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Little change for the SM-3 Bro, You need Aegis system for that. Since the TF-2000 will most likely include Domestic System and Radars its not likely that the US will allow it. Thats why alot of advanced nation such as Korea or Japan did chose Aegis for there destroyers while they obviously have the capability to design and built there own systems and radars.

But i personnaly hope for the HQ-9/16 duo the fact its a systems that derives from the S-300 but is improved and modified. I dont want to rely on both Russia or USA for these systems so strategicly i find this the best choisse.

Lockheed Martin ve Havelsan donanma programlari iinSava ynetim sistemleri konusunda ibirlii yapiyor - DHA Doan Haber Ajans

hq-9/16? do you know size of these missiles? how many of them can you install to ships? make a little search bro
Lockheed Martin ve Havelsan donanma programlari iinSava ynetim sistemleri konusunda ibirlii yapiyor - DHA Doan Haber Ajans

hq-9/16? do you know size of these missiles? how many of them can you install to ships? make a little search bro

Well so there is potenial for the Aegis. Would be a great solution but would rather go for domestic with Aster-30 if the Relationship with France would be restored now with the new President.

The HQ-9/16 is for the T-Loramids not for the integration on ships.
Fvck the TOT and fvck french aster crap too. Whatever's best for our national defence (that'll be S400) must be chosen. Only struggle will be integration of Russian radars and missiles to current NATO systems.
Fvck the TOT and fvck french aster crap too. Whatever's best for our national defence (that'll be S400) must be chosen. Only struggle will be integration of Russian radars and missiles to current NATO systems.

Then its obviously NOT the best choise for national defence isnt it, I say HQ-9/16. Here are the reasons...

- Less dependent on both Russia and USA
- Better capability then the Russian S-300, PAC-3 and Aster-30
- Chinas Defence Industry is partly western influanced, We cant get any closer to western then that.
- S-400 would never be sold to Turkey anway, Russia was always holding back with this.

Best choise IMHO lies with the Chinese HQ-9, Russia would never sell there S-400 systems it was reported alot of times. The decision would lie in Turkey hands with the NATO defence shield.
Russia agreed to sell S400s and HQ-9 isn't a NATO system either. And i don't see how depending on China is better than depending on USA or Russia.
Fvck the TOT and fvck french aster crap too. Whatever's best for our national defence (that'll be S400) must be chosen. Only struggle will be integration of Russian radars and missiles to current NATO systems.

S-400 means end of AKP. And i dont think AKP want to leave their reign.
Guys, Russia offered S-300VM (Antey-2500) to Turkey, S-400 will not be put up to export until at least 2015.
Russia agreed to sell S400s and HQ-9 isn't a NATO system either. And i don't see how depending on China is better than depending on USA or Russia.

Russia agreed to look for a possibility to sell the S-400 but it would depend on the relationship improvement between the two country and duo the NATO defence shield its no longer a option. We have little chinese weapons in our inventory so buying HQ-9 wont make us as much dependent on China as we do with Russia or USA. Besides there is not even a Export variant of the S-400 how do you expect to purchases that.
Guys, Russia offered S-300VM (Antey-2500) to Turkey, S-400 will not be put up to export until at least 2015.

If that variant was offered then the entire systems is useless to Turkey. This variant is specificly designed to take out ballistic missiles and rocket. We need something that is built to take out fighter jets. Yet again HQ-9 recommended.
If that variant was offered then the entire systems is useless to Turkey. This variant is specificly designed to take out ballistic missiles and rocket. We need something that is built to take out fighter jets. Yet again HQ-9 recommended.

I agree with you

I think China will be likely to sell the technology to Turkey ,rather than USA

And Russian are always offer Monkey-model
People seem to forget how the patriot antimissile system failed miserably in Israel and the Gulf countries against the Iraqi most basic Scud missiles.
So any other system will be a better choice for sure.
I prefer the Russian S-300V most advanced system with ToT, or the Chinese HQ-9 , the other hybrid system won't fair better than the Patriot.
Then its obviously NOT the best choise for national defence isnt it, I say HQ-9/16. Here are the reasons...

- Less dependent on both Russia and USA
- Better capability then the Russian S-300, PAC-3 and Aster-30
- Chinas Defence Industry is partly western influanced, We cant get any closer to western then that.
- S-400 would never be sold to Turkey anway, Russia was always holding back with this.

Best choise IMHO lies with the Chinese HQ-9, Russia would never sell there S-400 systems it was reported alot of times. The decision would lie in Turkey hands with the NATO defence shield.

The bold part. As far as i know the HQ-9 has limited capabilities compared to S-300 and Patriot. But i agree that Russia will hold back the deal as long as possible, hence we should either deal with US or China.
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