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look how pakistan punished modi

no he is not
My mistake....Confused 747 Jumbo with dreamliner. Either ways, this is again a custom aircraft with bedrooms as well....:D
Also u may wanna know that US is still using 747-200 and will replace them with 747-8. India has already decided to replace 747-400 with 777-300ER which Air India already has.
Meanwhile i hope PM IK had a comfortable flight in his tiny Airbus 310 (which was a gift by Qatar) or that even tinier Gulfstream 4.
My mistake....Confused 747 Jumbo with dreamliner. Either ways, this is again a custom aircraft with bedrooms as well....:D
Also u may wanna know that US is still using 747-200 and will replace them with 747-8. India has already decided to replace 747-400 with 777-300ER which Air India already has.
Meanwhile i hope PM IK had a comfortable flight in his tiny Airbus 310 (which was a gift by Qatar) or that even tinier Gulfstream 4.
again you failed

that A-310 was not tiny its consider wide body aircraft , but it was not used by Pakistan and was scrapped IN 2012 . it was used only 3 years .

pakistani head of the states use BOEING 777 OR A320 and GULF STREAMS of PAF :lol: and they flight strait to location





poor guy sitting aching/SCRATCHING his arse or seat 6hours for nothing :bunny:

flight path of modi india-1:rofl:

It means my flight from isb to Spain 7 hours wow...trust me if we keep doing this to them they will start begging you in months

When did the thousand years begin & end please
This is your history.. which will keep hurting you guys for centuries

I guess even monkeys have better financial sense than Pakistanis lol

This must be a hard to accept
But Still begging us air routes which makes you guys poorer then us. Days are near going to beg us for salt lol
Wah !

Another pearl on this thread !

Not worth responding to
But you did respond lol

My mistake....Confused 747 Jumbo with dreamliner. Either ways, this is again a custom aircraft with bedrooms as well....:D
Also u may wanna know that US is still using 747-200 and will replace them with 747-8. India has already decided to replace 747-400 with 777-300ER which Air India already has.
Meanwhile i hope PM IK had a comfortable flight in his tiny Airbus 310 (which was a gift by Qatar) or that even tinier Gulfstream 4.
He had one n half hour flight and your was 6 hours..so who was wasting time for his comfort. As you know head of country time is very important.even a second matters the most
You are still around ?

Did he have to walk ? Unlike IK he travelled in a Jumbo & going by his track record he must’ve worked on board

My Q to remains ( refer post No 25) , what’s your point ? .. and why ?

Rather use it than let leaders steal / squander it who leave the country for years only to come back after a NRO happens

What say ?

I thought congress was corrupt. The nehru dynasty are free, despite bjp promising to jail the "criminals". The people who did major corruption have jumped ship and joined bjp.

Read link, widespread vote buying. The winning MP's borrowed heavily from the rich, in return the rich will get lucrative public contracts, paid by the indian people.

after so much nonsense and hype from modi’s inDia camp on us. Of punishment

Judging by these recent events. It’s Pakistan whose physically isolating inDia and its routes of trade and air travel to and from it.

The irony of it

This is your history.. which will keep hurting you guys for centuries

You must be the 100th member here who has made this loose , no brainier claim

Once again ..”When did this fabled 1000 years begin & end “ ?
pakistan offer him to fly over same route where now indians flying route N571 . he has to fly karachi then onward . it was disrespect hahahaha :rofl: you can see even now indian airlines using this pakistani routes . pakistan refused to open any north route for modi . FYI pakistan have 11 routes to india 10 are closed one near karachi is opened .:lol:

this is the one opened and offered to modi

You sure you are not pulling one out of your ar**?

Why do you need permission to use an already open route over Karachi?
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