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How did I troll?


They murder our soldiers and we ask them for investment?

Where did I use abusive language?


Why is your *** burning mate?

If I wasn't raised in Pashtun belt why would I know Pashto? My family have been living in India for a few generations. Why would I know the ins and outs of that.

You say your parents in a "village" (unusual) speak pasto??

All of I know is my father is from Afridi clan and my mother is from Suri. I fail to understand the problem?

Herat doesnt have "Apridis or Afridis" ... its a northern city... majority of the population is Tajik.. followed by uzbek,hazara etc... Pashtuns (not Pathans) are almost ...

Afridis themselves are from Khyber Agency n adjoining areas.... Highlanders ... bad at geography?

Suris .. @ghilzai :D
Why are u people going after a new member??

How does it matter if he's a Pathan,rohilla, whatever....His only identity is he's an Indian and that is clearly visible in those 2 flags.


You say your parents in a "village" (unusual) speak pasto??

Herat doesnt have "Apridis or Afridis" ... its a northern city... majority of the population is Tajik.. followed by uzbek,hazara etc... Pashtuns (not Pathans) are almost ...

Afridis themselves are from Khyber Agency n adjoining areas.... Highlanders ... bad at geography?

Suris .. @ghilzai :D

Afridi is tiny pashtun tribe and 90% of them live in Pakistan. This guy got exposed badly. :rofl:


You say your parents in a "village" (unusual) speak pasto??

Herat doesnt have "Apridis or Afridis" ... its a northern city... majority of the population is Tajik.. followed by uzbek,hazara etc... Pashtuns (not Pathans) are almost ...

Afridis themselves are from Khyber Agency n adjoining areas.... Highlanders ... bad at geography?

Suris .. @ghilzai :D
There is a small population of Afridis who immigrated to Herat, I'd post a link but my post count is too low. My Mothers family came earlier and I don't know the location.
I never insulted Pakistanis, just made a point, learn the difference. I will obviously reply like that if you start questioning my ethnicity which I have done research on myself.:agree:

Afridi is tiny pashtun tribe and 90% of them live in Pakistan. This guy got exposed badly. :rofl:
So none live in Herat lmao. You have census results? Your a Punjabi anyway.
There is a small population of Afridis who immigrated to Herat, I'd post a link but my post count is too low. My Mothers family came earlier and I don't know the location.
I never insulted Pakistanis, just made a point, learn the difference. I will obviously reply like that if you start questioning my ethnicity which I have done research on myself.:agree:

So none live in Herat lmao. You have census results? Your a Punjabi anyway.

Afridi tribe is ancient, it was mentioned by Panini 2500 years ago. They are indigenous to Pakistan FATA. You know whats funny? Millions of Indian muslim claim pathan ancestry without any proof or at least looks of it. And 100% of them claim Afghanistan their origin for obvious reasons :rofl:
Afridi tribe is ancient, it was mentioned by Panini 2500 years ago. They are indigenous to Pakistan FATA. You know whats funny? Millions of Indian muslim claim pathan ancestry without any proof or at least looks of it. And 100% of them claim Afghanistan their origin for obvious reasons :rofl:
According to statistics there are 10,000 Afridis living in Afghanistan. Lol, I have know reason to lie on a anonymous Internet forum about defence lmao. What proof? There's no records of my family from my dad's side being in India before 1940. Really? There is only 500,000 Pathans in India out of 180 million Muslims. Why is Punjabi becoming saviour of Pashtun identity?
According to statistics there are 10,000 Afridis living in Afghanistan. Lol, I have know reason to lie on a anonymous Internet forum about defence lmao. What proof? There's no records of my family from my dad's side being in India before 1940. Really? There is only 500,000 Pathans in India out of 180 million Muslims. Why is Punjabi becoming saviour of Pashtun identity?

Im exposing Indian pathan identity. :haha: According to Indian cencus 2001 there were 11 million pathans in India, almost the same numbers of pathans in Afghanistan in 2013. :rofl:
Hard to believe your a think tank. Why do Pakistanis think they own Pathans?

welcome to PDF
There is a small population of Afridis who immigrated to Herat,

NA people are not really big fans of Pashtuns... and most of the migrations take place sue to :economic opportunities or disasters,problems etc..... but still if we believe tht theory.. they migrated to another corner of Afghanistan left their home country for northern most Persian speaking corner of Afghanistan and than to central/north? india... despite being close to big cities like Peshawar,Kabul which etc?



Thats a long walk "mate" ...

I'd post a link but my post count is too low. My Mothers family came earlier and I don't know the location.
I never insulted Pakistanis, just made a point, learn the difference. I will obviously reply like that if you start questioning my ethnicity which I have done research on myself.:agree:

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