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Lyari Operation


Jan 28, 2008
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United States
rand lyari opreation 600 police, FC, rangers taking part, breakingnews! On every major news chanels.
Geonews,express news,Cnbc, all Are runing this news breAk!
All the external & internal hideouts been closed, home to home sreach going on, but heavy firring going on , RpGs been used by criminals.
Watch it live now!
Finally reduced to attacking your own towns and cities ? Amazing.

there are gangs in liyari who are holding the people of liyari hostage, the area has become lawless and people are scared to go out of their homes, people are being target killed,its police operation not army operation

there is no news coverage just some updates on bottom screen
All karachi should be cleansed of this criminal scum... these bastards are armed with rpgs,PKMs,etc and other heavy weapons..... awsome news if true... God protect our soldiers n police....these gangs are turnin karachi into another rio.
Finally reduced to attacking your own towns and cities ? Amazing.

All karachi should be cleansed of this criminal scum... these bastards are armed with rpgs,PKMs,etc and other heavy weapons..... awsome news if true... God protect our soldiers n police....these gangs are turnin karachi into another rio.
Dear mate,
What ever these criminals hve got, still doesn't match armed forces of pakistan,but the problems, started after the death of (shAnsha khalid) who was allegedlly involved, in the murder of !!!
Later he Was killed by (rehman baluch), a lyari bassed , gangster who, was supported by some bigg nutheads of. PPP then he also got, killed by SSP cid(chowdry asslam), his counter parts,& friends became noturious!
& started rulling lyari, in the beggining, PPP supported them, used them, & in then abussing them, but with the help of some other dejecteD elements. like them who have some experience of gunny bag politics , they turrned thier heaDs, towards , PMLn (ghous ali shah) , & it became the, lethal trunning point, in the politicly bassed underworld.
Bt given time, pakrangers & police can clear, lyari from this , ordeal if there is a real spirt, behind it, I gusss media is reporting, bt not openly like before, because there is some hidden agenda!
Let's see? What happen,s next!
Dear mate,
What ever these criminals hve got, still doesn't match armed forces of pakistan,but the problems, started after the death of (shAnsha khalid) who was allegedlly involved, in the murder of !!!
Later he Was killed by (rehman baluch), a lyari bassed , gangster who, was supported by some bigg nutheads of. PPP then he also got, killed by SSP cid(chowdry asslam), his counter parts,& friends became noturious!
& started rulling lyari, in the beggining, PPP supported them, used them, & in then abussing them, but with the help of some other dejecteD elements. like them who have some experience of gunny bag politics , they turrned thier heaDs, towards , PMLn (ghous ali shah) , & it became the, lethal trunning point, in the politicly bassed underworld.
Bt given time, pakrangers & police can clear, lyari from this , ordeal if there is a real spirt, behind it, I gusss media is reporting, bt not openly like before, because there is some hidden agenda!
Let's see? What happen,s next!

I don't think Shahanshah himself was involved in the murder of BB, he was a key witness and might have been involved in the whole conspiracy. His murder ensured removal of key witness who was considered a die hard BB loyalist.

The current operation in Lyari is aimed at People's Aman Committee, who are involved in terrorism throughout Karachi. Previously they enjoyed the protection of Adviser to interior minister (or provincial home minister) Zulfiqar Mirza. It was actually Mirza who organized the committee by successfully bringing in hardened criminals/terrorist elements from Lyari Gang Wars to wreck havoc in Karachi for his personal political and financial gains. Mirza is directly involved in terrorism, kidnappings, extortion etc. through People's Aman Committee and he is also involved in political murders/target killings.

And he used to say it openly "I am a Badmaash!".
That's good - Kill all terrorists and make Karachi again a city who never sleeps.....
Yesterday nabeel gabol said some strong words regarding this issue, looks like he really meant it. Sons high end weapons were shorn by tv with policemen from CID having them.

And some stupid people are Protesting that why operating in lyari
bhaion kaha tk pocha operation??

dear mate!
we strat from NABEEL GABOOL!

PPP leader Nabeel Gabol survives attack
Friday, April 27, 2012 7:39:12 PM
Staff Report

KARACHI: Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader Nabeel Gabol narrowly escaped an attack at Miran Naka road, Lyari area of the city, CNBC reported on Friday.
Miscreants threw a hand grenade on Gabol’s vehicle.
Gabol was going to participate in funeral of slain PPP worker Malik Muhammad Khan.
I am safe and alright, Gabol told while talking with media.
The PPP leader said that he knows how to confront those who cause unrest in the area. CNBC
KARACHI: A grand operation began in the early hours of Thursday, in Karachi's Lyari area where a heavy contingent of Police and Frontier Constabulary personnel are taking action against criminal elements, our sources reported.

Five people including police personnel were injured in the operation.

CID SSP Chaudhary Aslam Khan was also present during the operation whereas for the first time a squad of the women's police also took part in the operations.

Law enforcement personnel faced resistance upon their arrival and blockades were placed at all entry and exit points of the area.

A Police armored personnel carrier (APC) came under grenade attack in Nawa Lane area of Lyari. No loss of life was reported in the attack.

Loud explosions and firing were heard in Sango Lane, Cheel Chowk and Aath Chowk areas causing panic and fear to grip the area, leaving the residents of the area confined to their homes.

In the light of the ongoing unrest, April 14's board examinations of class nine which were re-scheduled for today were postponed again.

The operations follows earlier events from Wednesday when a policeman was gunned duing an exchange of fire with a suspected gangster and the killing of a political activist.

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