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Lone wolf: The West should bide its time, friendless China is in trouble

How dare you claim ''China has no friends''???
Im guessing you have forgotten about the 40 some dept trap countries???
Everybody loves China(Raymond),except the evil West.

...its ok some have already started the typical boring "wwaaaaaah low IQ" attack labelling, and not seeing the actual low IQ tack of doing that ad-hominen blab....because they have no actual counter of note to the points raised.
Don't worry about so-called allies of the West. When we hit them with nukes they will be erased from the Earth.
Time to show this 4-Megaton baby since 1967, to let them see who is the boss:
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LoL, no real Cnese admit they r paper tiger, just like Ah Q never admit that he's a loser till he was executed. :lol:

Btw, CN cant bully VN when daddy US didn't support her like in 1979. But CN is strong enough to bully Pinoy, MY, ID and Brunei.

Don’t forget about the spy bird tho
Let's do the math here on how things will go down in a US-China conflict:

Team non-aligned:
South America
~2.5 billion people

Team USA:
Korea (Really doesn't want to be a US base)
Japan (Really doesn't want to be a US base)
~2.5 billion people

Team China:
North Korea
~2 billion people

Team **** USA, we finally unshackled:
All of the middle east
Cartels, gangs, antifa
African Americans
50 million Chinese diaspora.
~1 billion people

It's gonna be Team USA vs. Team China + Team **** USA.

Why do people think it's China vs the world when its not? Do people honestly think the Middle East and other opportunistic will sit idle when US attention is directed at China?

Asean can not be team US.

think about laos,burma,combodia,thailand,and more and more are just friendly to China.

Vietnam, Singapore and Philips can only do lip service, otherwise,China will crash them like we did to india in 15th june 2020.

Again from eating a exotic animal . They never learn.

you mean in Indonesia and some nations in Asean, thay are eating bat everyday, same as india eating cow pees.
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Asean can not be team US.

think about laos,burma,combodia,thailand,and more and more are just friendly to China.

Vietnam,Singawhoren and Philips can only do lip service, otherwise,China will crash them like we did to india in 15th june 2020.

you mean in Indonesia and some nations in Asean, thay are eating bat everyday, same as india bhingees eating cow pees.

Indonesia has the mighty Komodo dragon
india? indonesia?? 'Friends' of USA??? No way... You can't be Uncle Sam's friends... LMAO...
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China is origin of the kungflu virus, and now rise another one from middle kingdom bubonic plague.
It just showing China been targeted.
Asean can not be team US.

think about laos,burma,combodia,thailand,and more and more are just friendly to China.

Vietnam,Singawhoren and Philips can only do lip service, otherwise,China will crash them like we did to india in 15th june 2020.

you mean in Indonesia and some nations in Asean, thay are eating bat everyday, same as india bhingees eating cow pees.
There are some many video out there about Indonesian love eat bats.
Let's say this way. Between country no forever friends and no forever enemy. Is all about benefit. Do you agree?
Except there's actual benefit to containing china.

All of those countries I mentioned have issues/disputes with the PRC & would benefits greatly if China were to be contained. So why not joined together to put China in its place?

While china have no friends or ally (that are worth mentioning) to counter the alliance.
Except there's actual benefit to containing china.

All of those countries I mentioned have issues/disputes with the PRC & would benefits greatly if China were to be contained. So why not joined together to put China in its place?

While china have no friends or ally (that are worth mentioning) to counter the alliance.
Yes, each country has their own choice but just remind you it could end very bad to who choose a wrong side.
It just showing China been targeted.

There are some many video out there about Indonesian love eat bats.
Eating bat/exotic meat isn't the problems. People have been eating them for centuries & it didn't led to a global pandemic. The problems is China's abysmal food safety where they are able to sell sick animals that are laced with all sort of chemicals this while being in close proximity of other animals which lead to cross contamination & the virus to evolve to attack human.
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