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LTTE defeat is not good for the region



New Recruit

Jun 7, 2009
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The defeat of LTTE the "terrorist" organization is not really good for the region, for the simple fact that now it will really motivate India to believe that they can also win the war in kashmir, after all militant uprising has only been in full swing since the 90s as against the struggle by ethnic tamil minorities since the 70s.

Though pakistan might have scored some brownie points by helping provide with weapons along with Sri Lanka, it is also irrevocably damaging its cause of "liberating" kashmir because India will use this as a case in point to show that separatism or terrorism can be defeated.

Khalistan's crushing and now the mighty LTTE defeat only proves that if india stick to its guns they can keep off kashmiri terrorists forever. AFter all our own neighbours after doing lip service to so called "freedom fighters" in the valley partly helped to defeat a different bunch of "freedom fighters" in the island nation.

Freedom fighters, or terrorists, these separatists should all be treated equally.

What nonsence mentallity is this?

That is the whole point, terrorism has to be defeated, period.

What nonsence mentallity is this?

That is the whole point, terrorism has to be defeated, period.

Precisely. Be it Kashmir or Lanka, countries have to take a unified stand to finish terrorism and make pakistan stop its double standards on the same. Self determination or persecution of minorities, either religious or ethnic should not be of any concern to foreign countries.

I thought ....i again thought ......and then came to the conclusion-what fu&k@n bullshit mentality is this?? Terrorists are terrorists....the more quick we do away with them the better...
I thought ....i again thought ......and then came to the conclusion-what fu&k@n bullshit mentality is this?? Terrorists are terrorists....the more quick we do away with them the better...

Terrorists is a POV. they are also referred to as "freedom fighters" by those who support them. Case in point is Kashmir who are described as such by Pakistan.

I think it's easy to dismiss them all as terrorists, but some have a genuine reason to fight. Even in Kashmir, they have a legitimate reason to fight and India have a legitimate reason to call them "terrorists".
What a nonsence is this ? SOME ONE REMOVE THIS FROM Here

Why? So that you cal illtreat your own people? LTTE was born out of a genuine need for separatism becuz SL govt. didn't accord the same rights to the tamils. U should b thankful that India & other asian/african countries didn't vote to get a war crimes approved against SL leaders.
The defeat of LTTE the "terrorist" organization is not really good for the region, for the simple fact that now it will really motivate India to believe that they can also win the war in kashmir, after all militant uprising has only been in full swing since the 90s as against the struggle by ethnic tamil minorities since the 70s.

Though pakistan might have scored some brownie points by helping provide with weapons along with Sri Lanka, it is also irrevocably damaging its cause of "liberating" kashmir because India will use this as a case in point to show that separatism or terrorism can be defeated.

Khalistan's crushing and now the mighty LTTE defeat only proves that if india stick to its guns they can keep off kashmiri terrorists forever. AFter all our own neighbours after doing lip service to so called "freedom fighters" in the valley partly helped to defeat a different bunch of "freedom fighters" in the island nation.

Freedom fighters, or terrorists, these separatists should all be treated equally.

A better analysis is Sri Lanka - LTTE is Pakistan - Taliban (like the Tehreek E Taliban)

The war in Sri Lanka does not reflect the ground realities in Kashmir. India has a huge iron curtain in Kashmir, where it is very difficult to raise an army to take on the might of India. Hence only infliritation works in Kashmir and even that is questionable as Indian forces do not suffer much casualities.

In North West Pakistan as well as North and East Sri Lanka, the situation was/is similar. You have very powerful 'lashkars' that is more than a match for the Army. You have lack of strong civilian leadership and a sense of greater threat perception from regional heavyweight like India and in the case of Pakistan, US of A.

Surely, Pakistan can emulate what the Sri Lankan army did in North Sri Lanka, however the Indian factor remains. India has not been supporting the LTTE since the assasination of Rajov Gandhi (even though India created the LTTE) , however it is more than likely that India through Afghanistan is involved in supporting militants in FATA and other areas.
Terrorists is a POV. they are also referred to as "freedom fighters" by those who support them. Case in point is Kashmir who are described as such by Pakistan.

I think it's easy to dismiss them all as terrorists, but some have a genuine reason to fight. Even in Kashmir, they have a legitimate reason to fight and India have a legitimate reason to call them "terrorists".

buddy you are in shark infested waters ....... India was supporting LTTE, it was a RAW creation (Chakrata was the training area, the old SFF and present day training area for Indian Army Special Group under aegis of RAW)!!!!

drawing a parallel is dangerous and inviting trouble!!!:enjoy:
buddy you are in shark infested waters ....... India was supporting LTTE, it was a RAW creation (Chakrata was the training area, the old SFF and present day training area for Indian Army Special Group under aegis of RAW)!!!!

drawing a parallel is dangerous and inviting trouble!!!:enjoy:

India supported LTTE when it was a rebel army, not when it became too big for its own good or when it start doing a tad too many terrorist ops.

btw, I'm just following the official govt. line that Indian troops should crush terrorism and militancy everywhere. But... personally, I'm not for a forceful settlement of all issues, Kashmir included. It's better to have an independent unified kashmir that both Indians and pakistanis access that is peaceful rather than an "Indian" or "pakistani" kashmir. The issue of tamil minorities is also similar, where they should be accorded devolution rights much like Palestine's genuine demands. The muslim fundamentalists operating in Pakistan have no genuine "goals" of sedition except imposing their own brand of fanatic religious beliefs which most muslims don't believe in anyways.
A better analysis is Sri Lanka - LTTE is Pakistan - Taliban (like the Tehreek E Taliban) ...

Excellent point! Kashmir is an open issue at the UN and resolution has been passed to give the Kashmiris the right to self determine their future ... Tamils and other issues are not teh same ..

Secondly Kashmiris are not terrorists ... they simply want their right to self determine ... Kashmiris are involved in fighting with the indian Forces, they don't rape women and they don't behead people ... furthermore Kashmiris don't kill civilians ....

Last but not least ... LTTE is going to be the next pain in th a*s for India and not for the region ... This name 'LTTE' will be utilized by local thugs in Tamil Naidu to achieve their own goals ... those who don't agree today will agree in the near future
Precisely. Be it Kashmir or Lanka, countries have to take a unified stand to finish terrorism and make pakistan stop its double standards on the same. Self determination or persecution of minorities, either religious or ethnic should not be of any concern to foreign countries.


U guys are strange, their are Indian trolls lurking asking the same question again, again, again. and we the Pakistani have answered all the time, can u not stop and converse about matters in a true and sensible way and not repeat all the time.

Now I have to answer your question.

Sri lanka was not a disputed territory and LTTE tried to divide it by force.

Kashmir is a disputed territory and India is occupying it for the past 60 years.
Excellent point! Kashmir is an open issue at the UN and resolution has been passed to give the Kashmiris the right to self determine their future ... Tamils and other issues are not teh same ..

Since when was UN taken seriously? Even Ban Ki moon said that tamils have to be given their rights and devolution. No one takes UN seriously anymore.

Secondly Kashmiris are not terrorists ... they simply want their right to self determine ... Kashmiris are involved in fighting with the indian Forces

If Palestineans or kashmiris fighting are not terrorists, then Tamil tigers are also not terrorists. They also want a right to self determine, that's y they fought this bitter civil war. I think it's double standards to say that only the group u support needs to secede or have rights, while the rest of the world can piss off.

they don't rape women and they don't behead people ... furthermore Kashmiris don't kill civilians ....

That's the most absurd statement I've heard so far. Do u think that the daily bombings in Kashmir valley are the works of god? In fact it was the Lashkar raiders in 1947-48 who started the inhuman acts of raping local women. Pl. get ur facts straight. Even the UN has acknowledged that terrorists from across the border have indulged in killing the innocents etc.

I think everyone has equal rights to self determination and calling for only muslim self determination like in palestine or in kashmir while ignoring others is nothing but sheer naivity at best and blatant hypocracy at worst.:angry:
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