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Mahd adh Dhahab


Jul 11, 2010
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Saudi Arabia
he Mahd adh Dhahab, also known as the Cradle of Gold, is the leading gold mining area in the Arabian Peninsula. It is located in the Al Madina province of the Hejaz region of Saudi Arabia.
Gold was first mined in Saudi Arabia c. 3,000 BC. A second period of activity was during the Islamic Abbasid period between 750 and 1258 AD. The latest activities by Saudi Arabian Mining Syndicate began in 1936 using both open-pit and underground mines at Mahd adh Dhahab (the “Cradle of Gold”). The Saudi Arabian Directorate General of Mineral Resources carried out further gold exploration in the 1970s, following the 1971 suspension of the US$-gold exchange rate and the consequent rise in value of the metal. Gold mining is done today by the Saudi Arabian Mining Company.
Antiquity[edit source | editbeta]

There is a possibility that the Cradle of Gold is mentioned in the Biblical story of the Garden of Eden in The Book of Genesis. - "And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone." Research by archaeologists Juris Zarins of Missouri State University and Farouk El-Baz of Boston University indicates that the Pishon River may be the now dried up river bed that once flowed 600 miles north east from the Mahd adh Dhahab area of the Hejaz c. 3000 BC.[1]

The site has also been identified with “King Solomon's Gold Mine”[2] Geologists have found a vast abandoned gold mine. Among their finds are huge quantities of waste rock, an estimated million tons, left by the ancient miners, still containing traces of gold. Thousands of stone hammers and grindstones used to extract the gold from the ore litter the mine slopes. Robert W. Luce said: “Our investigations have now confirmed that the old mine could have been as rich as described in biblical accounts.”[citation needed]
You believe the land between nile and euphrates is also yours ? we should just fk off ?

We were ethnically cleansed from those lands. We are the elder statesmen of the middle east. Muslims are babies.

We will be back to claim what is ours. Just like you Arabs claim other people's lands.
We were ethnically cleansed from those lands. We are the elder statesmen of the middle east. Muslims are babies.

We will be back to claim what is ours. Just like you Arabs claim other people's lands.

Nah you just force jews to migrate to israel thats part of zionism, operation magic carpet to start with.
Besides, "we will be back" most of you are a bunch of Europeans.
Nah you just force jews to migrate to israel thats part of zionism, operation magic carpet to start with.
Besides, "we will be back" most of you are a bunch of Europeans.

Less aggro from you son. You're in a bad position with the Shias about to get their back side kicked all over the middle east.

Just like Hezbollah's ex- secretary general said....you might have to go crying to Israel for help :lol:

Yeah right, The planet Mars is also belongs to you. :laughcry:

One thing is for sure, if the Jews claim it - the Arabs won't be far behind :lol:
Less aggro from you son. You're in a bad position with the Shias about to get their back side kicked all over the middle east.

Just like Hezbollah's ex- secretary general said....you might have to go crying to Israel for help :lol:

Since when were we talking about Shia, your just hiding and have no answer.

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