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look how pakistan punished modi

Apni he video me aik thandi si jugat maar ky sath khud e snoop dog ka music laga kay upar thug life lik ky pir khud e post krky samajti mene barra teer maar li .. bao raami pandy g bao rami @Zibago

You can always use protection.... only if it worth it. Pandy g se pyaary to hamary kitchen me pandy hoty hy iska kisi ne kia krna @GumNaam
Everything they are doing is embarrassing from their leadership to the civilians. It's a clown show.

What happened ?
Lmao just bugging him, but he didnt fall for it :(
i think pakistan think if we let him cross he will claim another victory look i am the one crossed eastern border after abhinandan . i am the one Pakistan scared of bla bla bla . and blind bhakts will follow him he fly or not via paksitan

he was rejoicing Pakistan air space closure in elections
If you see ik speech and modi was listening there..he mocked modi in speech to tell him we are very well placed on world trade route. We provide connectivity to the world.. man that tells whole story of Indian begging airspace to Pakistan. Just listen carefully the speech
You guys as always miss the woods for the trees

That is your understanding of us, needless to say how very limited and narrow minded it is.

You guys are spin masters .......... a lie becomes the only truth for one billion, whosoever braves going against it, is show the door of humiliation and isolation. We may miss much but you sir miss the simple logic and start overreacting and over complicating ...... the only need I find for this that it's the reality you don't wish to accept.
LoL Modi showed how irrelevant pakistan is by going around it after pakistan went out of its way to open a special route for him.
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