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ok now i know turkey has missiles but how far they can fly? How many types of missile you have? and how far they go?
most probably we ll go for Patriot Advanced Capability III (PAC-3) since the PAC-3 Missile has been selected as the primary interceptor for the multi-national Medium Extended Air Defense System which is a part of this Active Layer Theatre Ballistic Missile Defense thing!

Patriot program manager was saying that $2 billion of the project (which is worth nearly 4 bln), would be done by Turkish companies locally, Aselsan and Roketsan already have agreements worth a few hundred million dollars for the sale of Patriot components to United Arab Emirates and Kuwait( and I guess its a clear sign to who already won the tender)

and about the S-400 as we all know it uses 3 different missiles. These are the extremely long range 40N6, long range 48N6 and medium range 9M96! so question here is Russians are talking about a full set s-400 or not? and the answer is obviously NO!
The funny thing is, that all three of the main missiles that the S-400 uses, have either similar attributes to the PAC-3, or superior attributes (40N6 is the best SAM in the world, as of current). Of course, U.S. pressure on Turkey will more than likely move Turkey into purchasing PAC-3s, which, aren't that bad anyways in terms of defense.
Last 4 days for decision. Anyhow this decision must be taken. I think after last sanctions China and Russia can not win the tender.
4 billion dollars goes to Uncle Sam for 8 batteries. I hope we will acquire SM-2 and 3 missiles for TF-2000 destroyers thanks to this purchase.
what is 8 batteries can someone explain , is 8 batteries 8 missiles? how can that be enough for 780,000 km land ?
For a change, can we produce the missile ammunition of systems ? it would be great I think.

When would the delivery of systems would complete and are 8 batteries is enough for our defence ?(sorry I'm a bit ignorant on that subject)
8 simultaneously active batteries will suffice due to the geography of Turkey.
For a change, can we produce the missile ammunition of systems ? it would be great I think.

When would the delivery of systems would complete and are 8 batteries is enough for our defence ?(sorry I'm a bit ignorant on that subject)
Last 4 days for decision. Anyhow this decision must be taken. I think after last sanctions China and Russia can not win the tender.
4 billion dollars goes to Uncle Sam for 8 batteries. I hope we will acquire SM-2 and 3 missiles for TF-2000 destroyers thanks to this purchase.

Thats what come to my mind to , didn't BAE refused to integrate version 3 missiles to our ships and offered us shamelessy inferior version 2 ones? I hope thats the deal otherwise this deal is sham!
what is 8 batteries can someone explain , is 8 batteries 8 missiles? how can that be enough for 780,000 km land ?

one battery usually consists of one radar one control vehicle and 3-4 missile ramps and one ramp has 4 missiles.

Thats what come to my mind to , didn't BAE refused to integrate version 3 missiles to our ships and offered us shamelessy inferior version 2 ones? I hope thats the deal otherwise this deal is sham!

after that tender i don't think that they will offer sm2 again. i hope our officials make an agreement for naval aa missiles at same time. if us doesn't accept to provide sm-3 aegis solution, we should acquire aster 30 for army and naval vessels.
Last 4 days for decision. Anyhow this decision must be taken. I think after last sanctions China and Russia can not win the tender.
4 billion dollars goes to Uncle Sam for 8 batteries. I hope we will acquire SM-2 and 3 missiles for TF-2000 destroyers thanks to this purchase.

Little change for the SM-3 Bro, You need Aegis system for that. Since the TF-2000 will most likely include Domestic System and Radars its not likely that the US will allow it. Thats why alot of advanced nation such as Korea or Japan did chose Aegis for there destroyers while they obviously have the capability to design and built there own systems and radars.

But i personnaly hope for the HQ-9/16 duo the fact its a systems that derives from the S-300 but is improved and modified. I dont want to rely on both Russia or USA for these systems so strategicly i find this the best choisse.
Thats why alot of advanced nation such as Korea or Japan did chose Aegis for there destroyers while they obviously have the capability to design and built there own systems and radars.
Nops. Not true. Neither Japan nor the Koreans can even dream-up of developing something like the Aegis system.
Nops. Not true. Neither Japan nor the Koreans can even dream-up of developing something like the Aegis system.

Doesnt specificly need to be equal or better then Aegis. Its just that without Aegis you cant have SM-3.
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