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look how pakistan punished modi

Ye tou balatkaar ho gaya :lol:
Well @Imran Khan buddy what about the news we heard today on our TVs that pakistan allowed airspace for modi flight to china?
poor guy sitting aching/SCRATCHING his arse or seat 6hours for nothing :bunny:

flight path of modi india-1:rofl:

What punishment? Pakistan gave him permission but he himself chose that path.
The route we offered him was a slap in his face with a smile!

The route he took was 6 hours of him getting to think about the hell he is putting indian air travellers to Pakistan

I regularly go too and from Pakistan, its an 8 hour flight to the U.K
If I suddenly had to spend 2 or 3 extra hours going around iran I would be cursing modi right now,
Don't forget the hike in ticket prices too
Fun ?

Only people from a country which has had 13 Bail outs by the IMF can find misplaced vicarious pleasure in a non issue !

Can you name any other nation that has had so many bailouts ?
Yeha to a country who were our slaves for thousands years.monkey slaves
Agar ye wala route diya tha, tou phir tou sahi bist wali baat hai india k liye, tabhi agaly ne kaha k iss se acha rehnay he doo. If this route was given then it was a very well played stroke by our gov./establishment.
this is real issue he begged and run away
Having a “ Blast “ ?

Evidently..Yes. Numerous ones .. almost daily across the nation !
india and terrorism lolllz 2018 global terror index

Screenshot_2019-06-13 Global-Terrorism-Index-2018-1 pdf.png


According to Indian maps Afghanistan is a neighbor of India should have taken the Indian fake map route through Wakhan corridor..Oops can't do this.
according to indian map gilgit skardu muzzafarabad and many pakistanis other cites are in india too :lol:
according to indian map gilgit skardu muzzafarabad and many pakistanis other cites are in india too

Also India shows that GB region and AJK Pakistan in their landmass the total area of India(Aksai Chin too), India is actually 130,000(about 1 lac 30 thousand sq.kms) smaller than shown in maps world over and it is about 3.6 times bigger with a population which is 6.5 times higher than Pakistan and Pakistan has about half the population density than India.

India fakes just about anything...
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