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Mahmud Ghaznawi: Loved by Afghans and Pakistanis but hated by Indians

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Wrong. Mahmud was an Islamic invader (Ghazi) and the loot was not the real reason.

If he was just a dacoit, why do Pakistanis name a Missile after a dacoit.

Gazi means champion and is a title awarded to generals who win many battles, Timur was also a gazi despite his many slaughters being brought upon fellow Muslims so it is not necessarily a religion connotation. Pakistan has more Pashtuns than Afghanistan, the A in Pakistan stands for Afghan (the ethnicity which is synonymous with Pashtun and not the nationality) and so he is celebrated by those standards.
Gazi means champion and is a title awarded to generals who win many battles, Timur was also a gazi despite his many slaughters being brought upon fellow Muslims so it is not necessarily a religion connotation. Pakistan has more Pashtuns than Afghanistan, the A in Pakistan stands for Afghan (the ethnicity which is synonymous with Pashtun and not the nationality) and so he is celebrated by those standards.

Nice try..........
Gujjars are part of the White Hun hordes who reached India around 6th Century AD. Same with the Jats.

So stop claiming that the Pakistani Muslims are the original IVC and Vedic people.

Who are original IVC & vedic people then? Its been proven ANI were IVC/Vedic, at that time they were pure. After that our forefathers decided to marry ASI womans before caste system. So Indians should be the last one to claim IVC/Vedic people. But instead be proud of your ASI ancestors.
Only 2 million dalits are in Pakistan, converted to Chritisnity. 166 million dalits of India, 33% sikhs are dalits convert.

Dalit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

stop insulting your fellow dalit brothers, these guys didnt convert islam unlike punjabi brahmins (syeds) :laughcry:

Syeds were not Brahmin, I am a Syed we came after Muslim hakoomat was established in India to spread Islam.
Then you got nothing to do with the regions either and need to stfu. Pakistanis however have much to do with Pashtuns (most Pashtuns in the world are in Pakistan and not Afghanistan) and many people have Turkic origins (hazara, ghilzai tribe, people with al turki surname etc).

The ancient Inhabitants of Gandhara were Indo-Aryan having Indian culture and Sanskrit related language and its ancient legends deeply rooted in Indian culture, the modern Pashtuns speak East Iranian Language with different code of culture. You are nobody to tell us stop claiming that history. :wacko:

Isn't Ghilzai is as a tribe from Afghanistan, not from Pakistan.
Yes! Yes! we all know that all conversions in the subcontinent happened due to Sufism. Please tell your stories elsewhere.

Not all we (Muslims) admit some were forced conversions especially under Aurangzeb who was one of the first fundamentalists but you Indian hindus discount all sufi influence entirely.
So then how would you treat some Pakistanis claiming the heritage of IVC ? :)

I wouldn't treat them anyway - They are after all descendants of the same original inhabitants of these lands just as every Pashtun Tribe in Pakistan are descendants of those who lived under, fought & administered for the Ghauri, Ghaznavid, Suri, Abdali & a myriad other dynasties that the Pashtun Nation has created !

That said - We & the People of Indus Valley don't have the same culture, language or religion because cultures, languages & religions are an ever evolving phenomenon ! Even the Pashtun of today isn't cent for cent comparable to the Pashtun of a 100 years ago & he to one that was born a 1000 years ago - Culturally, Linguistically & Religiously !

The same can be said about us - If a 1000 years from now there exists No Pakistan.....this land has seen continued immigrations & emigrations, the language of those who live here has changed, they don't adhere to the same culture as we do & that the geographical boundaries of them & us are different - Would there exist some form of relationship between us twain or not ?

I would imagine that it would as there exists between you & your posterity into the extended future as there is between you & your ancestors into the extended past going to the antiquity era - Your culture, religion & languages are much different than theres just as ours are with our ancestors !

So I frankly don't see this as a thing where either Pakistan, India or Afghanistan or any other country for that matter can attach a label to whatever happened a 1000 years ago as exclusively theres or claim that somehow they are the original people while others are not for both anthropologically & historically that would be a fallacious argument !
The ancient Inhabitants of Gandhara were Indo-Aryan having Indian culture and Sanskrit related language and its ancient legends deeply rooted in Indian culture, the modern Pashtuns speak East Iranian Language with different code of culture. You are nobody to tell us stop claiming that history. :wacko:

Isn't Ghilzai is as a tribe from Afghanistan, not from Pakistan.

Well I don't care whether you do or not but the modern hindutva claims the land despite your claim that the modern Pashtun is foreign to you modern Bhartis.

Ghilzai is a tribe of Pashtuns who were ethnic Turks that adopted Pashtun wali. @ghilzai
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