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look how pakistan punished modi

of course he chose not too...he would be seen weak and prob lynched by his own people :coffee:
Well that’s one way of looking at it , a tad monocular if you please

Maybe he asked , obtained a “yes” & .. then no thank you. Id rather not , keep your offer
And decided to use tax payers money to take an even longer route? Sure :agree: He is prince of india now :agree:
Is that the best response you could think of ?

See , Unlike Pak , Indians pay tax & Indians wouldn’t mind if he went via the moon so long as the ‘ correct ‘ message is conveyed.
pakistanio ki choti choti khusian . Somebody here was happy that they "disrespected" modi . Respect dena ya na dena ye khudke upar hai .
First time I am seeing people being happy simply because they disrespected someone !

Is that the best response you could think of ?

See , Unlike Pak , Indians pay tax & Indians wouldn’t mind if he went via the moon so long as the ‘ correct ‘ message is conveyed.
correct massage was given to modi by pakistan . he will think before he been stupid again

what modi asked for


what we give him

what he choose

pakistanio ki choti choti khusian . Somebody here was happy that they "disrespected" modi . Respect dena ya na dena ye khudke upar hai .
First time I am seeing people being happy simply because they disrespected someone !

ohhh really saint kabir has been born just watch your media bolllywood and then come talk about respect . indans teach us how to treat indians :lol:
At least they didn't fly over some waypoint in Oman as was being reported earlier. Through Iran was the next option if not through Pakistan where no doubt their military had plans to embarass Air India One being toyed around by their flight traffic.

This is a second place finish for what the Pakistan generals actually wanted.

Gloat away though, but it is a bit petty and doesn't help with changing the status quo.

Well left, Modi Ji :P
Is that the best response you could think of ?

See , Unlike Pak , Indians pay tax & Indians wouldn’t mind if he went via the moon so long as the ‘ correct ‘ message is conveyed.

indian tax money! They can use it in whatever means even if it is to save face and ego!
correct massage was given to modi by pakistan . he will think before he been stupid again

what modi asked for


what we give him

what he choose
You are still around ?

Did he have to walk ? Unlike IK he travelled in a Jumbo & going by his track record he must’ve worked on board

My Q to remains ( refer post No 25) , what’s your point ? .. and why ?


indian tax money! They can use it in whatever means even if it is to save face and ego!
Rather use it than let leaders steal / squander it who leave the country for years only to come back after a NRO happens

What say ?
You are still around ?

Did he have to walk ? Unlike IK he travelled in a Jumbo & going by his track record he must’ve worked on board

My Q to remains ( refer post No 25) , what’s your point ? .. and why ?

He must be making fantastic tea in that Jumbo. Lol
Rather use it than let leaders steal / squander it who leave the country for years only to come back after a NRO happens

What say ?
Sure live like the king! that is the way to go!
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