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Lockheed to Design F-35 Variant for International Defense Client

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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United States
United States

Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) has received a $49.06 million U.S. Navy contract to design and develop an F-35 aircraft variant for an unnamed foreign military sales customer.

The company will perform engineering work and other related efforts as part of the five-year project, the Department of Defense said Monday.

Seventy-seven percent of contractor activities will take place in Fort Worth, Texas, and the remaining 23 percent will occur at various sites in California, Florida, Maryland, New York and the U.K.

Naval Air Systems Command is the contracting activity and will obligate the full amount of the non-competitive award using FMS funds.

The F-35 program has eight international partners, including the U.S., and six FMS clients, according to Lockeed.

Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) has received a $49.06 million U.S. Navy contract to design and develop an F-35 aircraft variant for an unnamed foreign military sales customer.

The company will perform engineering work and other related efforts as part of the five-year project, the Department of Defense said Monday.

Seventy-seven percent of contractor activities will take place in Fort Worth, Texas, and the remaining 23 percent will occur at various sites in California, Florida, Maryland, New York and the U.K.

Naval Air Systems Command is the contracting activity and will obligate the full amount of the non-competitive award using FMS funds.

The F-35 program has eight international partners, including the U.S., and six FMS clients, according to Lockeed.
Arab countries
Arab countries

Yes I have it on confidential sources that Bangladesh is one of them. 8-)

Never mind our slums, inability to supply clean water or even lack of skilled pilots.

Since this is an F-35 with no vertical lift capability and a less powerful engine it is ideal.

We have learned from India that if it can mount on a show truck-bed, it is good enough.

From F-7 to F-35 is a quantum leap and Bangladesh will do it. :-)
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Cannot be for the UAE because they want the exact same specifications so either for KSA or Qatar.
Arabs are stupids with more money than sense
they are very smart.
with diplomacy and money.

if they were stupid then they would've been begging for IMF loans and donnations from friends and would've been blacklisted and banned from western technology.

reminds me of a country but cant name it.
will they modify the F-35B vtol fighter ?

will it be an export variant ?
Being a VTOL fighter means aspiring navies can get the benefits of operating an air wing without expensive supercarriers (see Juan carlos 1 with Harrier or F-35B)
The problem being that US has a monopoly on VTOL/SVTOL jets (don't know of any other VTOL fighter in development)

i really wished the Russians didn't abandon the Yak-141 project
they are very smart.
with diplomacy and money.

if they were stupid then they would've been begging for IMF loans and donnations from friends and would've been blacklisted and banned from western technology.

reminds me of a country but cant name it.
IMF aside, be proud of your poverty. There is something of value in it. The poverty is because of lack of FDI, keeping Pakistan on the FATF grey list indefinitely, restricting the growth of CPEC, harsh conditions imposed on Pakistan's economy through IMF/WB, West restricting military sales to Pakistan and quite a few other ways. However, the poverty allows Pakistan to not give in to the diktats of others at the expense of its own long term interests.

The easiest example, for those breaking out of poverty, is to look no further than a specific country in the region. However, there are implied costs for this supposed progress. Too soon to tell what and how it will impact them but Pakistan has taken a position which will result in the country being punished and constantly kept on a tight leash. Hopefully this will build resilience and self-dependence.

For good or bad, in Iran there is a contrarian example that should be kept in mind. Not all is well there, but there are aspects that we can learn from and internalize.
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It could be Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Morocco, etc.

US ban F 35 from Indonesia, we have asked F 35 but US gov refused and only offer F16 V which they have offered since 2017. Indonesia is still asking the approval to get F 15 EX (after F 35 rejection) but until now we havent got clearance despite Boeing has agreed

Malaysia is busy with LCA program, 18 planes, and you know about the tender right ? That include Indian Tejas.

Malaysia has stated only will order MRCA in 2027-2028, they are focusing on their economy now
they are very smart.
with diplomacy and money.

if they were stupid then they would've been begging for IMF loans and donnations from friends and would've been blacklisted and banned from western technology.

reminds me of a country but cant name it.
So Allah bestowed them with oil that makes them clever ... Nice irfan bhai

I guess nawaz shareef and bhuttos are smart too
All it takes is one sanctions regime and it will be game over for the KSA/UAE. I see some diversification efforts on the part of the Saudis to look at Chinese and Russians but UAE is entirely beholden to the US/EU, no ifs and buts. While it may seem implausible right now, all it takes is this one little fork in the road.
Even though the recent “teeth” UAE showed to US, I have some feelings that it might be UAE due to a recent High level visit of a UAE Lt Gen to US. I can most probably be wrong and overthinking as well, Could very well be for Middle east (KSA, Egypt, Qatar)
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