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Lt Gen (retd) Shahid Aziz opens Pandora Box on Kargil issue

The peak initself cannot be used to bomb anything! It can be used to direct accurate arty fire from other locations! Its great for observing! and that is it..

IAF is no longer new to mountain ops. They have improved by leaps and bounds - and have much better gear now.

To my knowledge, your surrounding posts wont have any chance unless the artillery or Air Force is not called in. So, it does give us a advantage.

Desperate WindSpammer is now trying to copy posts of other Pak trolls.:lol:

Hey, where did you go? Why didn't you reply to my post? Go study and then come back with some answers. You're the one doing the 'copy-pasting' stuff here actually.
Kargil was Musharraf’s disaster: Gen Aziz

And who is Musharraf Pervez?

Before him there were nine more....WHO INDULGED IN WAR WITH INDIA....

Hence I conclude the following:

Kargil was Musharraf’s disaster: Gen Aziz

And who is Musharraf Pervez?

Before him there were nine more....WHO INDULGED IN WAR WITH INDIA....

Hence I conclude the following:


Whoa! :D Great story bro, is this the new bollywood movie? And btw, it's Pervez Musharraf, not the other way round :P
Whoa! :D Great story bro, is this the new bollywood movie? And btw, it's Pervez Musharraf, not the other way round :P

I think you failed on Algebra....
Because the equation, as summarized by me is crystal clear....
Its water tight case for a fertile and an academic mind....
Hey, where did you go? Why didn't you reply to my post? Go study and then come back with some answers. You're the one doing the 'copy-pasting' stuff here actually.
:lol:Since you are begging for a reply from me,you will recieve one:
Lets talk the military language now, if you understand though, which I doubt reading your immature post.

Do you even know how many Pakistani troops were actually involved in Kargil war. Your own official record says that 249 bodies of Pakistani soldiers were recovered from your side of the LoC after the fighting ended. The figure I completely disagree with. Though still, it's enough to prove your post wrong. See, there's no way Pakistanis would have recovered back "thousands" of bodies and left behind some 250. Doesn't make any sense, the point is, at the end of the fighting, there was noway to recover the bodies of our troops, 'cause the area was totally under Indian Army's control.

Next thing, Pakistan's casualties, most, if not all, were in the last weeks of fighting, for starting some weeks, they were there practicing their shooting skills, just targeting Indian soldiers, and your Army had no idea what's hitting them. The total number of occupiers your Army told was not more than 1800, a disputed figure, but still enough again to put your immaturity to shame. If the total number of occupiers was 1800, how could there be 4000 Pakistani casualties? Unless, you wanna believe that Indian Army crossed into our side of LoC and martyred some 4000 soldiers and then their bodies vanished.

I hope you get my point. The 1800 figure itself is exaggerated. Lets for the sake of argument agree to that, in the ending days, hundreds of Pakistani soldiers withdrew from the heights, that's official, so what numbers of soldiers do you think came back alive? Any guess?

And yes, Indian Army's official estimate of Pakistani casualties is 725 soldiers. What do you wanna say about this? For years, Indians believe this. And suddenly, a 'white paper' by a POLITICAL PARTY which has no concern with Military/Defence matters, and the people reporting this figure don't know a sht about what they are talking about, I bet they can't even locate Kargil in the map, and the whole India started to believe that. 4000 Troops, seriously?

You guys make a joke out of yourself when you pass such stupid statements. At least do some unbiased research.

The only thing we recovered in the majority of the peaks were mangled up remains of dozens of men.
Later Nawaz's admission of 4,000 dead and PPP's admission of a similar figure

This is from PPP's whitepaper:

Then there is recent Kashmir history. Musharaf was the architect of the Kargil crisis where thousands of Pakistani soldiers and Kashmiri militants lost their lives. Musharaf, like Lady Macbeth, finds it difficult to wash the stains of their blood from his hands. When he flies into Agra with his seventy-man delegation, the ghosts of three thousand Pakistani soldiers, buried secretly, fly with him. He will see their faces as they starved to death in the icy peaks of Kargil when supply lines stopped.

Pakistan Peoples Party
Desperate WindSpammer is now trying to copy posts of other Pak trolls.:lol:

Same nonsensical one liner whenever you run out of steam......now what was the thing another member said.....

"Gandalf was a wise one, you are just a waste of space"......you never fail to prove that right. !!
Err.. Arent these claims really made by the Prime Minister of PAKISTAN.. ? Wont call them claims then.. Would we? Specially if we go by the commonly accepted fact here that Nawaz Sharif was fully involved in the planning of that Debacle...

its called own goal buddy

and that too when he was no longer the PM
that hair implants and good Arabian diet did wonder to his memory
he can tell you the exact songs Indians were singing when they were defeating bigger than 1971 army in the mountains of Kragil and also tell you exact spacing of the Indian journalists and their cameras from the front line also what they had for breakfast

the victory songs had such a great impact on that place that trees started to grow and the snow melted away and the Indian media quickly recorded that "Chamatkaar" where the guns are shown firing at the Pakistanis. although my stupid sense tells me that not even a shred of moss or grass grows in that place for miles.
if this war would have led to Indian withdrawal from Siachin etc then even Nawaz sherif would have got his memory back and would have claimed the credit and his son would have claimed that he saw his father making all the plans while having Nehari

History... the way it is... is written by the victorious..not many instances Megasthenes or Ibn Batuta in recorded history..If Axis powers had won the Second World war,then Mussolini or Hitler would have been an idol and Churchill or Roosevelt a villain,but it is not.
Same nonsensical one liner whenever you run out of steam......now what was the thing another member said.....

"Gandalf was a wise one, you are just a waste of space"......you never fail to prove that right. !!
Gandalf was very Ruthless with Orcs(Pakistanis).
Indian propaganda bark is not stopping. Unfortunately there are many corrupt people who can say anything for money & love from US & India. Kargil was going success, Pakistan Army & the Mujhaids were winning until everything went wrong from kuta Nawaz, he screwed everything in the table talks & couldn't defend Pakistan at all.

I spoke with Pak Military personal who said clearly that they (Pakistan) were winning the war & coward Indians were on the run but it was because of kuta Nawaz, Pakistan was badly hurt & many of our soldiers martyred because of kuta Nawaz cowardly decision.

Lying Indians should keep get this in their thick skulls that it was your Govt. officials who ran to US because India was loosing Kargil war very very very badly.

Propaganda & lies is part of shining India scheme.
Indian propaganda bark is not stopping. Unfortunately there are many corrupt people who can say anything for money & love from US & India. Kargil was going success, Pakistan Army & the Mujhaids were winning until everything went wrong from kuta Nawaz, he screwed everything in the table talks & couldn't defend Pakistan at all.

I spoke with Pak Military personal who said clearly that they (Pakistan) were winning the war & coward Indians were on the run but it was because of kuta Nawaz, Pakistan was badly hurt & many of our soldiers martyred because of kuta Nawaz cowardly decision.

Lying Indians should keep get this in their thick skulls that it was your Govt. officials who ran to US because India was loosing Kargil war very very very badly.

Propaganda & lies is part of shining India scheme.

Isnt that how it always is for Pakistani people. This is exactly the story told to them for all the wars Pakistan has fought. Pakistani's were winning, coward Indians were running(though in Kargil case it Indians charging up slopes!) when all of a sudden the politicians led to defeat.

How pathetic is it that Pakistani Army is able to brainwash most of the people of Pakistan.
Indian propaganda bark is not stopping. Unfortunately there are many corrupt people who can say anything for money & love from US & India. Kargil was going success, Pakistan Army & the Mujhaids were winning until everything went wrong from kuta Nawaz, he screwed everything in the table talks & couldn't defend Pakistan at all.

I spoke with Pak Military personal who said clearly that they (Pakistan) were winning the war & coward Indians were on the run but it was because of kuta Nawaz, Pakistan was badly hurt & many of our soldiers martyred because of kuta Nawaz cowardly decision.

Lying Indians should keep get this in their thick skulls that it was your Govt. officials who ran to US because India was loosing Kargil war very very very badly.

Propaganda & lies is part of shining India scheme.

Isnt that how it always is for Pakistani people. This is exactly the story told to them for all the wars Pakistan has fought. Pakistani's were winning, coward Indians were running(though in Kargil case it Indians charging up slopes!) when all of a sudden the politicians led to defeat.

How pathetic is it that Pakistani Army is able to brainwash most of the people of Pakistan.
its called own goal buddy

and that too when he was no longer the PM
that hair implants and good Arabian diet did wonder to his memory
he can tell you the exact songs Indians were singing when they were defeating bigger than 1971 army in the mountains of Kragil and also tell you exact spacing of the Indian journalists and their cameras from the front line also what they had for breakfast

the victory songs had such a great impact on that place that trees started to grow and the snow melted away and the Indian media quickly recorded that "Chamatkaar" where the guns are shown firing at the Pakistanis. although my stupid sense tells me that not even a shred of moss or grass grows in that place for miles.

IB's account got hacked :woot:


anyway, size of army has nothing to do with number of casualties. Because in 1971, 93000 soldiers of Pakistan were allowed to surrender since it was a proper war. In Kargil that option was not awarded to the NLI soldiers since there was still some confusion around whether they were terrorists or soldiers (based on PA's claims that they had nothing to do with the operation) plus I guess the nature of battles did not allow surrender. Hence more deaths than 1971

I mean who would you really believe. Someone who very well may become the PM of Pakistan in a few months or a fugitive proclaimed offender (as per Pak courts) ?
:lol:Since you are begging for a reply from me,you will recieve one:

The only thing we recovered in the majority of the peaks were mangled up remains of dozens of men.

Uh! Are you really dumb or you're just acting like that? First of all, you haven't answered my post completely, secondly, do you have any link to support the bold part of your post? I didn't know this, in fact, this is the first time I'm hearing such theory.

And even if that's true, why did Indian Army gave the figure of 249 'left behind' bodies? And how was Indian Army so sure when it officially stated that around 725 Pakistani soldiers were martyred?

Later Nawaz's admission of 4,000 dead and PPP's admission of a similar figure

This is from PPP's whitepaper:

Pakistan Peoples Party

Oh boy! Again the same sht, have you lost it? This white, yellow or whatever paper is by PPP, not Jane's. PPP is a political party, not a Defence related think-tank.

I think you failed on Algebra....
Because the equation, as summarized by me is crystal clear....
Its water tight case for a fertile and an academic mind....

I never knew your post was about Algebra, I thought it was in english, although poor grammar, but still english. lol
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