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Lower your grocery bill with local alternatives to imported products

Exporting to Afghanistan is nothing, I'm talking about tapping markets like Middle East, Australia, SE Asia, Central Asia, even Africa and Europe.

Indians lecture others of becoming veggie but they export beef in large amount. So that was what I was pointing out.

Pakistan can't be a beef or milk exporter only those countries witch have small populations and a large number of cattle are exporting beef like Australia Argentine
but production can be increased which would enough to feed Pakistan's population
Pakistan can't be a beef or milk exporter only those countries witch have small populations and a large number of cattle are exporting beef like Australia Argentine
but production can be increased which would enough to feed Pakistan's population

excuse me.

we are battling stunted growth and how can we become exporters?

Export Mafia is strong in this gormint
excuse me.

we are battling stunted growth and how can we become exporters?

Export Mafia is strong in this gormint

Pakistan is still not producing enough milk for it's population reason is low productivity of Pakistani cattle and even bigger reason is large population
Pakistan can't be a beef or milk exporter only those countries witch have small populations and a large number of cattle are exporting beef like Australia Argentine
but production can be increased which would enough to feed Pakistan's population

Definitely not.
Pakistan is still not producing enough milk for it's population reason is low productivity of Pakistani cattle and even bigger reason is large population

meat prices are too high.

drought, famine and agriculture land turning into desert. these are only natural problems

man made problems include ancient Irrigation methods, Lack of trust in technology, water wastage and Cement jungles.

i dont understand how so much educated people on the forum chant such Slogans of Export mafia.

tsk tsk tsk
meat prices are too high.

Because supply is lower and demand is higher
Pakistan have cattle population in crores despite such a large cattle population if still beef prices are high it simply means our country is overpopulated
last year pm Imran Khan gave a suggestion to Farmers not to sell young calves but sell them after they are at least 3 years old it would increase the income of farmers and meat production too
Because supply is lower and demand is higher
Pakistan have cattle population in crores despite such a large cattle population if still beef prices are high it simply means our country is overpopulated
last year pm Imran Khan gave a suggestion to Farmers not to sell young calves but sell them after they are at least 3 years old it would increase the income of farmers and meat production too

Agriculture reforms are long due in the Country.

Pakistan is not overpopulated. We have failed to utilize our water and promise of city life and Industrialisierung promise have made us live in concrete jungles while the desert claims our lush fields.

CPEC should have been used as an excuse to diversify Migration Trend within the Country Letting the people choose with full conscience to either invest themselves in city or village life.

Pakistan is a big Country. People have bigger hearts on top of it.

Exploitation however has eroded the Basic fundamentals of our society and hence we are paying such a price in terms of extremism and corruption.

Inshallah our Rise will be faster in coming years.
Why daily shower is not recommended
Removes the natural microbiota of your skin and leaves a niche open for germs that can cause harm!

Lifebouy is not Pakistani?

It's my favourite Pakistani soap... :(
Nai...advertisements are so misleading :(

That brand is expensive in the UK. Can't believe its sold in PK. We buy Pakistani imported kali march, chilli flakes etc
Pakistanis living in Pakistan sometimes try to be more gora than those living abroad! Gangster style :unsure:

So true, I myself witnessed how mostly stores were covered with Pakistani products but now mostly Chinese, Indian or even Bangladeshi products have taken over those items kicking vast majority of Pakistani products. Look at Indians they have established successful chain stores of Indian grocery, Patel Brothers and Apna Bazaar, they also sell Pakistani products then there are dozens of Pakistani shops around that store, these shops are selling same product for a higher price, and this higher price become significant if you do bulk grocery. Now if all these tiny shops join up and create 1 single big store and either match or have lower prices than Indian chain stores, they will successfully grow their business exponentially, but as you mentioned, we loose our money by trying to become rich and opening shops individually. As for Bangladeshis, they are hyper nationalists and check every single item's label before putting it into their shopping cart or shop at only Bangladeshi owned store, for them if it is not Bangladeshi origin then it doesn't deserve to be in their cart.

These are the mentalities you have competition with. And it is not impossible to beat them with your own growth. We have brains and to be blunt we are more fit but it is pure laziness. It is same like our politicians who made the mindset that since we are small so we can't match India in anyway, but look at Bangladesh they had the will and they beat us economically with that will. Our mentalities has to change for good.
I wish we had an ounce of self respect :(

Point of hiding If I may ask?
Uski merzi yaar! Why are you such a busy body? Kuch milna hai with regards to gender? You gonna benefit in any ways?
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