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Madrassas give 'education of terrorism': BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj

Aneesdani kindly name the Madrassa where Ariel Sharon was created.. as he was the first to apply Modern day terrorists acts used by many modern terrorist organisations to move the Arab Palestinians out of their homes....That madrassa had to be some where in Western to Eastern Europe..Most probably Hitler's Germany and yes Hitler was a Muslim .....Also IRA, LTTE, Crusaders, State sponsored terrorism of Hitler And Stalin, State sponsored terrorism in Vietnam/Iraq/Afghanistan.. State sponsored terrorism in Kashmir, i bet using the same analogy Native Americans were terrorists killing white Yankees with their Spirits and end up getting wiped out, State sponsored terrorism of modern day Israel, State sponsored terrorism in South Africa, ...it all depends on who will be looking at things 200 years from now... if present day ruling class of the worlds gets toppled than things will be viewed in a different way...Modern day man has become more cunning ...Kindly tell me who asked the West to bring in extremists of the world first in Libya and than in Syria to fight their dirty war .... When you pass judgements Kindly remove your ignorance before you try to judge as "Judgement by the Ignorant is Judgement of Ignorance
schools and colleges should have nothing to do with religion and should never promote any religion in the first place . Most of the madrasah promote jihadi terrorism and they should be banned .

What about mandirs (temples) they also promotes terrorism and lots of women's were even raped in these temples by its priest, should these mundirs also be banned?
What about mandirs (temples) they also promotes terrorism and lots of women's were even raped in these temples by its priest, should these mundirs also be banned?

temples are not schools , i was talking about schools .

comprehension problem mate ?
don't get annoyed or tell me you are a product of some mardrasha in pakistan .
1. Off topic.

2. The recipe is still not mentioned. It says convert this convert that. But I want to know HOW to convert into Hinduism. We don't have the Kalima to recite.

It's not off topic, it depicts what's happening to Muslims and Christians in india by hindu extremists. There are tons of other incidence out there where Hindus threatened , killed and forcefully converted Muslims and Christians to Hinduism.
temples are not schools , i was talking about schools .

comprehension problem mate ?
don't get annoyed or tell me you are a product of some mardrasha in pakistan .
Lol Mr bollywood style hero> Our parents were also Madrassa educated people that is why they end up doing what Europeans not end up doing...Meaning for the most part preaching Indian masses rather than killing.. Muslim rulers gave Hindus high position in court... Hindus in Subcontinent were not 4 crore in number by 1600.. whereas Native Americans were 4 Crore in number and got butchered .. They had no knowledge of metallurgy so they had no swords and had to fight against guns and swords and present day Native American population is 7 million and they live in small reservations.. if only we had done what Europe did in North and South America..Hindus would have been living in reservations allotted by Muslims of Subcontinent.. and they would not be in number greater than Muslims as of 2014
It's not off topic, it depicts what's happening to Muslims and Christians in india by hindu extremists. There are tons of other incidence out there where Hindus threatened , killed and forcefully converted Muslims and Christians to Hinduism.

and the source for that are your madrasah textbooks , or the video lectures given my your mullah professors on youtube .
Lol Mr bollywood style hero> Our parents were also Madrassa educated people that is we end up doing what Americans not end up doing...Meaning for the most part preaching Indian masses rather than killing.. Muslim rulers gave Hindus high position in court... Hindus in Subcontinent were not 4 crore in number by 1600.. whereas Native Americans were 4 Crore in number and got butchered .. They had no knowledge of metallurgy so they had no swords and had to fight against guns and swords and present day Native American population is 7 million and they live in small reservations.. if only we had done what Europe did in North and South America..Hindus would have been living in reservations allotted by Muslims of Subcontinent.. and they would not be in number greater than Muslims as of 2014

again i ask the source for that are your madrasah textbooks ?
What about mandirs (temples) they also promotes terrorism and lots of women's were even raped in these temples by its priest, should these mundirs also be banned?

Mandir is not school
mandir 's equivalent is mosque

here we are talking about madrasa not mosques

anyway we dont protect anyone who does any crime
useless to argue with the ignorance of the ignorant look at the quality of their debate and the words and the knowledge they use... they are in this world for fun and fun is what they are having.. enjoy
Judgement by the ignorant is judgement of Ignorance
It's not off topic, it depicts what's happening to Muslims and Christians in india by hindu extremists. There are tons of other incidence out there where Hindus threatened , killed and forcefully converted Muslims and Christians to Hinduism.

unlike in pakistan and bangladesh

the % of minorities to total population have only grown in INdia

pl check how many minorities you had in Pakistan in1947 and how many today
not all madrasas create terrorists but ALL TERRORISTS CREATED BY MADRASAS
whats the difference between you and this BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj?-
add the 13 thanks idiot brigade as well-
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