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حدیث عجیب غریبیه آخه! پیامبر بیاد درباره میهن حرف بزنه فکرشو بکن!!

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"پیغمبر اسلام فرموده است: دوست داشتن میهن نشانه ایمان است." (last line)


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حدیث عجیب غریبیه آخه! پیامبر بیاد درباره میهن حرف بزنه فکرشو بکن!!

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bikari dar hade olympic!!

Mardom to fekre chian, shoma shasgoola to fekre chi hastin
Yakhchal: Ancient Refrigerators

"By 400 BC, Persian engineers had mastered the technique of storing ice in the middle of summer in the desert. The ice was brought in during the winters from nearby mountains in bulk amounts, and stored in a Yakhchal, or ice-pit. These ancient refrigerators were used primarily to store ice for use in the summer, as well as for food storage, in the hot, dry desert climate of Iran. The ice was also used to chill treats for royalty during hot summer days and to make faloodeh, the traditional Persian frozen dessert.

Aboveground, the structure is comprised of a large mud brick dome, often rising as tall as 60 feet tall. Below are large underground spaces, up to 5000m³, with a deep storage space. The space often had access to a Qanat, or wind catchand often contained a system of windcatchers that could easily bring temperatures inside the space down to frigid levels in summer days."

A yakhchal in Yazd

The word yakhchal is also used by Iranians today when referring to commercial refrigerators.
@SOHEIL @Abii @kollang

Shoma 3 nafar chera mesle doshmana baham barkhord mikonid? Agha moshkele shoma ekhtelafe aghide hast!!! Yek meghdar tahmole hamdige ro dashte bashid! Age ma natonnim nazare digarano tahamol konim chetoor mitoonim modaei dashtan va ya hata residan be democracy bashim?

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@SOHEIL @Abii @kollang

Shoma 3 nafar chera mesle doshmana baham barkhord mikonid? Agha moshkele shoma ekhtelafe aghide hast!!! Yek meghdar tahmole hamdige ro dashte bashid! Age ma natonnim nazare digarano tahamol konim chetoor mitoonim modaei dashtan va ya hata residan be democracy bashim?


mage barkhordesh ba soheil ro nadidi?in yaru az araba ham farhangesh payin tare...
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Tomorrow 12 drug will be unveilef from this 12 new drug 5 of them are drugs that are used in chemotrapy one is watfarin na and one is a pregnancy induced drug called cytrolex acetat

فردا؛ رونمایی از 12 داروی جدید ساخت مØ*ققان ایرانی

Iran unveils 12 domestically produced medicines

Iran unveils 12 domestically produced medicines
Report by Tehran Times; photos by Mostafa Ghotbi, Islamic Republic News Agency

Iran unveiled 12 types of domestically produced medicines, including nine anti-cancer drugs, during a ceremony held at Pardis Technology Park in Tehran on Sunday.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and a number of other officials attended the ceremony.

According to ISNA, Bortezomib, Cytarabine, Capecitabine, Erlotinib, Vorinostat, and Irinotecan are some of the drugs which were unveiled.


Health Minister Mohammad Hassan Tariqat-Monfared told the ceremony that Iran was previously importing the nine anti-cancer drugs at a cost of 2 trillion rials (more than 80 million dollars) but it has now succeeded in producing these medicines at home by spending just 20,000 rials (over 800,000 dollars) on medical research.


He also said that Iranian researchers had succeeded in producing an influenza vaccine in the country.

In addition, President Ahmadinejad delivered a speech during the ceremony and said that only six countries were able to produce the influenza vaccine.

Ahmadinejad also defended his administration's performance in the areas of science and technology over the past eight years.







Eskandari Jan, if I remember correctly, you're an MD. How do you evaluate the impact of these drugs for Iranian patients, in terms of their existing availability? And how do you rate the quality of Iranian pharmaceutical products in general?

well , I must say it's necessary to produce these drugs for special disease like cancers and immune deficiency syndromes and .....

it's not rare for a family with insurance to had to pay several millions Toman a month to get the necessary drug for a patient and just consider many of these disease are Hereditary and a family may have several patient . many people simply can't afford these foreign drugs and leave their treatment in middle of the protocol just they simply can't afford it.

now if we produce these drugs cheaper it means many more peoples who can finish their treatment.

about the Influenza vaccine they started with just 100000 doses of vaccine which is very small we at least need 2million doses of vaccine even more but ,well it's a start.

about the efficacy well let just say it depend , for example look at metformin which s widely used drug in Diabetes melitus . majority of my patient ave no problem with Iranian product but there are peoples that for some reason can't control their Glucose with that but they have controlled glucose with foreign version of the drug and where I work we have a drugstore that also provide Apo-Metformin (Canada), Glucophage (France) and Metformin-Hexal (Germany) and these patient who won't answer to Iranian version of drug some answer to German , Some To Canadian and Some to French drug but interestingly they answer to one of these drug better and for example the ones who answer to glucophage if we hange their drug to Apo-Metformin their blood glucose level will go a little out of control .

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