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Lt General (Retd.) Syed Arif Hasan failed as President Pakistan National Olympic Committee


Mar 30, 2010
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With Arshad Nadeem failing to win a medal at Tokyo olympics javelin throw all hopes of Pakistan winning even a single medal at Tokyo Olympics have come to an end

With this General Arif Hassn sahab has successfully defended his own personal record of Pakistan not winning shit at Olympics in last 17 years of his tenure as President Pakistan National Olympic Committee

General sahab dropping consistent performance for past 17 years

Respect. Salute
With this General Arif Hassn sahab has successfully defended his own personal record of Pakistan not winning shit at Olympics in last 17 years of his tenure as President Pakistan National Olympic Committee
This parasite who has milked our taxpayers for 17 years without results should be thrown out. He should resign immediately, he does not have the divine right to stay at this post forever.
Seems syed saab is not here to win medals, whatever his aim was im sure he has achieved it. He would certainly have alot of wealth and foreign nationalities for his off spring. That offspring will then be proud syeds of US, UK and canada and spread the mesaage of Islam. There is one such syed here as well lolz.
I think our 2 Rs media and typical politicians should have remained out of it. Unnecessarily put extra pressure on the athlete. I saw the final and basically pressure got to him also he was possibly carrying some ankle injury or something. He couldn't hit his personal best either else would have won a medal. No shame though at all. Some top German player didn't even qualify for top 8.
He got here by his own and did all this by his own too. Top 5 in the World is a very very good performance. Oly Arshad Nadeem deserves the credit. Rest everyone can go and do one. They couldn't facilitate him or get him the best training and coaching when it was their job.
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You forgot to mention the late Zafar Ullah Jamali.

Jamali is dead

But these two guys are still leaching Pakistan even after doing nothing in 17 to 18 years

Fast forward to Paris Olympics 2024

Pakistan again fails to win any medal

Prime Minister of Pakistan Bilawal Zardari further extends appointment of Makhdoom Faisal Saleh Hayat and Lt General Syed Arif Hasan on their respective positions for next 5 years
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Thank you @Areesh for opening this thread. I hope more people find the courage to call out such leaches in our system. It is too depressing to think that a country of 220million people couldn't get a single medal because the people in power do not care at all.
The forceful grabbing of civilian posts by retired military personal, in the name of Quota, is causing Pakistan irreparable damage.

What skills / Knowledge / experience does a retired soldier bring to the civilian organization?

If you were good enough, wouldn't the relevant military arm retain you instead of letting you go?

And if they really care about retired soldiers, then why not employ them in RICH organizations such as Army Welfare Trust, Fauji Foundation, DHA etc etc?


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Thank you @Areesh for opening this thread. I hope more people find the courage to call out such leaches in our system. It is too depressing to think that a country of 220million people couldn't get a single medal because the people in power do not care at all.

Even more concerning is that now since Arshad Nadeem has failed to win a medal. This nation along with its rulers would completely forget him and neglect him like he never existed

While leaches like General Arif Hasan would continue to enjoy his post
With all the talk about PCBs incompetence, it is a much better run organization then the other sports bodies of Pakistan. In my mind, 3 things come to mind.

1) Not small enough for any Jernail sahb to come in and take over it.

2) Huge media and public scrutiny. Every selection in the team is looked at with a laser focus.

3) Not allowing full democracy otherwise political mafias would have taken control like they have done in other sport federations.

Hence it could be that PCB has been "relatively" successful because it has kept away the two biggest leeches of Pakistani society.

Politicians and Jernails.
And if someone of you thinks that our "handsome" sportsman prime minister is going to remove General Arif Hasan or Makhdoom Faisal Saleh Hayat for destroying sports in this country then you are wrong

Both of these guys would continue to enjoy their posts like before
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