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Looking forward to strategic ties with India: China


Sep 20, 2009
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Looking forward to strategic ties with India: China

With the border dispute in Ladakh seemingly shoved to the background, Indian and Chinese leaders on Friday said they were looking forward to Premier Li Keqiang’s visit to India – his first trip abroad after taking over as premier - on May 19 to strengthen strategic ties between the two.Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s expected visit to China later this year would further deepen the bonds which have been lately dented by the incursion by Chinese troops and falling trade numbers.

A senior Indian officer, in-charge of India-China border, is also in Beijing to exchange views on the border issue with counterparts in China.

The Border Defence Cooperation Agreement, part of the 16 agreements suggested by China, will be discussed during Li’s visit to India.

After three tense weeks between the two countries over the incursion, resolved earlier this week, Friday saw both countries – including China’s often critical state media – talking peace, stability and strategic cooperation.

On the last leg of his visit, foreign minister Salman Khurshid met Premier Li and state councillor Yang Jiechi on Friday.

“China and India are the world’s most populous countries and largest emerging economies and their simultaneous development on our two countries is of strategic significance not only for the region but for the whole world,” Li told Khurshid during their meeting at the sprawling and somber Zhongnanhai, the central leadership compound.

“The healthy and steady development of our bilateral relationship is very good news not just for our own peoples but also for peace and stability in the region and in the world,” Li said.

China would like to negotiate with India to settle border issues and create favorable conditions for bilateral cooperation and development, Li said.

Briefing Beijing-based Indian journalists on Friday night, Khurshid said he raised the issue of the recent border incident with Yang Jiechi, who has been appointed as the special representative (SR) for the ongoing border talks with India.

“We did speak on the issue. I brought up the issue of the border matter... that such incidents should not recur,” he said.

Talking about Li’s visit to India, Khurshid said several agreements, including 16 put up by the Chinese, will be discussed. On some of the issues, like liberalising the visa regime, the views of both countries were overlapping. In some, more discussions will be needed. While Khurshid left for India on Friday night, senior Indian officials will stay back to finalise the groundwork for Li’s visit.

The state media said on Friday that issues should be resolved through negotiations.

“While we shouldn't pretend that border disputes and historical issues don't exist between the two nations, it is hard to deny that the problems were often solved in a quick fashion as the two-way ties are getting more mature each day.

For international observers, being fixated on border spats, which are not rare between neighbouring nations, risks missing the grand picture of the overall positive trend of the China-India relationship and the huge opportunities and benefits it could bring to the region and the world,” state-run Xinhua said in a commentary.

Looking forward to strategic ties with India: China - Hindustan Times

After the recent debacle India is thinking even about trade relationship continuity with China.
its time for India to side completely with the US. If India continue to develop relationship with China Russia axis, India will be digging its own grave. And don't disassociate China with Russia, these two countries strategic interest is converging, and its diverging from India's interest, which lie more closely with the US interest. I hope Indian government open up their eyes and see the truth.
its time for India to side completely with the US. If India continue to develop relationship with China Russia axis, India will be digging its own grave. And don't disassociate China with Russia, these two countries strategic interest is converging, and its diverging from India's interest, which lie more closely with the US interest. I hope Indian government open up their eyes and see the truth.

no at all, with Nawaz Sharif returning to power, its time India and Pakistan get closer.. Nawaz sharif has always been a good friend (he had no role in kargil ... it was all Musharraf/ISI's foul play). With friendly govt in both Pakistan and BD, it bodes even better days for the entire subcontinent.. much better than the first decade of this century.

As for china, if it wants to keep wooing russia .. it may. In my opinion, russians are just interested in making money and their own interests .. they have shown no inclination to help china in its disputes. (and well, why should they !!).

Ditto for US, vis-a-vis its own allies ... japan, taiwan, sk etc. (and this should naturally be expected).
no at all, with Nawaz Sharif returning to power, its time India and Pakistan get closer.. Nawaz sharif has always been a good friend (he had no role in kargil ... it was all Musharraf/ISI's foul play). With friendly govt in both Pakistan and BD, it bodes even better days for the entire subcontinent.. much better than the first decade of this century.

As for china, if it wants to keep wooing russia .. it may. In my opinion, russians are just interested in making money and their own interests .. they have shown no inclination to help china in its disputes. (and well, why should they !!).

Ditto for US, vis-a-vis its own allies ... japan, taiwan, sk etc. (and this should naturally be expected).

US regard itself as the guarding of democracy. In my opinion, US should not do that. But I disagree that US just make money from its Asian allies. US should help these countries defend themselves instead of the need to keep on station troops there. India, on the other hand, can only get so close to its neighbors as they do not trust the heavy handed control of Indians there. But US would be a natural ally of India.
US regard itself as the guarding of democracy. In my opinion, US should not do that. But I disagree that US just make money from its Asian allies. US should help these countries defend themselves instead of the need to keep on station troops there. India, on the other hand, can only get so close to its neighbors as they do not trust the heavy handed control of Indians there. But US would be a natural ally of India.

US and India were friends even during the cold war. India did not join soviet-bloc lead boycott of 1984 LA olympics (.. and India didn't join the USA-led boycott of 1980 Moscow olympics, either).

India didn't need to ally with USA or Soviets, even during the cold war when we didn't have deployed nukes (atleast officially). Obviously, there is no need now. And there is no pressing need for USA for such a thing, either.

But trade relations with US are important, because its still the most important export market... they will continue to grow.

But growth of untapped trade potential with Pakistan in enormous.. ditto for BD (though, there has been great improvement already). And what's good is that both Pakistan and BD know that their economic growth requires increased trade with India. Good for all the three, as relations develop.
its time for India to side completely with the US. If India continue to develop relationship with China Russia axis, India will be digging its own grave. And don't disassociate China with Russia, these two countries strategic interest is converging, and its diverging from India's interest, which lie more closely with the US interest. I hope Indian government open up their eyes and see the truth.

Don't even try.

You know nothing of India. Talk from a Chin perspective only and reserve your advice for the Chin.
its time for India to side completely with the US. If India continue to develop relationship with China Russia axis, India will be digging its own grave. And don't disassociate China with Russia, these two countries strategic interest is converging, and its diverging from India's interest, which lie more closely with the US interest. I hope Indian government open up their eyes and see the truth.

my friend....thats the difference between india and other countries....indian politicians never upset any1....thats the reason it has hardly had any enmities except pakistan....even during height of cold war India maintained relations with every country and still protected national interests...although personally i dont always support this....

but indian diplomacy always has its way

its time for India to side completely with the US. If India continue to develop relationship with China Russia axis, India will be digging its own grave. And don't disassociate China with Russia, these two countries strategic interest is converging, and its diverging from India's interest, which lie more closely with the US interest. I hope Indian government open up their eyes and see the truth.

how do u think india has extremely awesome relations with israel and saudi....iran and usa etc etc at the same time??....diplomacy bro...
Don't even try.

You know nothing of India. Talk from a Chin perspective only and reserve your advise for the Chin.

this "faithfulguy" believes that if he closes his own eyes, nobody else will be able see that he is a stupid. :laugh:

no wonder, no chin wants to take him seriously, either.
its time for India to side completely with the US. If India continue to develop relationship with China Russia axis, India will be digging its own grave. And don't disassociate China with Russia, these two countries strategic interest is converging, and its diverging from India's interest, which lie more closely with the US interest. I hope Indian government open up their eyes and see the truth.

We do not have the attitude of 'either you are with us or against us' attitude.

We safeguard our interests.
its time for India to side completely with the US. If India continue to develop relationship with China Russia axis, India will be digging its own grave. And don't disassociate China with Russia, these two countries strategic interest is converging, and its diverging from India's interest, which lie more closely with the US interest. I hope Indian government open up their eyes and see the truth.

India is not a US lapdog like Taiwan. Keep that in mind. We believe in equal and rational partnership, not with and against anyone
its time for India to side completely with the US. If India continue to develop relationship with China Russia axis, India will be digging its own grave. And don't disassociate China with Russia, these two countries strategic interest is converging, and its diverging from India's interest, which lie more closely with the US interest. I hope Indian government open up their eyes and see the truth.

That's a lame effort. You are hoping to have India side with the US and by corollary Taiwan. Both countries you owe allegiance to. If our babus are smart we will neither tilt westwards nor eastwards. Why make enemies when you can get by nicely with friends?
1. U.S.A is a natural ally of Indian nation and Indian people.
2. We understand U.S.A and Indians don't understand China / Chinese at all. There is no emotional connect with China. With U.S.A. we have emotional, cultural, educational, scientific associations.
3. We understand democracy, fress press, debates etc....we do not understand autocracy.

However our relationship with U.S.A will not be at the cost of Russia. We will seek relationship at equal terms with U.S.A.

We will also strive to live as a good neighbor with China but will prepare to reply back to any adventure of Chineses.
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