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Made in India Vehicles

Mahindra Verito

decades of sanctions and isolation make it "unfashionable" and in some cases illegal for developed or 'EMF' countries to assist in their program or do business with them.

Iranian cars are making their way to Middle Eastern markets (primarily Syria and Egypt)....I think some South American countries as well. They have a fairly decent edge in automotive industry, they are producing everything --small cars, sedans, SUVs, vans, pickups, buses, minibuses etc.

In Pakistan's case, I guess there just isnt a sufficient market for them. The cheap cars (Suzuku, Hyundai, Chinese brands etc.) foster to lower income groups; whereas for some reason middle and middle-upper income groups tend to stick to Toyota, Honda, Nissans (brand preferences).

Who knows, maybe in the future....

hard to say.....Iran is currently the 12th largest cars manufacturer in the world; their second biggest industry after gas/oil. I guess they focus more on domestic consumption but only in the past decade they have adapted to foreign markets as well. Iran has a mix of private and publicly owned manufacturers. So not sure how much 'say' in it govt. has.

they've done fairly well.....despite sanctions and embargos and all that stuff. Gotta give it to them. They did what the entire GCC couldnt do effectively.....invest in their people, invest in their industrial/manufacturing capabilities. They arent a perfect model, but there are many things which we ought to emulate from them.


Again, that's good info., appreciate much!

Iran continued with the Shah's idea of industrialisation except for the war induced slowdown; this I knew. It was news to me however, that their auto industry was both pvt. & public, was exporting, and 12'th Globally. Sanctions or no sanctions, hell this was the original reason why they were forced to rapidly germinate an aerospace industry. Today Iran has a decent size aerospace industry.

Counterpoint: India's $ 100 Billion mega software biz. today is a result of ' reverse ' sanctions too ;)
Reverting to your original topic re: "Made in India", ... hehe ... I ran into this on youtube:


A bit of humour ...
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Such views are common from people from countries that do not have the ability to manufacture even an IC engine let alone an entire car. You may rant all you want but no one here claimed a foreign car is Indian. It is manufactured in India with raw materials from here and hence, like it or not, it is made in India.

And going by the samples of carts that you guys claim as cars one can draw the engineering capacity of your country. Having clarified that, you should deal with your insecurities in some other way and not troll around in a thread when your country is not exactly known for its engineering capabilities..we understand the sour grapes.

Also, when countries do not have a similar legacy in automobiles dating back to 1948 and earlier, one takes pride and interest in what we design or in just what we make. As I said earlier, these are things that countries that do not have a similar legacy cannot understand.

Back in India similar to how some silly Pakistanis claim to be fairer, taller and better looking, some naughty Indians have coined a word called "Lahori Math". This is often used when someone is weak in Math but defends their wrong logic. True story by the way..neither kidding nor trolling... describes the trolling attempt here as well.


Your views are not appreciated.

This is NOT A "Knock Pakistan" thread Re: vehicles!

Your entire post has nothing to do with Made In India Vehicles.
Rather, you spent 4 para's to knock Pakistan. Why ???

If you can't defend yourself reasonably in here,
why should the rest of us tolerate your bitching :taz: ?

Pls. explain yourself or go somewhere else before we ban you,
it is not right for you to deny others in here to enjoy the camaraderie
between neighbours built up with delicacy, patience and commitment
re: a "Made In India" vehicles.
Personally, I :welcome: & appreciate some Pak forumer's informative feedback and comments.
Nice, re: Ambassador above ...

:)) Yaar, some proof would be nice.
And you did'nt even (c) the pic.,
c'mon now, where'd u steal the pic!

More info. required.
HM was thought to release Ambassador with the look of original Amby- ie, Landmaster(morris cowly/oxford 3) from 50's.
The difference is, the "dicky"(rear boot space) will be oval and total length reduced.(source: team-bhp) any idea whether they shelved this?
From TBhp
Set to follow in the footsteps of the new, big-dollar Indian Premier League, a motorsport version of the same could soon be on the way, the unnamed motorsport satire project hears. Just as the IPL uses the shortened, high-entertainment Twenty20 version of cricket, the Indian Motorsport League will use a special format of motorsport.

Drivers will race in a series of Sprintcar-style cars on circuits built around cities across India.


- An 8 Month, 12-Weekend Racing Series

- A variety of potential city-track racing venues, from Ahmedabad to Kolkata and Srinagar to Cochin, with track lengths ranging from 4.0 - 6.1 km, have already been evaluated throughout India.

- Will start with 8 races in less than 2 years. Target of 25 by 2015.

- Citywise franchises will be awarded (much like the IPL).

- In addition to the urban tracks, a 350-acre, public-friendly motorsports campus with a technical and educational/vocational center, developmental circuit and museum is in the works. The campus will be dedicated to the development of IML race cars, as well as to training drivers, engineers, race officials and volunteers.

- Although final locations have yet to be released, twelve tracks are in the planning stages. The economic benefits for participating cities, based on other internationally established motorsports circuits’ ability to generate tourism, infrastructure development, various commercial activities and job creation, could reach in the millions of rupees.

About the cars:

- Carbon fibre body panels and race-spec suspension.

- Front engine, rear-wheel-drive layout.

- 1050 kilo weight (including the driver)

- Top speed = 290 kph

- A limited number of prime-series race cars will be provided to franchised teams from the motorsports campus. IML will manage all franchising rights to the race circuit and prime-series cars.

- Initial public exposure of the IML concept will take place through a promotional tour across India with the objective to build a strong awareness among the Indian public of the new IML series. Each stop on the tour will encourage the public to interact with the actual race cars, as well as, offer a virtual driving and racing experience through the use of computer-based driving simulators




Your views are not appreciated.

This is NOT A "Knock Pakistan" thread Re: vehicles!

Your entire post has nothing to do with Made In India Vehicles.
Rather, you spent 4 para's to knock Pakistan. Why ???

If you can't defend yourself reasonably in here,
why should the rest of us tolerate your bitching :taz: ?

Pls. explain yourself or go somewhere else before we ban you,
it is not right for you to deny others in here to enjoy the camaraderie
between neighbours built up with delicacy, patience and commitment
re: a "Made In India" vehicles.
Personally, I :welcome: & appreciate some Pak forumer's informative feedback and comments.
Please re-read the last 4 pages and comprehend better. I fail to see "delicacy", "patience", "camaraderie" with India-haters. If you can accept a trollers "Personal Views" whats wrong with me having "My Own"?
These pics you posted are those of Indica Vista concept S. As the name suggests it is only a concept. May never get actually made.
HM has a rainmaker in the Ambassador.

With decent leadership skills, it is obvious that consultants Globally can re-jig a new car or line of vehicles to reflect the Ambassador lineage. This can even be done on an arbitrage basis given the 'revivalist' VW Beetle, Fiat, Mini, Ford, Chrysler and GM, Jap. etc. models + over-capacity and Glut in the Global auto market re: consultants' fees. Tool & die makers can also do long term finance.

If done r8, HM can be India's first cult car brand, like Mahindra 'Jeep' or Enfield 'Bullet'... it's a Birla Co., it's do-able! I hope HM is upto the challenge. I'm happy to see that many freelance and concept ideas, including the 'new' HM pick - up truck are on to the heritage angle of the Co. Looks like everybody's thinking along the same lines. It would be amazing, going against the grain; ... hehe ... for HM to botch it up.

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