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Majestic Su 30 MKI's - Night operations - HD footage

The Raptor of South Asia SU30MKI. Beautiful bird no doubt.

I mean think about it - IAF has published radar intercepts of F16 going down and has officially credited the kill to Abhi based on Radar, EW and Comm intercepts -

The only issue with that logic is, none of Abhi's missiles were fired and PAF recovered them completely intact.

no F16 wreckage found.

None found because no F16 was lost. Americans might make the best military hardware in the world, but damn they are nosey. Full audit was done, and every bird was counted. PAF even offered to line up all the F16's like the way it did Mirage in the past, if the IAF would line up its SU30MKI's.
The only issue with that logic is, none of Abhi's missiles were fired and PAF recovered them completely intact.
I wasnt even going there ! Abhi has debriefed that he shot a missile - he does not know what he hit. Countless arguments have happened - till DGISPR publicly comes and accuses IAF of fudging with actual serial numbers - it does not mean anything. Surely it delights all the fanboys here !

Anyways - my main assertion is - you cant have your cake and eat it too. Wreckage of F16 found - No ! Wreckage of Su 30 found - No ! ; So logically, same argument should apply - no planes were shot down;

However members over here are very comfortable in accepting that Su 30 was shot down while refusing to believe F16 was down ... its extremely illogical to say the least.

None found because no F16 was lost. Americans might make the best military hardware in the world, but damn they are nosey. Full audit was done, and every bird was counted.

Are you referring to Lara Sengliams report ? The one which pentagon publicly rebuked ! And you want to believe that Pentagon will publicly acknowledge F16 was lost ? What exactly will that get them - to publicly dress down a supposed ally during Afghan negotitations ?
If IAF didnt publicly display AMRAAM then PAF wouldnt even have acknowledged presence of F16 in operations.

PAF even offered to line up all the F16's like the way it did Mirage in the past, if the IAF would line up its SU30MKI's.
IAF actually flew Avenger 1 and 2 on republic day ! With the same pilots - that PAF supposedly shot down. So theres that.
Anyways - my main assertion is - you cant have your cake and eat it too. Wreckage of F16 found - No ! Wreckage of Su 30 found - No ! ; So logically, same argument should apply - no planes were shot down;
Our assertions are:

All missiles on Mig-21 found intact? Yes!

Then how did the F-16 go down? Dont know!

Did BS Dhanoa lied? Dhanoa never lies!

Then what brought the F-16 down? Maha Shakti!
the USAF pilot video that went viral on internet after the red flag exercise in which the IAF su 30s participated pointed out that the IAF takes one minute spacing in launching two jets as their engines are too much susceptible to FOD. this videos proves that that pilot was right. PAF or any NATO air force would have launched 4 jets in the time duration in which 2 su 30s were launched.
great video though .beautiful air craft. but majestic...????:omghaha:
the USAF pilot video that went viral on internet after the red flag exercise in which the IAF su 30s participated pointed out that the IAF takes one minute spacing in launching two jets as their engines are too much susceptible to FOD. this videos proves that that pilot was right. PAF or any NATO air force would have launched 4 jets in the time duration in which 2 su 30s were launched.
great video though .beautiful air craft. but majestic...????:omghaha:

Quality of the post and assertion is amazing !

Our assertions are:

All missiles on Mig-21 found intact? Yes!

Then how did the F-16 go down? Dont know!

Did BS Dhanoa lied? Dhanoa never lies!

Then what brought the F-16 down? Maha Shakti!

Incorrect assertions ! Missiles on Mig21 found - correct; Are missiles the same IAF missiles - dont know ! R's are extremely easy to get handle. Missiles found on ebay , missiles can be sourced from iron brother, missiles sourced from afghan conflict. There is a reason - ISPR has not called out IAF officially yet on this matter , i was hopping they would do on Feb 27 (else they are pretty much quick on this)

All the members were hoping for a big surprise - but alas no. Please ask ISPR to official call out IAF.
Anyways - my main assertion is - you cant have your cake and eat it too. Wreckage of F16 found - No ! Wreckage of Su 30 found - No ! ; So logically, same argument should apply - no planes were shot down;

I could not agree more. PAF needs to show evidence that the SU30MKI was shot down. But we do know that PAF fighters locked SU30MKI's, and took several shots at them, while the SU30MKI with its famed BARS radar and superior avionics failed to take a single shot at PAF's fighters. I guess it was a shock for the fanboys who were proclaiming the SU30MKI Raptor of Asia.

However members over here are very comfortable in accepting that Su 30 was shot down while refusing to believe F16 was down ... its extremely illogical to say the least.

Sir lets not go as to what is illogical and what is not. The story coming out India was that the PAF F16 pilot was lynched by the Pakistani public. Like, how stupid can you get, and please don't get me started on the cloud theory for radars.

Are you referring to Lara Sengliams report ? The one which pentagon publicly rebuked !

It was more of a face saving for India, as there are multiple US technical advisers based on Air Bases housing F16's. Audit has already been done, and all the F16's accounted for.

If IAF didnt publicly display AMRAAM then PAF wouldnt even have acknowledged presence of F16 in operations.

That was more of an embarrassment for the IAF, i don't know what their PR team was thinking showing a wreckage of a missile that totally dominated the IAF. PAF at no point denied the presence of F16's. F16's were flying CAPS, at no point were they part of the strike package.

IAF actually flew Avenger 1 and 2 on republic day ! With the same pilots - that PAF supposedly shot down. So theres that.

Fair enough, i wish the Indians could name the serial number of the F16 they shot down so PAF can fly them in the open air as well.

Incorrect assertions ! Missiles on Mig21 found - correct; Are missiles the same IAF missiles - dont know ! R's are extremely easy to get handle. Missiles found on ebay , missiles can be sourced from iron brother, missiles sourced from afghan conflict. There is a reason - ISPR has not called out IAF officially yet on this matter , i was hopping they would do on Feb 27 (else they are pretty much quick on this)

All the members were hoping for a big surprise - but alas no. Please ask ISPR to official call out IAF.

So PAF procured R77's through Ebay :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Now look who's being silly
Are you referring to Lara Sengliams report ? The one which pentagon publicly rebuked ! And you want to believe that Pentagon will publicly acknowledge F16 was lost ?

Can you show me where Pentagon rebuked it??? Why wouldn't US acknowledge the loss of F-16???
I could not agree more. PAF needs to show evidence that the SU30MKI was shot down.
Good - so we agree that same arguments apply. No Su 30 shot down since PAF has absolutely provided not a single proof

But we do know that PAF fighters locked SU30MKI's, and took several shots at them, while the SU30MKI with its famed BARS radar and superior avionics failed to take a single shot at PAF's fighters. I guess it was a shock for the fanboys who were proclaiming the SU30MKI Raptor of Asia.
PAF fighters may locked on and shot AMRAAMS at Su30's at Dmax1 range. It actually shows very poor BVR tactics by PAF - it may very well be a tactic (sort of hail mary pass) . Employing BVR at Dmax1 range - any fighter can defeat it by out maneuvering. Famed BARS radar was working allright - Su30's never got the firing solution ! Why - you may ask ?
1. Height differential - PAF F16's employed standard NATO tactics. Max height (55K FT) and shoot the AMRAAM at maximum range. Su's were i believe at 15,000 feet - no way they would have got firing solution.
2. R77 - Did not have the range. AMRAAM clearly had a long range!
There were two lessons that IAF publicly acknowledges (SDR and long stick) - both of which will be rectified ! It has nothing to do with Su30

Sir lets not go as to what is illogical and what is not. The story coming out India was that the PAF F16 pilot was lynched by the Pakistani public. Like, how stupid can you get, and please don't get me started on the cloud theory for radars.
I have heard those theories of PAF pilot lynched - but will not go there. Cloud theory was not for radars - it was crystal Maze ! There was cloud cover over Balakot - so crystal maze PGM's could not be deployed, its seeker could not acquire the target. Radar coverage is limited in mountains - So Mig21 jumped F16

It was more of a face saving for India, as there are multiple US technical advisers based on Air Bases housing F16's. Audit has already been done, and all the F16's accounted for.
You realize right , that USAF and Pentagon has no incentive to declare missing F16.

That was more of an embarrassment for the IAF, i don't know what their PR team was thinking showing a wreckage of a missile that totally dominated the IAF. PAF at no point denied the presence of F16's. F16's were flying CAPS, at no point were they part of the strike package.
Here's the timeline of events -->
1. IAF in its presser mentioned presence of F16's in the force package.
2. Ghafoor denied the presence of F16's - recorded in video;
3. IAF called ISPR called him out by showing AMRAAM;
4. Ghafoor changed his statement overnight - conclusively established he was lying (That was the only objective of IAF & the fact they wanted to raise a middle finger to US)

Infact the entire case of PAF was made very weak by ISPR. There are so many discrepancies - it leaks like a sieve.

Fair enough, i wish the Indians could name the serial number of the F16 they shot down so PAF can fly them in the open air as well.
No idea about serial number. IAF laid all its cards on table - information will come out. Just the same way information came out after a decade of Kargil about active ops by PAK army soldiers OR after 2 decades about PAF F16 fraticide involving 2 F16's .

So PAF procured R77's through Ebay :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Now look who's being silly
Nothing is impossible. After all who would have thought bin laden was staying so close to PMA kakul - people would have called that statement also silly at that time. R series of missiles are widely available - Afghan conflict would have given you access , China would have given you access - so many avenues.
Another awesome video - totally HD footage. All aviation enthusiasts - enjoy the video; Keep the d#$k measuring contest aside

Abhi has debriefed that he shot a missile
Till todate I have not seen any single Indian official or even a "Fanboy" who could tell that Abhi as per their claim scored a kill against F-16 in which regime BVR or WVR .... ???
Till todate I have not seen any single Indian official or even a "Fanboy" who could tell that Abhi as per their claim scored a kill against F-16 in which regime BVR or WVR .... ???

In NVR (No Vision Range).:lol:
I wasnt even going there ! Abhi has debriefed that he shot a missile - he does not know what he hit. Countless arguments have happened - till DGISPR publicly comes and accuses IAF of fudging with actual serial numbers - it does not mean anything. Surely it delights all the fanboys here !

Anyways - my main assertion is - you cant have your cake and eat it too. Wreckage of F16 found - No ! Wreckage of Su 30 found - No ! ; So logically, same argument should apply - no planes were shot down;

However members over here are very comfortable in accepting that Su 30 was shot down while refusing to believe F16 was down ... its extremely illogical to say the least.

Are you referring to Lara Sengliams report ? The one which pentagon publicly rebuked ! And you want to believe that Pentagon will publicly acknowledge F16 was lost ? What exactly will that get them - to publicly dress down a supposed ally during Afghan negotitations ?
If IAF didnt publicly display AMRAAM then PAF wouldnt even have acknowledged presence of F16 in operations.

IAF actually flew Avenger 1 and 2 on republic day ! With the same pilots - that PAF supposedly shot down. So theres that.

No need to reply... 27th Feb couldn't stop 5th Aug...
Till todate I have not seen any single Indian official or even a "Fanboy" who could tell that Abhi as per their claim scored a kill against F-16 in which regime BVR or WVR .... ???

Till today I have not seen single proof of Sukhoi kill except verbal confirmation of your ispr.... Keep celebrating surprise day... We will celebrate 5th Aug.... Plz don't send PAF with AMARAAM on 5th Aug 2020.... We are scared....
Till todate I have not seen any single Indian official or even a "Fanboy" who could tell that Abhi as per their claim scored a kill against F-16 in which regime BVR or WVR .... ???

Huh ? he employed R73 missiles; Its classified as CCM - so it would fall in WVR regime. Wheres the dispute in that ? All the IAF official briefings clearly states the fact. What abhi clearly has told that - he could not id the aricraft since Mig 21 lacks recognition capability that modern a/c's has.
Huh ? he employed R73 missiles; Its classified as CCM - so it would fall in WVR regime. Wheres the dispute in that ? All the IAF official briefings clearly states the fact. What abhi clearly has told that - he could not id the aricraft since Mig 21 lacks recognition capability that modern a/c's has.
before to next question may I know He made the kill on maximum range of WVR missile or less then the maximum range .... ???
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