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Machinations of American Embassy in Pakistan

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all this discussion about american mind control is frightening me to my core ... all i want to know is that government knows about this and have they done anything to counter it ...... because if you can control all lahore you can certainly bring a revolution in pakistan ..... or are these just speculations and they are building a big embassy to counter china as they also have they world,s biggest embassy in pakistan ...... plz all answer i am really very afraid after reading the discussion on this thread
all this discussion about american mind control is frightening me to my core ... all i want to know is that government knows about this and have they done anything to counter it ...... because if you can control all lahore you can certainly bring a revolution in pakistan ..... or are these just speculations and they are building a big embassy to counter china as they also have they world,s biggest embassy in pakistan ...... plz all answer i am really very afraid after reading the discussion on this thread

What makes you think the OP is not spreading fear in Pakistani society?

Just relax their embassy in Kabul is nearly the same size and they are rebuilding / renovating most of their embassies and consulates in different countries including UK. And Chinese have shifted their embassy the new one is a big one.
What makes you think the OP is not spreading fear in Pakistani society?

Just relax their embassy in Kabul is nearly the same size and they are rebuilding / renovating most of their embassies and consulates in different countries including UK. And Chinese have shifted their embassy the new one is a big one.
but about the all the disscusion up above is really frightening its like pakians going to be slaves of america and then they will offer us to indians as a "hindu maharashta"....... but its a relief to read you
but about the all the disscusion up above is really frightening its like pakians going to be slaves of america and then they will offer us to indians as a "hindu maharashta"....... but its a relief to read you

:o:. Pakistanis are slaves of their own confused mentality no one else needs to or can enslave them. You sound childish by the way, either you are pretending or you really are 11 years old.
:o:. Pakistanis are slaves of their own confused mentality no one else needs to or can enslave them. You sound childish by the way, either you are pretending or you really are 11 years old.
trust me i really am ..... and by the way to me this thread was very worrying before your post
@AhsanAmin bro you really are mentally sick. The only problem you faced was the unprofessional behaviour of psychiatrists. Pakistani mental health care system cannot be trusted. Its completely unprofessional and psychiatrists here are the most naliak in the world. Best approach would be to contact some experienced doctor in UK. He can guide you from there through email or telephone. A person like you need to take a lifelong vacation. Intellectual work requires making connection in the mind. You should not do this kind of work anymore. A tangle of wrong connections have been created in your mind. Free yourself from mental work and enjoy life.
I repeat never go to a Pakistani psychiatrist. Not a single one of them have any insight into this field.
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Hmmmm khair welcome to this forum, if you ever feel worried just ask any of these guys on this forum @Zibago @jamahir @django , they will make you feel relaxed.
i want them to comment on russian sale of S-400 to india .... have we countered it already because i searched for them and this system is pretty powerfull .... i also read that they will be able to down our aircrafts as soon as they launch ..... but i also read that as of now only belarusians are to get them in future so are the indians bluffing ........ can you get them to comment on this
i want them to comment on russian sale of S-400 to india .... have we countered it already because i searched for them and this system is pretty powerfull .... i also read that they will be able to down our aircrafts as soon as they launch ..... but i also read that as of now only belarusians are to get them in future so are the indians bluffing ........ can you get them to comment on this

Yeah yeah why not all of them are experts of defense matters. @Zibago is the one who keeps this forum lit up and shinning with sophisticated defense tech (mind you most advanced tech all over the world) and @jamahir and @django are his side kicks (experts in their field), I bet you won't regret after reading them or watching what they post here.

Or you can ask this simple question to this young lame man here @MastanKhan , his knowledge is limited but I hope he can answer this petty question of your's. If he does not answer may be you can ask @Indus Falcon (I taught this old man a lot about defense matters, I hope he remembers some).

Have a nice day and don't worry about Indians too much, you see my DP this is their past and this is their future hmmmm I guess by 2021 INSHALLAH everything in India will be like this.
12 Evil Mind Control Drugs

By Dantalion Jones, Author of Mind Control 101"Narco-analysis" was published in 1943, pouring from the pen of J. Steven Horsley. On its heels came the pitch-black idea of drug-supplemented torture and interrogation.We're talking pure wickedness here; instead of just harming the body interrogators began attacking the mind. Want examples? Here's a few of the most depraved "torture brews" known to man.

1. Sodium Amytal

Sodium Amytal lowers inhibitions, giving the user mental clarity and the impulse to talk while offering the interviewer an unobstructed view of the subjects psyche. World War II was its debut, when interviewers begin using it to work with soldiers whom refused to talk on account of psychological trauma. Sodium Amytal, a barbiturate, would force the soldier to relive their wartime experiences and talk about them with the interviewer.

2. Mescaline

The peyote cactus can be processed into Mescaline, a hallucinogen with effects similar to those of LSD. The Nazis were first to use it during their mind control experiments, and later on the U.S. Navy gave it a go as a sort of truth serum. Both experiments failed. The Navy found that information gained from a psychotic (even when drug-induced) is unreliable. The Nazis found it impossible to control minds, even with the help of Mescaline.

3. Scopolamine

Scopolamine is most commonly known as the "truth serum", having a remarkable track record of making criminals sing like canaries. However, not too many know the dirtier underbelly of scopolamine. It's also a "zombie drug", able to rob users of all free will, leaving them helpless to the wishes of the inducer. That is, if the miniscule amount needed doesn't kill the victim beforehand.

4. Lysergic Acid (LSD)

LSD began making its rounds in the torture/interrogation community in the 1950's during the CIA's fittingly titled "Operation Artichoke". How LSD is used by interrogators is completely opposite to what you might expect, though. Instead of relying on the psychosis the drug induces to get answers, LSD is used as a threat… as in, "spill the beans or we pump you full of this stuff".

5. Amphetamine

Amphetamine and methamphetamine turns users into a literal chatterbox … with obvious torture-related benefits. When injected, victims experience an irresistible "push" to talk as their memories and emotions flood the brain. It's been theorized that amphetamines would be perfect for pulling the truth out of subjects that are feigning amnesia or intentionally lying.

6. Pipradrol

Pipradrol works like amphetamine without all the nasty side effects (i.e. cardiovascular damage). With pipradrol, an internal flood of emotion gives users an amplified desire to talk and to move around. The value of loose lips doesn't have to be underscored.

7. Ritalin

(or phenidylate) is known for its anti-depression abilities. What isn't widely known is its ability to "grease the chatter box", which is an obvious plus for interrogators. Simultaneously, the experience an "arousal of mood" which is science-talk meaning that it makes them feel good.

8. TD – Strong Cannabis

, or truth drug, is extracted from the cannabis plant and injected into food or cigarettes. As the name suggests, it muffles any sense of prudence so that users talk without caution. And just like its marijuana sister, interviewees sink into a state of mirth and are so happy they're willing to talk on just about anything.

9. Chlorpromazine (thorazine)

Phenothiazine derivates (such as chlorpromazine) could find in combination with an agitator or intimidating drug, like LSD. Either interviewees cooperate during the interrogation, or the drug is not administered –if they talk they get some piece of mind as they are pumped up with tranquilisers.

10. Twilight Zone

magine being stuck in that moment of half-dream/ half-reality you feel right as you wake up and right as you fall asleep. Now imagine the use somebody like the CIA could get from trapping you in that state. This is known as "the twilight zone" technique, and interrogators pump one arm full of a barbiturate (such as thiopental) and the other full of a stimulant (such as amphetamine), locking one's psyche into a brain-breaking cycle of waking dreams.

11. Sodium pentothal

Sodium Pentothal is a barbiturate which, when not being used as a sedative during prison executions, can be used in lighter doses as a "truth serum". It doesn't, however, force one into honest; it only erases discretion and makes truth telling more likely.
12. Versed

Versed is particularly diabolical and slightly frightening. Subjects under the influence feel pain and discomfort fully. But when the drug wears off, all memory of the pain and the torture session itself is purged from the mind. The diabolical a heart might see the potential in using versed along with non-marking torture techniques.

source link
12 Evil Mind Control Drugs


@Slav Defence @WAJsal @Irfan Baloch

Although apparently this thread seems to be stupid and funny, however
I think there is nothing impossible in this scientific world.
This case requires honest and careful investigation and opinion of food experts as well as professionals.
Yeah yeah why not all of them are experts of defense matters. @Zibago is the one who keeps this forum lit up and shinning with sophisticated defense tech (mind you most advanced tech all over the world) and @jamahir and @django are his side kicks (experts in their field), I bet you won't regret after reading them or watching what they post here.

Or you can ask this simple question to this young lame man here @MastanKhan , his knowledge is limited but I hope he can answer this petty question of your's. If he does not answer may be you can ask @Indus Falcon (I taught this old man a lot about defense matters, I hope he remembers some).

Have a nice day and don't worry about Indians too much, you see my DP this is their past and this is their future hmmmm I guess by 2021 INSHALLAH everything in India will be like this.
As @Color_Less_Sky pointed out @a_b @Zibago and myself are both aeronautical engineers, my area of expertise is Phosphor thermometry while Zibago is MIT educated, feel free to address any of your queries to myself or Zibago, btw @jamahir is a Caltech educated nuclear physicist.kudos
As @Color_Less_Sky pointed out @a_b @Zibago and myself are both aeronautical engineers, my area of expertise is Phosphor thermometry while Zibago is MIT educated, feel free to address any of your queries to myself or Zibago, btw @jamahir is a Caltech educated nuclear physicist.kudos
wow.... just thrilled with only your intro ........ as you have noted my question is simple i just wanted to know have we done anything to counter the S-400 sale to india because i read they can be serious pain in PAF's a**
wow.... just thrilled with only your intro ........ as you have noted my question is simple i just wanted to know have we done anything to counter the S-400 sale to india because i read they can be serious pain in PAF's a**
As far as I am aware nothing has been done, it is no easy feat trying to counter this extremely capable system.kudos
Yeah yeah why not all of them are experts of defense matters. @Zibago is the one who keeps this forum lit up and shinning with sophisticated defense tech (mind you most advanced tech all over the world) and @jamahir and @django are his side kicks (experts in their field), I bet you won't regret after reading them or watching what they post here.

now you are being humble... you also occasionally provide illuminating views in defense matters. :agree:
but about the all the disscusion up above is really frightening its like pakians going to be slaves of america and then they will offer us to indians as a "hindu maharashta"....... but its a relief to read you

??? :cheesy:

Stop being scared dude. The mind is fragile and paranoia can set in by watching/hearing random stuff like this. There were times I went paranoid after having too much hash brownies, weed and alcohol.. also in cases of extreme anxiety etc. Best is to just go out and enjoy the real things around you.. You close ones, the food you eat etc etc.
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