora’s box, as happens in parts of the Middle East.
I kept thinking the entire day, if the power is taken out, most of the defense systems would be neutralized without wasting ammo.
They likely have backup power for critical systems to last a few days. Eventually, if fuel runs out, all systems go cold.
That tweet is enough to make my blood crawl.

Any decent minister should right now be apologizing and not taking plaudits.

Bijli jana Shehbaz Sharif aur PDM ki ghalti nhn, but restoration is. Shahbaz Sharif jaisay khud betha control room main phase match kar raha hai.

Ullu kay pathay.
Ghulam Dastigir and Shahbaz Sharif ..

Yes, elite capture mixed with extreme nepotism

And I would say it's definitely a sociocultural issue at societal level - Pakistanis have a very toxic superiority and egotistical culture. It reminds me of the comments I read on Bilal QUWA's website - you should read what some of those guys who had access to higher ups were saying
Any link would live to read that shit !
What do you think the people should do? Everyone if hoping the issues can be solved democratically, without opening up Pandora’s box, as happens in parts of the Middle East.

That's up to the people suffering. I am surprised these jackasses are able to take continuous abuse, lose money and business, take medical risks associated with the outage, and then turn them into funnies and memes.

Pakistanis have a habit of begging and now they are begging for someone unknown to come help them out of their own responsibility of proper citizenship rights while they make memes.
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