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Lt Gen Faiz Hameed appointed new DG ISI

what happened to previous one?

Made Corp Commander Gujranwala

First of all, we all need to understand that Inter Service Intelligence is a very hardworking agency and is working with great responsibility under tough challenges and circumstances.Please do not rely on mere conjectures and keep this noble professional security agency away from politics.
You have no idea that how you can support your agency by not simply being nosy in their respective work.Please avoid spreading false analysis and assumptions and do not become unintentional anti state handle like this.As a common citizen of state I advise you to discuss this issue as much less as you can. Pakistani army is composed of those noblemen whom Allah(SWT) has chosen amongst you.They are given a very heavy responsibility and may Allah(SWT) give them success in every walk of life.
One more thing, if your chahcha mama or uncle is serving in army and tells you something then it is your responsibility to guard it and zip your mouth. Do not upload their pictures, their analysis or anything they are sharing with you since you are their family and they assumed to trust you before saying anything.Guard it by burying it in your chest and avoid showing off.It is between you, them and Allah(SWT).
Be careful when your are using Facebook, twitter or Instagram.


Fully Agreed I Have Also Been Prohibited From Posting My Pic Or Giving Too Much Detail About Myself
I don't know much about his past but this seems like one sided smear propaganda. Although I personally may not know the facts of his case but I do know that there are always two sides of a story.
His record as a journalist has been quite decent, much better than many others.So for me, that is the first thing to consider as that is something in the open and known to everyone. For anything else one has to know both sides to be able to say anything.
Exactly what I pointed out. I agree.

Lt. Gen Asim Munir is a fine officer --- not everyone is fit for the specific requirements that the COAS and PM need in a DG ISI given the unique geo-political situation at any given time. As you already mentioned, he clearly has been given a prestigious command post so it is not a matter of officer caliber.

Lol good for you, you know that state secrets and then you come on pdf and say you know why but you can't tell.....
Again if you have read my post you don't have to comment again.
I am not criticising the person neither I am criticising the transfer.....
I am only criticising the people who just makeup stories.. Like when previous dg isi was pointed everyone was like he is from good race so he would do miracles etc..

First of all calm down and learn to type like a respectable person during a discussion. The only reason I called you out is because of your idiotic way of stating your opinion, freedom of speech does not mean you start yapping stuff you know nothing about.
As for my made up stories. If you think they’re that. Then so be it. I already told you it has no effect on me. Just another delusional Pakistani thinking everyone is lying. I post here once in a month hence I must be lying and trying to create a image that I know state secrets. You don’t even know me but you’ll assume that I’m both lying and that I’m making stuff up. Good day.
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Lt. Gen Asim Munir is a fine officer --- not everyone is fit for the specific requirements that the COAS and PM need in a DG ISI given the unique geo-political situation at any given time. As you already mentioned, he clearly has been given a prestigious command post so it is not a matter of officer caliber.

I have also heard, about which I am not sure, that Asim Munir's wife is unfortunately suffering from some very serious disease and he also has to attend to her.

Sir qaum loot wali harkat konsi hai

شاڈولے کا یہ سپاہی کیا اکھاڑ لے گا بدمعاشوں کا پاکستان میں [emoji23]

جب تک ھمارے نظریات پے نہیں چلے گا

I have also heard, about which I am not sure, that Asim Munir's wife is unfortunately suffering from some very serious disease and he also has to attend to her.
I have also heard that. Seems to be true. A couple of my family members were discussing it. They have served with the outgoing and incoming generals.
is this the same guy who distributed money to khadim boys?
Appointment of new ISI chief signals Pakistan Army’s hardening stance

Faiz Hameed was chief of intelligence agency’s internal security wing.
Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury

NEW DELHI: The appointment of Lt General Faiz Hameed as the new chief of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), cutting short the tenure of the incumbent, Lt General Asim Munir, signals a hardening of stance on the part of the Pakistan Army which may impact the country’s policy, its prime minister Imran Khan’s appeal for peace talks notwithstanding.

Hameed, who was the head of the intelligence agency’s internal security wing, was appointed as the head of the ISI in a late-night development on Sunday. Seen as a hugely influential and a “very hard-line” figure, Hameed was among the officials who brokered the Faizabad agreement in late 2017, when protesters blocked roads into capital Islamabad, in an incident that exacerbated tensions between Pakistan’s civilian leadership and military establishment.

Terming his appointment as the ISI chief a “hawkish decision” by the Pakistan Army, some experts said Hameed might use excessive force to crush opposition movements and dissidence in Pakistan. The ISI has been accused of attempts to control the press and to influence last year’s elections, besides a crackdown against human rights groups including the Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement.

Activists in Pakistan allege a pattern of growing authoritarianism by the military, which they say has become even more influential since Prime Minister Imran Khan swept to power last year. Munir, who was the head of the military intelligence, was appointed as the ISI chief in October last year. But Hameed is understood to have a better grip on domestic politics and ability to reach deals as well as crush protest movements.

“The sudden replacement of DG ISI Asim Munir, barely eight months into his tenure and replacement with Lt Gen Faiz Hameed, is intriguing,” Tilak Devasher, member, National Security Advisory Board, told ET. “Even though Hameed is from the Baloch regiment, the same as army chief General Bajwa, there is clearly more than meets the eye.” Devasher, who retired as special secretary in the cabinet secretariat, further said, “Asim Munir had served under Gen Bajwa when the latter was corps commander, X C ..

Most posters are posting bs which is far far from the truth.
The very simple reason for the transfer of Gen. Asim Munir is the fact that he is in the run to be the new COAS.
One of the basic pre requisites to stand a chance to becoming PA Chief is for a LT. Gen. to have commanded a Corps. Any LT. Gen. Who hasent commanded a Corps is not even considered.
With just some 5 months remaining till a new coas is selected, Gen. Asim had reached a point where it was now or never.

P.s: his wife is not sick and is fine
Most posters are posting bs which is far far from the truth.
The very simple reason for the transfer of Gen. Asim Munir is the fact that he is in the run to be the new COAS.
One of the basic pre requisites to stand a chance to becoming PA Chief is for a LT. Gen. to have commanded a Corps. Any LT. Gen. Who hasent commanded a Corps is not even considered.
With just some 5 months remaining till a new coas is selected, Gen. Asim had reached a point where it was now or never.

P.s: his wife is not sick and is fine
Asim Munir will be the candidate in 2022 not in 2019.
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