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Machinations of American Embassy in Pakistan

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You have to read the whole thread where I have mentioned how this technology works selectively. I do not want to repeat everything. Just read the thread from start.

I have read it that is why I am asking how can you be sure that Chaudhry Nisar and others are not already under influence of this drug? If they can do it to normal common people why would they spare who is holding a position or is in government and has visited their country many times?
This is done here with active connivance of our own people. If our own people who are deployed for this have become so bold, In theory there is nothing that stops Ch. Nisar from being drugged and getting affected. But I doubt this has ever happened. Besides, it is almost impossible to keep working on drugging Ch. Nisar and not get noticed by a lot of people so they would not dare to harm him. Again, if you doubt my claims, please feel free to walk into a food store in most localities in Lahore and ask someone who works there and you also know him well. You will know the truth on your own.
This is done here with active connivance of our own people. If our own people who are deployed for this have become so bold, In theory there is nothing that stops Ch. Nisar from being drugged and getting affected. But I doubt this has ever happened. Besides, it is almost impossible to keep working on drugging Ch. Nisar and not get noticed by a lot of people so they would not dare to harm him. Again, if you doubt my claims, please feel free to walk into a food store in most localities in Lahore and ask someone who works there and you also know him well. You will know the truth on your own.

Sir I am sure each and every citizen now and then would have visited those bakeries and food stores including soldiers and armed forces officers, so why it still remains undetected?
It is known to a large number of people so to say that it remains undetected is not true. If it is undetected by you, please follow my advice.
Since our respected chief of Army staff is visiting United States, I would like to give my comments as a Pakistani citizen. As we suspect, Afghanistan will be at the top of his agenda in talks with Americans. As a patriotic Pakistani, I will request our COAS to make every effort for total, complete and through peace in Afghanistan. When our neighbor's house is burning, our house will sooner or later catch fire. There is a Pashtun saying that destiny of the two cities of Kabul and Peshawar is linked together. If there is no peace in Kabul, there can never be peace in Peshawar. So we have to offer our total, sincere and practical cooperation for a decisive and lasting peace in Afghanistan. We have already paid a high price for war in Afghanistan. If there were no continuing war in Afghanistan, we would have realized our economic potential in the last three lost decades and our country might have been an Asian tiger. We cannot change the past but we have to cut our losses and make a sincere and determined effort for a total and decisive peace in Afghanistan.
A second issue that would arise might be cooperation in efforts to curb terrorism. Again we have to do our best that our country is seen by foreign nations as exporting peace, harmony, good wishes and kind human gestures. We have to cooperate with all efforts that our land is never used by terrorists in any way against any third country. Recent events in France are a reminder that a lot has to be done to curb terrorism and we must join hands with foreign nations so that this menace never takes root in our society and foreign countries are assured that we have done our best to curb extremists is our society from strengthening for any practical terrorist effort.
A third issue that might not be on the agenda, but I would request the esteemed COAS to raise it as a true Pakistani. When we offer our complete cooperation towards decisive peace in Afghanistan and towards curbing terrorism, we want America to sincerely cooperate in realizing our economic potential. We want no ambiguity or ambivalence in American stance towards realization of economic prosperity in our nation. Americans, in the past have not been sincere with us. There was a lot of effort by black sheep in Pentagon towards retarding good natured and peace living Pakistanis returning from America and the sole reason was the malice of black sheep in Pentagon towards our country. They gave large bribes to people in authority in return for retarding Pakistanis coming from abroad who wanted to set up their businesses and serve our beloved country Pakistan. Such efforts continue to tell us that everything is not guided by good intentions when Americans deal with our country.
I have tried to write with clarity and I am optimistic that actions and decisions of our our wise COAS will be guided by the intentions of a better future for the people of our country and our role as a very responsible member of the league of nations and I pray that he succeeds in his efforts.
Today at 16:40, I faxed the Supreme Court of Pakistan with a request to take Suo Motu notice of human rights violations in my case and similar other cases. Here is the letter I faxed. It is the same letter that I sent to Ch. Nisar but I have added a paragraph about black sheep at Lahore High Court that I visited on 15th April 2015 for help. Here is the letter.


FAX: 051 92 13 452

Date: Novemebr 23, 2015


The honorable Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali,
Chief Justice of Pakistan.

Subject: Application for Suo Motu Notice to Chief Justice of Pakistan to protect interests of our country, Pakistan.

Dear honorable Chief Justice of Pakistan,

I want to bring your attention to a major problem facing Pakistan today. A large number of foreign students including Pakistanis go to USA every year. CIA keeps track of very talented students and graduates from other countries in USA and if some of those talented people decide to return to their own countries especially Pakistan with a desire to serve their people, CIA determines whether they should be allowed to freely go back and if CIA decides otherwise, they gives bribes to agents in our Pakistani secret services and the agencies here retard those talented people and get the promised reward and bribes in return. Such actions by some of our own secret services keep the fate of our countries dark forever. Since US intelligence agencies operate freely in cooperation with some Pakistani secret service agencies, I will request the Chief Justice of Pakistan to properly investigate these issues, otherwise, our country, Pakistan, will suffer forever. Though staff of American embassy knows how to put up a nice face before our government officials and will surely deny such actions, many Americans do not like the progress of our nations.

Special secret service agency that helps CIA retard Pakistanis was first established by traitor of the land, Pervaiz Musharraf, to appease Americans so that they would help him prolong his illegal and dictator regime at the expense of interests of our own country. I would request the Chief Justice to take action in order to investigate the details of this Pakistani secret service agency that retards talented Pakistanis on orders of CIA with American money. I would request the court to ask this agency to reveal how many Pakistanis they have already retarded and make sure such activities never happen in the future.

Please let me state a few facts which are unknown to public in most countries and these facts are classified secrets of US intelligence agencies. CIA uses special technologies to retard humans, and read their thoughts. These technologies were actively developed in cold war, both in USA and USSR and they actively used them against each other. After the end of cold war, USA started using these technologies against other countries which also include Pakistan. Our country Pakistanis one of the active zones where CIA retards people using this technology.

CIA uses specially synthesized neuro-transmitters to alter, retard, or even possibly control the brains of target individuals.Since many times, it is very difficult to add these neuro-transmitters to victim’s food, they use very special techniques to get these neuro-transmitters into victim’s body. The special drugs and neuro-transmitters are added to the food of entire group dining at the occasion so the victim is assured that food is totally safe since everybody is taking food from the same source and the victim naturally thinks if there were any drugs in the food, the entire group would be sick or affected. This false sense of security is a deception technique and the drugs affect only the target and rest of the people in the group remain totally safe. Science behind this deception technique is that these drugs/neuro-transmitters remain totally inert(chemically inactive) until charged by Electromagnetic frequency weapons directed on the particular individual from a distance. The drugs can go into the bodies of the entire group taking the food but they do hurt any biological functions until some EM frequency weapons are focused on someone who has eaten/or taken drugged food or beverage and the electromagnetic field produced by NEM directed frequency weapons makes the drugs chemically active in the body of the target victim, and the activated drugs combine with some major and potent neurotransmitters of the target and retard him forever. Rest of the people who ate the same food remain totally safe since inert/inactive drugs in their bodies are not charged by Electromagnetic directed frequency weapons and many times these people are told in advance that eating the same food would never hurt them.

Pakistani secret services, who cooperate with CIA, deploy hundreds of agents at food shops to drug the food where ever the victim could possibly go to take food or drink. You can personally verify this if you know some owners of food shops in Lahore very well since this has become a very frequent activity by Pakistani secret agencies between November 2014 to April 2015. To corner the target, water and beverage companies are asked by secret services to put these mind-altering drugs to retard the victim in their manufactured drinks. In Lahore, Nestle, Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Gourmet, and other major beverage companies have actively participated in this activity. Sometimes secret services go to the extreme limit of drugging the water supply of entire areas. As I mentioned earlier, general public is not affected by these special drugs because these drugs remain totally inert (chemically inactive) until charged by Electromagnetic frequency weapons directed on the particular individual from a distance. Sometimes agencies promise money to food stores in return for their cooperation and promise big reward after they had successfully sold or served the victim drugged food. It will certainly be very difficult for most people to believe what I say but you can get his information from people in agencies you actually trust. You can ask this from any resident of Lahore city who is in food business(bakeries/restaurants/general stores) since this is done on a huge scale and most business owners are familiar that drugs are given to them by agencies and agencies ask food business owners to add those drugs to their complete food stock.

There was also large scale activity of drugging the beverages and the food stores in entire Lahore city from October 2013 to February 2014 by Pakistani secret services working under CIA’s command. These dates can also be verified by the residents of Lahore city who work in professions related to food business in Lahore city.

My persecution with neuro-electromagnetic weapons started in USA at the start of 1998, when I was a student at New York University. When I became the target, my mind was changed drastically. CIA started to manipulate me and some of my professors started to actively discourage and create problems for my research. I was given drugs in my food several times to stop me from working and to alter my brain with NEM weapons. Several times I would become very sick after having food but I had no idea what was happening and who was doing it. I contacted officials of my university but they all stubbornly refused to help me. I want you to understand that it was a very painful time and I have just written very briefly about it. When times became really tough and I realized that US Government was persecuting me and CIA was trying to retard my brain forever, I decided to leave America and go to Pakistan.

When I reached Pakistan, I suffered from the same cruelty of CIA dictating other third world nations what to do by generously bribing top officials. About ten people came to my home and gave me several injections and tied my hands and legs. I lost consciousness for one night. I did not know what was happening and could not even open my eyes. I had extremely severe shivering for two days and did not know what was happening. My family was manipulated and took me to a doctor of their choice in Pakistan Army and I was kept in house arrest with soldiers of Pakistan Army, on CIA's orders, stopping me from leaving the house and I was locked in my room every night. This continued for six months. After six months, I got drug induced jaundice because of over-drugging. I could not sleep for more than two months because of severe itching of jaundice. I had blood marks all over my body because I could not resist itching. As I mentioned, I was repeatedly beaten by state agencies to intimidate me. State agencies, on instigation of CIA, repeatedly asked food places to drug my food. I have been forcefully kidnapped, beaten and drugged several times by state agencies in Pakistan generously bribed by CIA to intimidate me and stop my research work in Pakistan.

I have also been tortured by police, agencies and Navy in Pakistan several times on behest of CIA in past sixteen years.For those people who doubt it, I would recount my experience with police and Navy in Karachi. I did not want to live with my family in Lahore so I left the city and drove to Karachi by car. Upon arrival in Karachi, my ATM card was disabled. Iwas stopped and repeatedly harassed by police in Karachi. I was stopped in Clifton by a police car and police officials took me to Clifton police station on 23rd of February 2009. Police checked my car and said two front seat belts of your car carry different manufacturing dates so "your car must be stolen and Police have to verify it" and reported me to their boss.The Police officer asked me to wait in the other room. I waited there for about half an hour and the officer came again and violently slapped me several times. He said, "You are over-educated and you think of yourself as something." I was surprised since I had not told him anything personal at all. I was seriously humiliated but I knew they would beat and lock me if I responded in force. I waited another hour sitting next to locker room of the police station. After some time, Navy officers came in three jeeps to the police station and asked me to accompany them. I was taken to compound of PNS Nigran(Navy) in Karachi where they locked me in the Navy jail. The next morning, I was taken to open compound and I was circled by more than ten people who wanted to give me injections by force. I seriously tried to resist but they continued to ask me to take injections. They were human enough to not beat me for that. They continued to decrease the diameter of circle around me and finally forcefully injected me.

This is particularly easy to do such cruel things to talented Muslims in our country since some countries (including our Pakistan) have gone to the extreme limit to reserve parts of their army(or intelligence units) for such operations by CIA since the money paid for operations and bounty given after the victim is retarded can be extremely high and it becomes a lucrative business for agencies in our poor countries. US government spent more than five hundred million dollars in their effort to retard me since they drugged some entire neighborhoods in the cities of Hong Kong, Tokyo, London and Lahore.We, Pakistanis, usually do not believe in such things since the face Americans present before us is totally different from the way they think of us.

I had earlier tried to approach human rights cell of Lahore High Court. I visited the court on 15th of April 2015 but the staff there had black sheep who were cooperating with the administration of the city and they did not let me visit any judge. I wanted to see a Judge but the staff repeatedly told me that it would take several weeks before there would be any action on my request and they prevented me from meeting a Judge. There were attempts at obstruction of justice by black sheep staff of Lahore High Court.

I have discussed the problem here: Machinations of American Embassy in Pakistan
Wilmott Forums - http://wilmott.com/messageview.cfm?catid=15&threadid=94796&STARTPAGE=1

Below is my blog where I have written my posts about our country, Pakistan. http://ahsanamin2999.wordpress.com

Here is my company website http://www.infinitiderivatives.com

Here is my public research page:
SSRN Author Page for Ahsan Amin :: SSRN

About My Professional Goals:

I have done extensive research in applied mathematical sciences and want to grow my mathematical modeling company towards mathematical research in the disciplines of financial trading, applications of mathematical technologies towards new and existing industries, green technologies, advanced medical and biological sciences, advanced agricultural and genetic research, and motion picture and animation design with great special effects using mathematical technologies.Innovation in most advanced sciences and technological disciplines depend on successful applied mathematical modeling.

I also want to use mathematical models (based on proprietary long term weather forecasts in our country and other similar-commodities growing areas, accumulated stocks of various commodities, consumption trends, and forecasts of prices of agricultural inputs) that helps farmers decide about which crop to grow in their area by helping them with accurate forecasts of various commodities prices and their input expenses and probability of any damage due to unpredictable climate conditions. It will also help them with new varieties of agricultural crops developed with genetic selection and cross-breeding (Not genetically modified). As weather patterns and climate change, we can develop new agricultural varieties that can give a good crop in more extreme weathers including thunderstorms and high temperature spells.

I would request esteemed Chief Justice to not bow to any pressure of making decisions without listening to my point of view since this is what many people close to him but loyal to Americans would surely insist. I would request our Chief Justice to hold a total inquiry to punish those people who took bribes and retarded our talented people who wanted to serve our country so our society is purged of such evils forever.

Ahsan Amin

A Patriotic Pakistani, a good human and a proud Muslim.

CEO Infiniti Derivatives Technologies

Phone: 0336-2602125 ; NIC No. 32303-2546364-5

Holy mother of mighty glorious chandi pants.
What the heck is this OP chanting his stuff about?

You got 17 positive ratings :O with posts like these???

Indians probably.

Or just because his posts are out right hilarious.
Cant stop laughing after every post.

I need a doctor...

While they(US) continue to give us money to improve our livestock productivity, they continue to simultaneously retard our brains who come from abroad and want to introduce advanced technologies in our country. This exposes to us the hideous nature of these people. They always played double game with us throughout our history but we still never understood the true nature of these people. It is time for us to wake up. We start trusting these people as if, all of a sudden, their true nature has changed and they have genuinely become sympathetic to us. Unfortunately true nature never changes like that.

Ap ko urdu ati he?
Holy mother of mighty glorious chandi pants.
What the heck is this OP chanting his stuff about?

Indians probably.

Or just because his posts are out right hilarious.
Cant stop laughing after every post.

I need a doctor...

Ap ko urdu ati he?

Maybe you can post one of those survey threads asking Pakistani PDF members who have been to this US as students (or whatever) if they feel the CIA has slipped them some mind controlling drugs or tried to recruit them.
Maybe you can post one of those survey threads asking Pakistani PDF members who have been to this US as students (or whatever) if they feel the CIA has slipped them some mind controlling drugs or tried to recruit them.

Hey hey hey.
Wrong quote.
now I got all those tickles in my belly again.
Hey hey hey.
Wrong quote.
now I got all those tickles in my belly again.

No it's the correct one. There's no way he'd agree to post the survey and if I did it he'd call it a plot.

Although we all know Webmaster is a brainwashed paid off CIA stooge. :-) (His reply will be "Paid off??...oh I wish I could be so lucky!")
Last edited:
No it's the correct one. There's no way he'd agree to post the survey and if I did it he'd call it a plot.

Although we all know Webmaster is a brainwashed paid off CIA stooge. :-)

Not just him.
CIA Is controlling us through every means, Our clothes, Our toys, Our food.
I must find the cure for this. Please, Help me. @AhsanAmin

(Although I cant find the thread)
Unfortunatly ahsan, my stochastic model has proven that the probability of the events that you had described to occur in the lifetime of an individual is minimal.
I challenge everybody if there is an impartial inquiry by a judge of the supreme court, the truth will come out. If I am wrong, I Am willing to be imprisoned or even hanged. My allegations are very serious.

Yes, I expected this and this always happens that American cronies start writing here to discredit the truth. I have previously said that I have given dates when the city was drugged. Please ask anybody in food business how the city was drugged in those times. I have also given the date in the above letter on which I visited Lahore high court, please ask the human rights cell who was moving their strings on that date. Of course you have to know someone at the human rights cell of the Lahore high court.

I am least deterred by American cronies posting garbage on my thread.
if there is an impartial inquiry by a judge of the supreme court, the truth will come out.

How would you prove it? I mean this whole business of justice works on hard physical evidence, how you plan to produce evidence?
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