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Machinations of American Embassy in Pakistan

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A future Nobel laureate, no question about it.kudos
All i wanted is to become NASA certified fighter pilot.
Damn Ameripigs controlling my mind. Now i will become Nobel laureate. Some one save me please. :(
All i wanted is to become NASA certified fighter pilot.
Damn Ameripigs controlling my mind. Now i will become Nobel laureate. Some one save me please. :(
You could do worse friend.
3. Scopolamine

Scopolamine is most commonly known as the "truth serum", having a remarkable track record of making criminals sing like canaries. However, not too many know the dirtier underbelly of scopolamine. It's also a "zombie drug", able to rob users of all free will, leaving them helpless to the wishes of the inducer. That is, if the miniscule amount needed doesn't kill the victim beforehand.

Sept 1, 2015
Three arrested in Paris over 'devil's breath' drug that turns victims into willing 'zombies' - Telegraph

The three are thought to have stolen millions from unsuspecting victims by blowing scopolamine, a powerful "hypnotic" drug, into strangers' faces

Police have seized two Chinese women and a man in Paris suspected of using a powerful Colombian drug dubbed "the devil’s breath" that turns victims into “zombies” devoid of free will and rob them.

It is thought the three are part of an international Triad-style criminal gang running a multimillion-pound operation around the planet.

The women, aged 42 and 59, approached strangers in Paris’ 20th arrondissement and blew the substance into their faces. It is thought to contain scopolamine, a hazardous drug extracted from a South American tree related to deadly nightshade.

The Soviets and the CIA reportedly used it as a truth serum during the Cold War, while Joseph Mengeles, the Nazi physician dubbed the Angel of Death, had it imported from Colombia to use in interrogations. However, because of the drug’s chemical make-up, it also induces powerful hallucinations.

South American shamans believe angel's trumpet is a sacred plant Photo: Alamy

In strong doses it is lethal. Infamous murderer Dr Crippen is believed to have killed his wife Cora in 1910 using the drug before trying to flee to Canada.

Paris’ judicial police believe the Chinese suspects administered the substance on “dozens” of victims in the French capital in the first reported case of such crimes.

“The victims targeted, very often old, were accosted in the street by a first woman,” a source close to the investigation told Le Parisien newspaper. “This person claimed to be looking for a mysterious 'Doctor Wang' before being joined by her accomplice.

"They managed to isolate their victims, then got them to breathe in a mixture of plants on the grounds they had powerful curative qualities – even protecting them from misfortune.”

Once they inhaled, all the victims recounted falling into a kind of “hypnotic state under the total sway of their handlers,” said the investigative source.

“They then took advantage by getting the victims to take them to their home, where they asked them to put all their jewellery and money into a bag and hand it over to them.”

One Parisian victim lost €100,000 (£73,500) worth of valuables and cash in this way, police said.

The pair had reportedly been operating since spring in Paris. They were caught this week at the entrance to a metro station after they were identified by a member of one of the victims’ entourage. Both deny wrongdoing.

In a subsequent raid on their hotel room in Seine-Saint-Denis, a north-eastern suburb, police discovered an array of vials including “various Chinese medicinal substances as well as weighing scales, filters and gloves”. Analysis of the substance's precise contents is under way.

A third 56-year old suspect, thought to have prepared the mysterious drug, was later arrested.

Chinese authorities informed their French counterparts that the trio belonged to a notorious Chinese criminal network, which “acts around the world and specialises in mental submission with the aid of unknown products," according to Le Parisien. Other members have reportedly been arrested in China and South Korea.

The two women’s passports suggested that they had recently travelled to Madrid and Mexico.

Scopolamine is made from the seeds of a tree called Borrachero – roughly translated as “drunken binge” – which blooms with deceptively beautiful white and yellow flowers. It is mainly produced in Colombia via a chemical process that results in a white powder resembling cocaine.

Stories surrounding the drug are the stuff of urban legends, with some telling horror stories of how people were raped, forced to empty their bank accounts, and even coerced into giving up an organ.

Miriam Gutiérrez, a toxicology expert in Bogota, Colombia, told Vice News: “From a medical point of view, it’s the perfect substance to commit criminal acts because the victim won’t remember anything, and therefore won’t report anything.”

Dementia Black, a drug dealer, told the news website the effects of blowing it into someone’s face are almost instant. “It works in a flash. You wait for a minute for it to kick in and then you know you own that person. You can guide them wherever you want. It’s like they’re a child.”

According to the US state department, unofficial estimates put the number of annual scopolamine incidents in Colombia at approximately 50,000.

“Scopolamine can render a victim unconscious for 24 hours or more. In large doses, it can cause respiratory failure and death,” its website warns. “It is most often administered in liquid or powder form in foods and beverages. The majority of these incidents occur in night clubs and bars, and usually men, perceived to be wealthy, are targeted by young, attractive women.”

It is thought that other members of the gang may still be at large and that they have already sent “millions” of euros from crimes related to the drug back to China.

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now you are being humble... you also occasionally provide illuminating views in defense matters. :agree:

Thank you sir, I like members of this forum for their encouragement and appreciation of other's, but one should be realistic sir, my knowledge and resultant contribution to this forum compared to you is very thin and mostly unrealistic and does not meet your standards. I dare not compete with experts here. I look up to you as role model, it is just that sometimes the knowledge emanating from you is very big and fat for people like me to digest, but still your contributions for keeping us updated are always welcome. :-)
Most of the people here who are writing garbage on my thread do not realize that science today is more advanced than many of us are ready to believe since our country is still living in middle ages when compared to technologies known in the western world. I consider it very important to give people in my nation awareness about lethal technologies used to manipulate our people and damage our national interests. There are more than hundred patents awarded to various American companies in their defence sector about altering or controlling the brain. If you can search carefully, you will know about these patents so please do not start disbelieving like a frog who lived all his life in a little pond and had no knowledge of the world beyond his little pond.

I would request my Pakistani fellows to not be swayed by garbage stories written here by American nationals. When it comes to their interests, Americans are a very cunning people. Be careful with them.

I throw this interesting way to know the truth again. Let us walk into a bakery in Lahore city or a foodstore or a general store that carries food items and ask them whether there was food drugging going on in the city between Sep 2013 to Feb 2014, and between Nov 2014 to April 2015 and you will know the truth on your own. If you know the owner well, he will sure tell the truth about scale and magnitude of drugging. I request the denizens of Lahore to investigate this on their own and spread the word everywhere if they get to know the truth. Please, let us investigate on our own and determine the truth.
As far as I am aware nothing has been done, it is no easy feat trying to counter this extremely capable system.kudos
in another thread i read that COAS's Brazil visit might be about purchase of MAR-1 which is an anti-radiation missile system..... can that counter it
in another thread i read that COAS's Brazil visit might be about purchase of MAR-1 which is an anti-radiation missile system..... can that counter it
To be honest I can not answer that query perhaps @MastanKhan can shed more light on it.kudos
how do i get him to ??

Simple read him before you try to communicate with him, after you have read him and understand him then tag him and request him if he knows answer to your questions. Don't try otherwise :rolleyes:.

Bro go to Pakistan Military and Defense forums here and read the threads there, may be you will learn the answers.
@a_b Just tag him @MastanKhan. Whether he responds or not is out of my control.
i just asked him on his profile page and he answered ....

@django i started a thread about PAF and possible S-400 sale to india ...... and now i dont have enough privileges to reply there ...... why is it its driving me insane because many indians are posting rubbish and i am unable to answer what should i do now??
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