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Mahabad: Kurdish Rebellion Against Iranian Regime Continues

I think that protests and civil disobedience is an accepted measure of the satisfaction of people with their government/ruling system.

Compare Saudi Arabia with the Mullah "democracies" of Iran and Iraq on ALL levels, development, living conditions, education, etc. and you'll see who's good and who's evil.

I don't know how a Shiites get the audacity to tell us to free ourselves from an "oppressive" regime. Laughable indeed.

No wait, I get it, it's an oppressive "regime" to their shitty countries, and will continue to stomp them until they go back to their senses or vanish by their own actions.
Thanks for laugh.

Saudi Security Forces Arrest, Expel over 174,000 People in 1 Month

Posted by Veterans Today on April 27, 2015

The Saudi courts have also revoked citizenship of many Saudi nationals and naturalized citizens in the last one month mainly due to their dissent at the political and judicial system and social injustice.

The Saudi security forces have arrested, sent to exile or revoked citizenship of over 170,000 citizens in the last one month on different charges ranging from illegal migration to political dissent.
The Saudi monarch that is in the midst of an invasion of neighboring Yemen has widened detention of dissidents across the country, arresting thousands of people in the last mone month.

Shiites and even Sunni groups, other than Wahhabists, have been the main target of “unlimited detention” law in the last five weeks.

“Expulsion of workers on different charges takes place at a time when the Saudi officials are deeply worried about the presence of foreign workers, specially the Yemenis, in their country as they fear outbreak of civil protests,” the Arabic-language Emirati newspaper, Al-Ittihad, reported on Monday.

Saudi Arabia has nearly 10 million foreign workers from Pakistan, Yemen, the Philippines, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Egypt, Malaysia, Turkey and Indonesia.

The foreign workers are mistreated to such extent in Saudi Arabia that the human rights organizations have asked for investigating the same.

Videos have been released on the Internet showing the Ethiopian workers being beaten violently or even killed in public places and streets.

The human rights organizations have on different occasions objected to the unfavorable conditions of millions of foreign workers in Saudi Arabia, including low wages, mistreatment and sexual abuses calling it modern slavery.

Eye-witnesses said the policemen have been heard saying at the time of several arrests that the country’s “pure Arab race” and “pure Wahhabi Islam” needs to be preserved.

In late January, Saudi King Abdullah died and his brother Salman became king and two months later ordered the Saudi aggression against Yemen.

On Sunday, Talal bin Abdulaziz, brother of Saudi King Salman, warned of widening gaps in the Al Saud family, and underlined that his brother is incapable of ruling the Arab monarchy.

“Differences are emerging in the Saudi power circle and Prince Talal has warned of emerging gaps by saying that King Salman is incapable of administering the country,” a source close to Prince Talal told the Arabic-language Al-Manar TV.

The source said Prince Talal believes that “Saudi Defense Minister Prince Mohammad bin Salman and Prince Mohammad bin Nayef influence King Salman’s decisions the same way that (former Saudi king) Abdullah bin Abdulaziz obeyed whatever the then Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar Bin Sultan, and Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal said”.

Other sources had also earlier this month disclosed that gaps had widened among the members of the Al Saud ruling family as a result of the war on Yemen.

“The differences have intensified in the Al Saud dynasty over the Saudi-led airstrikes on Yemen,” Senior member of Ansarullah movement Hossein al-Ezzi told FNA.

Al-Ezzi noted that several regions of Saudi Arabia have been the scene of insecurity and chaos since the start of the Saudi-led aggression against Yemen, and said, “These insecurities have been intensified” intimidating some Saudi rulers that the war on Yemen might lead to chaos at home.
Kurds and Balochs often say they are related ethnically. Their situation too I believe is related. In Pakistan Balochistan is the poorest province and I am saddened to admit that the condition of the Baloch is worse than that of many other ethnicities. A survey shows that rural poverty is worst in Pakistani Balochistan than in any other part of the country. Lets note that the economic situation in the said country itself is far worse than Iran or some other places. Iran has a gdp per capita (PPP) of at least 16,000 while we are barely 4000 so there is also a vast difference between Iranian Balochistan and Pakistani Balochistan.

The kurds I have noticed are politically active and are divided between a number of states but this hasn't stopped kurdish nationalism. I believe both Kurds and Balochs deserve equal rights. The main problem or obstacle towards this is the rulership or leadership of dictatorial states. Iran has been ruled by the shah and a mullah autocracy while Pakistan for half its existance has been under the shadow of dictators. They have at times boosted the economy though their way of dealing with dissent has meant that Balochs have been jailed and pushed to the edge in my country.

In my eyes the only solution is to give birth to a flourishing political scenario. The Balochs and Kurds should be able to contest elections and fight for their rights under the system of the said country. If we try to crush them however we risk making them insurgents. There are lessons here for Iran, Turkey and Pakistan. Turkey has been very harsh in its dealing with Kurds. Lets see if we learn lessons from the current problems.
some pics then, all over East Kurdistan people have closed their shops.

huh.....isn't this funny how this "closing their shop's" happened in the second day of three day national vacation in a row?
Give them everything they need to bring down the Iranian terror state.

Advanced weapons, intelligence etc.

The middle east would be much better without Iran.
Regarding Amir Taheri, read his wikipedia,
Amir Taheri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Notice how many controversies surround him regarding his fabrications. If it was any other writer, he wouldn't be able to get a job writing grocery lists, but in the west, any Iranian who is anti-Iranian, is always in demand.
Mahabad: Kurdish Rebellion Against Iranian Regime Continues
- May 8, 2015 | By KDN

DİHA – The city of Mahabad, Iran, located in the eastern part of Kurdistan, remains in a state of rebellion in the wake of the death of young Kurdish woman Ferinaz Xosrawanî. According to local sources, the state of rebellion in Eastern Kurdistan for Ferinaz is unlikely to end soon.

In Iran, the memories of the state’s October execution of Reyhaneh Jabbari are still fresh. The Iranian regime executed Reyhaneh, 26, for the 2007 killing of former Iranian intelligence officer Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi. She was attempting to defend herself from his rape at the time. Iran is known for the regime’s harsh punishment of women for everything from being inadequately covered to organizing for a democratic society (for which many Kurdish youth have been imprisoned and executed). This week, when young Kurdish woman Ferinaz Xosrawanî was the next to fall victim to the state’s rape culture, the people of Mahabad rose up.

Mahabad was once the capital of the Mahabad Republic, an autonomous Kurdish republic founded in 1946 that survived for eleven months until it was crushed by the Iranian army. Today, it is a city of 280,000. Ferinaz, 26, worked cleaning rooms at Mahabad’s four-star Tara Hotel until she lost her life attempting to escape a rape attempt by an Iranian security officer.

According to local sources, the hotel owner, Nadir Moludi, aimed to get a fifth star for the Tara. A Ministry of Intelligence official said the owner could get the fifth star by arranging a “rendezvous” with Ferinaz. On May 4, the owner locked Ferinaz into a hotel room on the fourth floor of the Tara with the intelligence officer. When Ferinaz understood what was going on, she attempted to climb from the fourth-floor balcony down to the third floor to escape the rape attempt, losing her life in the fall. The entire incident was recorded on hotel security cameras.

After Ferinaz’s death, her family and the people of Mahabad called for the Iranian regime to investigate the incident and punish those responsible. They declared that they would continue protests as long as they did not receive an answer. The people took to the streets yesterday afternoon outside the Tara Hotel, which had come to be known as “the regime’s rape chamber.”

After protests began, the regime arrested the hotel manager Seyid Murteza Hashimi (originally from Tabriz), suspected of having a hand in the event, although locals say the arrest was for his own protection. The crowd entered the Tara, hurling furniture and objects out the windows of the hotel. Police attempted to squash the protests by attacking the people with live ammunition and tear gas.

As protests spread throughout the entirety of the city, the regime declared a state of emergency. Thousands of soldiers and police surrounded the city, where protests and clashes continued late into the night. At least two were killed and dozens more wounded and arrested. The people set fire to the Tara Hotel, took down regime flags and lit official cars and armored vehicles on fire.

According to the Campaign to Defend Political Prisoners, 50 were wounded in the clashes yesterday night, six of them police. One of the wounded civilians was AkamKelac, now in critical condition. Local sources alleged that higher-ups have called for the withdrawal of regime forces from the city.

Iranian officials remained silent on the Ferinaz affair until the hotel was set alight, at which point President Hassan Rouhani called for the incident to be investigated immediately.

Local sources say that the people of every city in Eastern Kurdistan have issued calls to take to the streets today. Kurdish guerrilla groups in Eastern Kurdistan have also called on the people of the region to stand up for Ferinaz, as have left and Kurdish political groups in Turkey and Europe.

Source: Kurdish Daily News
@Falcon29 | @Dr.Thrax | @ebray | @azzo | @Saif al-Arab | @Aslan | @BLACKEAGLE | @dearhypocrite | @Mussana | @chauvunist | @Full Moon | et alii ...

Ceylan Özalp reportedly killed herself so as not to fall in the hands of ISIS, as long as Farinaz was not escaping from ISIS, her voice won't be heard .
This time the victim is already dead, will they hang her in public for what she did like before ?
Follow this hashtag on Twitter to see more pics :

Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'oun | إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعون
@Syrian Lion: 'Death to Reyhaneh, death to Farinaz, curse the women, victory to mullahs' .
لك اذا داعش بيقولوا جيناكن بالدبح ، شو مشان الحرس البقري ؟ ، بيقولوا جيناكن بالسفالة وقلّة الأدب ولّا غير هيك ؟ أبصر شو عم يعملوا بسورية
@haman10, I have been waiting for you to post this since last Thursday, but you were busy talking about FSA and Syria like other Iranians in this thread (here) which is dictated to Syria but all of those who replied were Iranians, you as an Iranian Kurd, are you interested in Syrian Arabs more than Iranian Kurds ?, Bashar deserves your time but your people don't. If this was in Saudi Arabia you would push each other to post of it that it would be duplicated .
Anyway, we stand in solidarity with Mahabad :

The one on the left is from Syrian Kurds of Amuda (Al-Hasaka), the other one is from Syrian Arabs of Aleppo .

And..., good luck from me, don't let Farinaz's death goes for nothing, do not leave them alone unless they punish both of that officer and the owner of the hotel, if they don't punish them then they will do it again, again and again...
1.it have nothing to do with iranian government this whore have a boyfriend when her family discovered that they wanted to kill her the owner of the hotel is Kurd the kurds are known for their barbaric honor killing

2.you animals don't care about kurds but its your hatred and obsession with shia and iran,not you who consider saddam as hero you filth?? Who murdered thousands of kurds

3.the revolutionary guards are crown on your head I understand the hell that they are giving in Iraq and Syria:lol:
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