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look how pakistan punished modi

Is this video really to criticize Pakistan or to show her boobs?
OR perhaps both the feats are the same.
who cares either way about her critique or her hiv ridden boobs! sick, tharki & disgusting hindu woman!
Yup. It's adding insult to injury, we'll give them permission to fly over our airspace but only the long way around...:enjoy:
Monkeys find a way to make an insult seem like a victory. Remember when we released their pilot and they claim we came under pressure, whilst completely forgetting we hold more of their prisoners

:woot: you do know we wrote the book on guerrilla warfare, don't ya (just ask your daddy uncle sam)! :lol:

acha sun bitva...
^^^ your didu, yes? :omghaha:
Wtf? Did she really ask us to take her?
@RealNapster Duty calls...
Modi baysharam ko Pakistan say route mangtay sharam nai ae?

@third eye your as5 is clearly on fire seeing you PM had to take a lounger route, imagine modi as5 while he sat 6 hours in that plane wondering... Haha
Monkeys find a way to make an insult seem like a victory. Remember when we released their pilot and they claim we came under pressure, whilst completely forgetting we hold more of their prisoners

Wtf? Did she really ask us to take her?
@RealNapster Duty calls...
:lol: :omghaha: :woot:

DUDE... DON'T! Remember, hiv is incurable! :laugh:
You must be the 100th member here who has made this loose , no brainier claim

Once again ..”When did this fabled 1000 years begin & end “ ?
Cry baby..as usual Indians job to be jealous with Pakistanis .losers

My word , that’s very clever to observe

The remark was to highlight that absence of intellect the remark of having tea in an aircraft showed.
Tea content was used for mig21..
wrong sir pakistan granted him to fly throw N571 route which is near karachi . so he did not pick it if he pick N571 which is now opened for all traffic he still have to fly 4 .30 hours . so he let it go . he think we will open for him sky at G210 or any other G series routes which he could fly from delhi to lahore and then via KPK to afghanistan . but pakistan did not not

what modi asked for

View attachment 564959

what we give him
View attachment 564960

what he choose
View attachment 564961
hahhah so Pakistan badly troll Modi on one hand we granted permission and on other it is still of no use, that is called a master stroke by PMIK:lol:
Our objective is to keep the tension in the border area alive , yes we may "lose" some skirmishes here and there but we are looking at the long term scenario . By keeping the tensions high in the border region we force the pakistanis to spend more on military , which means they spend less on their people , which in turn reduces their ability to spend more in the military in the future . It is vicious cycle .

We can easily absord the cost of prolonged military tension in the area simply because our economy is much bigger than yours . You want to have parity with india militarily , but for how long will you be able to go on ? Specially when you compromise investing on your people for maintaining that parity . You shot down one of our jets or maybe two but the economy is the real battleground .
Nah nah..you are mistaken..if you read history..as I am well into those pages..keep doing..see what happen with USA after 19 years..lost trillions in Afghanistan ..reason they thought they can bear long war.it is last thing you will advice as economy and war expect to do long war....reality is your alleconomy dependents on us..if we want a single oil tanker cannot inter to India.. if we dont want single jet to Europe and arabs can not pass.....man come out of your dreams..you guys are in deep deep trouble..you will realise in coming years.you just awaken the lion.. you know it will be enough for us to put you guys in place to help some Pirates to Give you some taste... as look what is happening in area with oil tankers..you guys have serious mental health problems
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Have Pakistanis never heard of first class on flights... 6 hours of flight time is nothing.. can't believe people find happiness on such small and ridiculous things..
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