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'Mahatma Gandhi is my hero', says Obama

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Gandhi did not live in the real world....the guy was a fool lost in his own delusions.His advice to Britain to subjucate to Hitler,his message to the jews to resist passively,his advice to use sex only as a method of reproduction and not one of pleasure etc etc...were pure nonsensical. Of course he had his good work too,especially the fight for India's untouchables but as a man he was deeply flawed.
The rosy language of Ganhi did lured a lot of people into sympathizing with him. Everyone knows that he was no match for Jinnah's tactics & political life was a disaster for him. Even Nehru & organisations like Shao Sina were disappointed by Gandhi idealistic & way too religious bickering!!
Gandhi wrote letters to Hilter and called his friend. He also told him that he admired him and gave him advice on how ot deal with the British. He told him that “friend” was not just a salutation, but he really meant it. He advised the Jews to commit mass suicide.

“We have no doubt about your bravery or devotion to your fatherland, nor do we believe that you are the monster described by your opponents.” Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi of India to Adolph Hitler of Germany
Atleast this part is taken out of context. Gandhi was writing to Hitler to stop the war, in that letter. In that letter by mentionin Hitler is not a monster he meant that even he has a corner for reason in his heart and so he will try to talk to Hitler about his actions.

Thats a kind of adulation you start with before giving an advice. As in 'you are great and scholarly but you should stop being lazy'.
A man is not born great....but makes himself great!!!

Similarly, Gandhi...who was not god, but only human is bound to have some negatives.....but frankly, what he did for the nation (India and Pakistan)...could not have been done by anyone else....

And please dont compare Jinnah and Gandhi, both are unique in their own light.....comparing them only makes a mockery of their achievements!!!

P.S: Please ignore the fools trying to post negative Youtube Videos about Gandhi and trying to prove Gandhi's hypocrisy.....their words speak enough for their insecurity
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SOme people are so desperate to make heros of any thing they will call it amazing things yet no one is sharing any thing but name calling

So Mr. Cheetah, who are the eminet personalities who have made MA Jinnah as thier hero ?

Please name ..one by one..ofcourse if there have been any...

The half-black Obama obviously doesn't know much about what Gandhi thinks of his people! LOL!!!

If the video is true then shame on you for getting attacked and accepting aid from a leader that considers him a hero.

Oh yeah, dont blame west and burn their flags when they post cartoon of prophet mohammed otherwise Call it hypocrisy. :tdown:
Everyone knows that he was no match for Jinnah's tactics & political life was a disaster for him.

Yes..This says it all.Gandhiji was not a person who came to politics for power..and he didnt have any tactics like Jinnah. Inspite of all that, The Great man showed the world how to fight and win with his non-violent method 'Satyagraha'..

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong"
by the way..Today is GANDHI JAYANTI. My tribute to Baappuji..

"Once upon a time, a common man faced a common incidence but he then turned into uncommon man, became a nation’s pride. He taught world the lesson of non-violence, he taught us to live simple. Man who was so simple yet so complicated that he was driving a whole nation. Nation call him Father. That is Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi. Our Father of Nation: Mahatma Gandhi.
Lets celebrate this valued moment: its Gandhi Jayanti : Gandhi Ji’s Birthday."

In the dictionary of Satyagraha, there is no enemy
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I say wiser things the Gandhi on a daily basis, he's no brilliant but a simpleton. Some people can try to carefully manufacture this Gandhi a saintly image, but many Pakistanis aren't fooled it's mostly the ignorant westerners. A lot of dirty information is being suppressed about Gandhi.
Atleast this part is taken out of context. Gandhi was writing to Hitler to stop the war, in that letter. In that letter by mentionin Hitler is not a monster he meant that even he has a corner for reason in his heart and so he will try to talk to Hitler about his actions.

Thats a kind of adulation you start with before giving an advice. As in 'you are great and scholarly but you should stop being lazy'.

Add this that Gandhi also advised the Jews "to resist passively", the fool wasn't living in reality, he was a religious fundamentalist who was also against modern technology.
Uncle Sam wants your money
he will say/do any thing to get it.

They did it once with east india company,
they will find one more way to do it again.

Sooo...Pakistani history books show East India Co. was American? Explains a lot about the post here.
I say wiser things the Gandhi on a daily basis, he's no brilliant but a simpleton. Some people can try to carefully manufacture this Gandhi a saintly image, but many Pakistanis aren't fooled it's mostly the ignorant westerners. A lot of dirty information is being suppressed about Gandhi.
i agree that gandhi was no saint but people are inpired by good deeds of great persons and everyone who were inspired was bcoz of his good acts and morons who have nothing constructive to do take only the bad(which might be true) out of great people and satisfy their hearts.
Gandhi also refused to let his wife take penicillin even after the advise of British Physicians and his son who begged Gandhi to let his wife Khasturba take the medicine. He said the Lord (God) would heal her, not surprisingly she died months later. Meanwhile he contracted malaria and weeks later took quinine and made a fully recovery.

i agree that gandhi was no saint but people are inpired by good deeds of great persons and everyone who were inspired was bcoz of his good acts and morons who have nothing constructive to do take only the bad(which might be true) out of great people and satisfy their hearts.

Though people are falsifying the history to present Gandhi as a saint, which he isn't the man was not a great person in his private life, it's his public persona people like and that public persona was manufactured only certain good things are released about him while the mounds of dirt are kept hidden.
Check this out!
a similar video about jinnah and i ll be banned...............i dont care about being banned but i am not insane enough to insult great people with personal attacks and i think jinnah was a capable leader....
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