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London 2012 Olympics: China's Yi Siling wins first gold medal of the Games

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Hope China will win all the gold medals in table tennis and badminton, sports where we dominate.
USA will win many medals in swimming and track & field. They will win the most gold and total medals. We still lack depth in swimming and track & field.
Who watches Olympic anyway? That's a question that doesn't deserve an answer.

We Chinese are rooting for our athletes to bring home the most gold medals in this year's Olympic, other than the Americans, no one can feel those adrenaline running through our vein as those heroes of ours doing the same in the field the next two weeks.

For the rest of the world, they'll watch in awes and with envies. Some of the lucky ones will be happy with just a medal for their country but for some it'll be a dream only.
Guys, ignore the typical Indian losers trying to spoil this thread.

Here is an updated medal table from the BBC website:

BBC Sport - London 2012 Olympics - Medal Table

Indian athletes are a joke. Most African countries win more medals than India.

Please don't compare Africa with India. Africans are richer, they have more toilets, they have lighter skin, greater intelligence, and they win FAR more medals at the Olympics than India could ever hope for.

Some of the best athletes in the world are of African descent, Usain Bolt for instance (who refused to come to the Indian Commonwealth games because of the smell).
^^^ Sore loser Indian, just because you didn't win even one single medal. :lol:

Indian Dalit kids get actually tortured, but they don't win any medals. In fact they don't even come out alive.
That was below the belt dude....I agree the person has used this video wrongly. Many Indian sports person who wins at International level don't get any recognition except Cricketers. Its better to train and acknowledge their effort. But bringing Dalit kids, not fair.

Indians send their children to Sainik School where life is also tough. US parents send their kids to military school. These schools raise disciplined students, most of the time.

There is nothing wrong in having separate school for grooming kids for athletics but using their childhood to attain national glory os debatable. I hope I am wrong on this part.

CD you could have pointed out these points rather than using plight of dalit kids and so called torture to death. Its just plain sadistic just like the people who do that.
Please don't compare Africa with India. Africans are richer, they have more toilets, they have lighter skin, greater intelligence, and they win FAR more medals at the Olympics than India could ever hope for.

Some of the best athletes in the world are of African descent, Usain Bolt for instance (who refused to come to the Indian Commonwealth games because of the smell).

You forgot to mention Africa has relatively LESS poverty than India.
That was below the belt dude....I agree the person has used this video wrongly. Many Indian sports person who wins at International level don't get any recognition except Cricketers. Its better to train and acknowledge their effort. But bringing Dalit kids, not fair.

Indians send their children to Sainik School where life is also tough. US parents send their kids to military school. These schools raise disciplined students, most of the time.

There is nothing wrong in having separate school for grooming kids for athletics but using their childhood to attain national glory os debatable. I hope I am wrong on this part.

CD you could have pointed out these points rather than using plight of dalit kids and so called torture to death. Its just plain sadistic just like the people who do that.

This was a decent thread until your jealous Indian friend showed up with his videos, claiming torture of Chinese kids.

I could post videos of Dalit kids having their eyes cut out in Indian Olympic threads, but I don't.
Please don't compare Africa with India. Africans are richer, they have more toilets, they have lighter skin, greater intelligence, and they win FAR more medals at the Olympics than India could ever hope for.
Banned Topic- Toilets. Are you really comparing two different continents and countries where the genetic evolution according to their condition is different. There is a reason why Africans are good in certain fields. It attributes to their genes where for survival they should have certain enhanced characteristics.

By the way, India won, hockey gold and world cup, cricket, won in Tennis, billiards, chess, badminton,shooting, archery....does that prove Indians are less intelligent and capable.

This was a decent thread until your jealous Indian friend showed up with his videos, claiming torture of Chinese kids.
I could post videos of Dalit kids having their eyes cut out in Indian Olympic threads, but I don't.
I already criticized him but why do you and the other guy have to bring Toilets and Poverty. Torture of Indian dalit kids. What's the difference between that "jealous" Indian and you, you are doing the same thing what he did at first place. Report it, PM it, your words will carry more weight .
But stop taking cheap shots just because you didn't like one Indian's post.

You forgot to mention Africa has relatively LESS poverty than India.
Banned Topic- Indian Poverty.
I already criticized him but why do you and the other guy have to bring Toilets and Poverty. Torture of Indian dalit kids. What's the difference between that "jealous" Indian and you, you are doing the same thing what he did at first place. Report it, PM it, your words will carry more weight .
But stop taking cheap shots just because you didn't like one Indian's post.

Now your friend has left his crap and run away from the thread, so I guess we can go back to talking about the topic.

As we were already doing, just before your friend started posting videos and claiming torture of Chinese kids, I mean WTF seriously.

Some people need to stop being such sore losers.
This was a decent thread until your jealous Indian friend showed up with his videos, claiming torture of Chinese kids.

I could post videos of Dalit kids having their eyes cut out in Indian Olympic threads, but I don't.

Exactly, we were peacefully talking about the performance of our athletes and our medals won, when an Indian came to derail the thread.
LOL , who watches olympics anyway. Why don't you chinese try winning something in a real game that the world actually watches. Have you people produced any atheletes inLlawn Tennis , golf , football , F1 etc etc , let's not even talk about cricket. I'll tell you why you people are **** at these sports. That's because you can't start training kids when they are 5 at these type of sports.

You do realize aside from the World Cup the Olympics are the most watched international sporting event on the planet, right? 4 billion people were expected to watch just the opening ceremony, London spent $40 million on the games alone with hundreds of millions of dollars globally in advertisment, 200 plus countries sent teams.

London 2012 Olympics, facts and figures

What an absolute complete moron this idiot is. WOW, Indian trolls are the dumbest on the planet. I am losing brain cells just reading their illogical ramblings.

Nobody watches the Olympic games? hmm maybe 1.2 billion Indian Losers that are as relevant to the Olympics as portable toilets in london but like I said the world does not care if India shows up or not. Every 4 years the guys living in the olympic village must wonder why these paper weights show up and take up space without EVER having a chance to win anything.

The laughing stock of the world and there is a correction, 6 times greater (and many, many more) now in the first 2 days of competition than the aggregate gold for the entire pathetic country in the last games. Pitiful representation of complete genetic inferiority on display.
Now your friend has left his crap and run away from the thread, so I guess we can go back to talking about the topic.

As we were already doing, just before your friend started posting videos and claiming torture of Chinese kids, I mean WTF seriously.

Some people need to stop being such sore losers.
The best we can do is ignore them and take collective action, no matter whch flag he/she bears as long as they posts off topic, flame bait, bad words etc.

China is certainly ahead this time due to certain fields, lets see if they defeat US in their area of expertise. That will be the highlight of this Olympics. My bet is on China this time unlike last Olympics.
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