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Logo of Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) - the only logo it ever had

Logo is just logo. Whether its Markhoor (Capra Falconeri) or Eagle , its just symbolizes strength and passion.
Capra Falconeri is well known for its hard life survival and hiding itself while Eagle is prominent for observing from long distance, its bravery and attacking at three phases over land , over sea and in air.
In that case, symbol shows boundary areas of actions going ahead.
if that was the case then they should have gone with something like this:

naaa, you want nosferatu zodd


Markhor was unofficial / symbolic logo not official but remains unofficial logo of ISI.
Markhor was a symbolic attachment but not official. New logo is not just a change of design but in-fact, a lot of evolution in regard to Ops. This design is based upon years old study of ISI's operating area and equipment at disposal. It was said that we are moving towards a larger scope putting it at par to top notch operating agencies. No doubt, within an year, we will be hearing a lot more of equipping & offensive in regard to operational capability and areas.

The Markhor brought terror into our enemies hearts.. whats with the pacifist bird


Shame on the decision makers.. :mad:
Tbh Markhur never was a logo it was designed by a designer just to give them a logo as no logo was public at that time...
I think it's of joint int services directorate and ISI logo will remain same that is of Markhor
ISI never had Markhur as a logo bahi
I think it's of joint int services directorate and ISI logo will remain same that is of Markhor
ISI never had Markhur as a logo bahi
But how will we differ between Shaheens and ISI?
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