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Lt Gen (retd) Shahid Aziz opens Pandora Box on Kargil issue

Indian propaganda bark is not stopping. Unfortunately there are many corrupt people who can say anything for money & love from US & India. Kargil was going success, Pakistan Army & the Mujhaids were winning until everything went wrong from kuta Nawaz, he screwed everything in the table talks & couldn't defend Pakistan at all.

I spoke with Pak Military personal who said clearly that they (Pakistan) were winning the war & coward Indians were on the run but it was because of kuta Nawaz, Pakistan was badly hurt & many of our soldiers martyred because of kuta Nawaz cowardly decision.

Lying Indians should keep get this in their thick skulls that it was your Govt. officials who ran to US because India was loosing Kargil war very very very badly.

Propaganda & lies is part of shining India scheme.

and then we won...period....you can make up all the story before that,the way you want,whatever helps you sleep peacefully,but just cannot change the facts and results...
Uh! Are you really dumb or you're just acting like that? First of all, you haven't answered my post completely, secondly, do you have any link to support the bold part of your post? I didn't know this, in fact, this is the first time I'm hearing such theory.

And even if that's true, why did Indian Army gave the figure of 249 'left behind' bodies? And how was Indian Army so sure when it officially stated that around 725 Pakistani soldiers were martyred?

Oh boy! Again the same sht, have you lost it? This white, yellow or whatever paper is by PPP, not Jane's. PPP is a political party, not a Defence related think-tank.

I never knew your post was about Algebra, I thought it was in english, although poor grammar, but still english. lol

Poor grammer?
Without pointing it out?
Al taqiya?

But here is yours, in this same post:

And even if that's true, why did Indian Army gave the figure of 249 'left behind' bodies? And how was Indian Army so sure when it officially stated that around 725 Pakistani soldiers were martyred

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...rraf-s-disaster-gen-aziz-6.html#ixzz2IvCqyX4A

Ulta chor kotwal ko dante?

Kuch sharam karo baba....
Poor grammer?
Without pointing it out?
Al taqiya?

But here is yours, in this same post:

And even if that's true, why did Indian Army gave the figure of 249 'left behind' bodies? And how was Indian Army so sure when it officially stated that around 725 Pakistani soldiers were martyred

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...rraf-s-disaster-gen-aziz-6.html#ixzz2IvCqyX4A

Ulta chor kotwal ko dante?

Kuch sharam karo baba....

lol did I step on your tail? Typing errors like this one are unavoidable when in the middle of heat of discussion.

But i feel sorry of the NORTHERN LIGHT INFANTRY regiment which was LEFT to face the indian AIRFORCE laser bomb strikes and BOFORS regiments ON THEIR OWN.

Your leaders AND your generals & your airforce LET THEM DOWN and they paid wit their lives.

NO THOUGHT to conseqences was given by MUSHRAFF the mans a fool and a rogue.

But i feel sorry of the NORTHERN LIGHT INFANTRY regiment which was LEFT to face the indian AIRFORCE laser bomb strikes and BOFORS regiments ON THEIR OWN.

Your leaders AND your generals & your airforce LET THEM DOWN and they paid wit their lives.

NO THOUGHT to conseqences was given by MUSHRAFF the mans a fool and a rogue.
your words are music to Nawaz Sharif and Taliban loving zealots
Indian propaganda bark is not stopping. Unfortunately there are many corrupt people who can say anything for money & love from US & India. Kargil was going success, Pakistan Army & the Mujhaids were winning until everything went wrong from kuta Nawaz, he screwed everything in the table talks & couldn't defend Pakistan at all.

I spoke with Pak Military personal who said clearly that they (Pakistan) were winning the war & coward Indians were on the run but it was because of kuta Nawaz, Pakistan was badly hurt & many of our soldiers martyred because of kuta Nawaz cowardly decision.

Lying Indians should keep get this in their thick skulls that it was your Govt. officials who ran to US because India was loosing Kargil war very very very badly.

Propaganda & lies is part of shining India scheme.

Excellent Post. I really hope most of Pakistanis think like you. And I hope you continue to have rulers like Musharraf and Yahya. Its also helps if you continue to believe that you won all the wars and your Army has never made any mistakes. Since you see if people like Gen Aziz are leading you or you realize your mistakes from the wars you lost you may in reality win some day. And who would want that
Kargil was Musharraf’s disaster: Gen Aziz

Musharraf was Pakistan's disaster: Jackdaws

Pakistan was history's disaster: Still Jackdaws
“While preparations for executing the plan began in November/ December 1999, the subject was casually broached with the Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, some time in December,

Sir is there is a small problem w.r.t the dates..I mean India commenced Operation Vijay in the summer of 1999..I think you meant November/ December 1998..
your own military men have confessed that they have beheaded Pakistani soldiers and they see that as pride while your media is warmongering and crying rivers of tear over alleged brutality of Pakistan army. so yea you can get differing points of view from time to time among military and civilian leadership in Pakistan.

France supports Islamists in Syria while bombing the sit out of them in Mali. On the face of it that would be called hypocrisy..but realistically that is called "furthering one's interest". We are just furthering our interest and this media,diplomatic outcry is all meant for the international audience than Pakistani audience. :)

Former Pakistani Generals criticising General Musharraf.....former Indian officers claim, they are not convinced about any victory in Kargil, India media points out on several peaks still being occupied by Pakistan.....Nawas Sharif, who on one side claims that he was kept in dark about the operation....but suddenly he starts shooting in the dark on the causality figures....all in all it's one hell of a roller coaster of an event.

Cost was diplomatic side, but tactical and strategic side was victorious. Pakistan holds some of the highest positions in Kargil, Kargil is practically Pakistan's with Pakistani troops holding commanding positions. Indians talk of Tiger Hill, Indian troops on Tiger hill are in PA gun-sights if conflict breaks out, Tiger Hill can easily be attacked because it is a lower point than what PA holds.

I think I mentioned that important point here -

Pakistan's only aim in Kargil was to sucessfully capture the super strategic Point 5353 which they did with ultra ease and two months of Indian efforts to recapture that peak was not sucessfull.

Thus this was a huge tactical and strategic victory which has left the very presence of Indian Army in J&K untenable..and since this was a huge victory the fighters were all NLI commandoes and Pak Army bravehearts -- not non-state actors.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...harraf-s-disaster-gen-aziz.html#ixzz2IwDOuBsn

What also should be mention is Gen. Aziz has political differences with former Pres. Gen. Musharraf, I think it may be also have to do with lack of promotion by the former Army Chief of Staff, Gen. Aziz may have been sidelined

Already mentioned -

Lt Gen Shahid Aziz has a personal vengeance against Musharraf

This is pure political topi drama

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...harraf-s-disaster-gen-aziz.html#ixzz2IwDOuBsn
Actually, their Media and Army for more than 5 years quoted the figure 725, then suddenly, Nawaz Sharif came with his own figure 4000 and then Indians followed him, ignoring the official estimate of the Indian Military. What a shame!

Thats because the former PM of the country would know better about the actual (not published) number of soldiers martyred than the enemy. That is not exactly rocket science for someone to figure out.
An extract from the Memoirs of an NLI Soldier.

More like the memoirs of a pretender internet fanboi, I think I have seen these exact words spoken by Rafi here, for any self-respecting soldier would not talk like this and secondly the only ones who were showing their shoulders and scampering towards safety were the pakistanis (soldiers and mujaheddin) once the Indian army got going.

Once again, read an extract from a detailed article written soon after the Kargil conflict and put a lid on it.

Can the mods please put a lid on the Bee Cluff articles on this Kargil war. Far from being an independent western source, they were resembling the Pak army propaganda that they were winning and politicians permitting they would plant the Pak flag on Lal Qila.
Thats because the former PM of the country would know better about the actual (not published) number of soldiers martyred than the enemy. That is not exactly rocket science for someone to figure out.

It doesn't make any sense. PM himself wasn't fighting in Kargil, Indian Army was. Now who would you wanna believe, Indian Army, your PM or our PM? It's a rare thing to see, Indians agreeing with a Pakistani PM.
Now that a blunder has surfaced he's become a "Jamati Fundo"???

Well this is a symptoms which affect all countries where fundos have occupied seats of power..they think divine victory is granted to them and do not think otherwise. Mush was an active Jamati fundo until he lost the war and got a handle of reality!
It doesn't make any sense. PM himself wasn't fighting in Kargil, Indian Army was. Now who would you wanna believe, Indian Army, your PM or our PM? It's a rare thing to see, Indians agreeing with a Pakistani PM.

When you guys can agree with some random Indian army brigadier about how Kargil victory was not that convincing and twist that as proof saying India lost that war -then sure as hell we can believe a former Pakistani PM who some learned members are insisting was in the knowhow about this from the word go :)
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