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Lone wolf: The West should bide its time, friendless China is in trouble

China is origin of the kungflu virus, and now rise another one from middle kingdom bubonic plague.
No China was the country where was first detected the true origin is for now unknown and Yersinia pestis exist everywhere in the world from Central Asia to Africa, including parts of Europe. But dont worry about that for now because you dont live in medieval times were people use to think that garlic help to stop the plague. Now we have better hygiene, doctors now know how to deal with infected people because handling of infected people and corpses was the major driver of the plague and we now have antibiotics.
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No China was the country where was first detected the true origin is for now unknown and Yersinia pestis exist everywhere in the world from Central Asia to Africa, including parts of Europe. But dont worry about that for now because you dont live in medieval times when people think that garlic help to stop the plague. Now with have better hygiene, doctors now know how to deal with infected people because handling of infected people and corpse was the major driver of the plague and we now have antibiotics.

Why waste time? I speak a language their brains can understand. You should too.

Mods seem sleeping when we are talking about Chinese cohorts shenagigan here.

Report the derailed flamebait posts etc... some are already being deleted by mods, not sure if warning issued.

Its too bad CCP mob cannot simply stay on topic without this foulness.

Lone wolf: The West should bide its time, friendless China is in trouble

The ledger is brutally clear. Xi Jinping's regime has no allies of global economic weight or credibility.

Some 53 countries backed China's treatment of Hong Kong in the UN Human Rights Council, a body now under the thumb of Beijing. They make up just 4 per cent of the world's GDP. Most are authoritarian statelets locked into the neo-colonial infrastructure nexus of China's "belt and road" initiative.

The only G20 member to have lined up on China's side was Mohammad bin Salman's Saudi Arabia, a struggling middle-income autocracy running out of places to sell its oil.

I am just going to pick up few points from this article.

1- The article printed in an Australian website, picked up from The Telegraph, London.
Everyone in the world knows the truth about the history of both countries, when it comes to Human's suffering and misery. Who can forget the brutality of colonialism and slavery!!
No, it is not in the past, only recently, "Black lives matters" trend is going around in these "advanced and civilised" countries. In the eyes of those who are suffering, nothing much has changed.

2- The article pointing to the world created both politically and Geo politically by the powers who have treated humanity abysmally over the centuries!! Take the example of Australia, could this white colony existed without mass killings of the aborigines!!
3- Every third world country knows the true nature and working of the UN. Things have to change for humanity to live in dignity for all, not selected few (read white race , if you will). Take examples of few exceptions like Japan and South Korea, which they consider among equals. They are not among equals at all. They are defeated and subdued countries. Not long ago Japan was treated how China is treated now and destroyed. Same goes for South Korea, which emerged after "Korean Wars".
3- China's fate would be decided the same way, by war. The "Elite" have decided long time ago. It has been decades, well before China becomes economical power house, I have been hearing "China is the next big threat" on British Media.

The "second derivative" was already turning as far back as 2007. That was the year when the all-conquering Chinese economy, armed with a suppressed currency, racked up a mercantilist current account surplus of 10 per cent of GDP and $US 4 trillion ($5.7 trillion) of foreign reserves, a weakness that some mistook for strength. Its voracious industrial expansion was driving a commodity super-cycle, absorbing half the world's iron ore output.

It concluded that Beijing would have to embrace pluralism and relax its suffocating grip on society if it was to reach the tech frontier where the air is thinner. Delay would consign China to a middle-income trap that had ensnared Latin America or North Africa.

This paragraphs sums it all up.
- It is dishonest to compare China with Latin America and North Africa, we all know the huge difference.
- The US $ 4 trillion of foreign reserves and Trade Surplus of 10% shown as weaknesses. Lets ask some questions. Where would USA stand, if US $ is not a "reserve currency" of the world!! Where would US trade deficit would stand if it has to pay for its imports some other ways then dollars!!
- Where would value of the US $ stands if the world started to demand that it should have some backing like the old gold linkage or foreign currencies reserves as other countries of the world do!!
- Once USA with its fiat currency is out of the way, where West's (read white if you wish) hegemony would stand in the world when USA suffers its fate!!
Where Australians would be looking for friends in far far land, which they now call their country, after brutally murdering millions of locals to occupy their land.

The Huawei saga has exposed just how much the country still lags, a surprise to some who have bought into the media narrative of Chinese hi-tech ascendancy. China is not yet capable of making the advanced semiconductor chips used for telecommunications or programmable FPGA circuits.

It has yet to crack the materials science required to make the latest microscopic chips and lacks the critical raw material needed to sustain its ambitions for global dominance of 5G mobile and the coming "internet of things". The US controls the world's semiconductor ecosystem, working tightly with Japan, Korea and Taiwan.

All Washington had to do in May was to flick its fingers and Taiwan's TSMC instantly cut off chip supplies to Huawei, dooming the company's 5G global quest at a stroke. Britain does not have the option of sticking with Huawei even if it wants to do so. The US Congress is not going to allow an arm of the Chinese state - serving Xi's doctrine of civil-military fusion - to acquire global control over a key technological choke point.

Well that is the game plan to stop China , if that doesn't work, the world has to embrace itself for another world war. People get ready for it. It is coming.
Yes, each country has their own choice but just remind you it could end very bad to who choose a wrong side.
Mate almost the whole planet agree that china is in the wrong here. From breaking UNCLOS agreement, Illegally building in disputed territories, selling sensitive technologies to sanctioned country, illegal incursion, breaking prior deal with Hong Kong, supporting dictatorship & so on, etc. Also massive human rights violations against ethnic & religious minorities.

Not to mention unleashing one of the horsemen of the apocalypse on us. Guess which one?
Report the derailed flamebait posts etc... some are already being deleted by mods, not sure if warning issued.

Its too bad CCP mob cannot simply stay on topic without this foulness.
What do you expect Chinese people have never been exposed to criticism. All their life they take their cues from the state. So it's no wonder they get ornery & lash out when subjected to one.
Eating bat/exotic meat isn't the problems. People have been eating them for centuries & it didn't led to a global pandemic. The problems is China's abysmal food safety where they are able to sell sick animals that are laced with all sort of chemicals this while being in close proximity of other animals which lead to cross contamination & the virus to evolve to attack human.
Your people were blaming the virus came from Chinese eating bats but I proved you Indonesian love eat bats more than Chinese. But now you charged Chinese selling sick animals? Can you proved any evidents?
Mate almost the whole planet agree that china is in the wrong here. From breaking UNCLOS agreement, Illegally building in disputed territories, selling sensitive technologies to sanctioned country, illegal incursion, breaking prior deal with Hong Kong, supporting dictatorship & so on, etc. Also massive human rights violations against ethnic & religious minorities.

Not to mention unleashing one of the horsemen of the apocalypse on us. Guess which one?
What you said most country is just U.S and his lap dog. I hope Indonesian get up your knee from your former master.
Report the derailed flamebait posts etc... some are already being deleted by mods, not sure if warning issued.

Its too bad CCP mob cannot simply stay on topic without this foulness.

I’ve already seen one that was slightly edited by the mods.
What do you expect Chinese people have never been exposed to criticism. All their life they take their cues from the state. So it's no wonder they get ornery & lash out when subjected to one.
True . Being told they are the bestest people by the communists and suddenly face people showing them a mirror. Mind shattering for them.
Its astounding that Pakistanis, Indians, bangladeshis, Americans, etc on this site routinely put their governments down and criticize their societal issues, but never a Chinese flagger. Its a mind boggling how brainwashed they are.
Your people were blaming the virus came from Chinese eating bats but I proved you Indonesian love eat bats more than Chinese. But now you charged Chinese selling sick animals? Can you proved any evidents?
Seriously. Don't you have Google or read the news (that's not CCP propaganda) there's like dozens of documentaries explaining China's shitty food safety regulation like using gutter oil, selling formula laced with lead, fake rice & others horrific story coming out of china.

Pick one docu, watch & then come back here.
This are the bacteria that you should fear in the future and will probably come from a rich country.
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