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Lockheed May Pitch F-35 to Rejoin $11 Billion India Jet Contest

1) French still has other contracts including the Mirage Upgrade + Submarine deals which is much more than PAK's JF-17 avionics deal. Even if they did provide you the avionics or even the Rafael + whatever else, have you forgotten the jump from a 4G to a 5G fighter? or are do you believe JF-17 is better than a 5G?

Peronally I don;t want the F-35 since that would mean an early death to our AMCA project but if F-35 would mean a boost for the AMCA. I'm all for it!

Hell man i told you not to reply with all those old deals, we have to use thunder for at least 30 for 40 years, we are not getting 5 Gen fighter any sooner.
its not pakistan everyone worried about...
its because if its friend may get its hand to it... that why no one wants their product to b copied and sold in mass
no man we don't have money for that, don't be sense less. we have our own fighter to be upgraded to extreme level even the silent version of it is own the way. plus we would like to add Western avionics on both JF-17 and FC-20 so they can carry both western and eastern weapons.
Think man Think, what you have to do. :lol:

This is my answer ................................... ok. Extreme level means upgrading jf-17 to counter 5th gen fighter ????
Comming from the guy whose nation depends on American jets, transport air crafts, and survielance air craft... f-16's... p-3c, and even Ac-130

lol no. I think you are refering to the C-130 :P

The AC-130 is the specter gunship version. The Americans would never allow anyone to get its hands on those, its too dangerous.
This is my answer ................................... ok. Extreme level means to counter 5th gen fighter????
and that is what your answer should be ......................... ???

One more question, how they adjusted a 5 Gen fighter in 4+ Gen Fighter Deal. F-35 happens to be way to Costy.
Very strange..... !
Best to focus on the FGFA. Its not good to have too many different types of aircraft. Also, weather or not the F-35 would be delivered on time - that's the question. The project is already delayed. The USA would be the primary user of the F-35, replacing all of its F-16s and F-18s over time.
and that is what your answer should be ......................... ???

One more question, how they adjusted a 5 Gen fighter in 4+ Gen Fighter Deal. F-35 happens to be way to Costy.
Very strange..... !

There is no question of money as far as IAF of Indian defence ministry is concerned... what matters is the benefits in the form of industrial offset.. do you know the demand we are making with the MMRCA on offset... F-35 will never be able to meet it. we are already getting PAK-FA ... which is providing more offset compared to F-35
Americans are trying hard to derail our MMRCA acquisition on time.. Lol, what were they doing during tender process.. This is BS, no logic behind it.. Tomorrow they will say take F 22.. * Take approval before taking off...
f 35 should be offered to the navy not airforce. it will replace the harriers and it can operate from stovl ac. it will give indian navy unmatch capability in the region.
Don't worry.Americans will not give Tot for F-16 n F-18 n many agreements with it..imagine wat will it be if we buy F-35...

Our cheif r not fool....

It is only EF or Rafale for MMRCA...thats it
I think India and Russia is developing their own 5th gen fighter PAK-FA. No doubt F-35 is one of the best right now. But India really need 5 gen so fast. PAK-FA times frame looks nice as same time China will be ready with its own may be Pakistan will grab some from China. Only disadvantage if India says no to US for F-35.. US might sale it to Pakistan (NOT SURE).

Agreed best option is for India to incorporate this into is SFC wing which is entrusted with the responsibility of nukes (I doubt it may have a chance in MCRA since it would have to bend the rule but you never know. Its a potent game changer and India should get its hand on the best no doubt). As for selling to Pakistan, it highyly unlikely due to the news of double crossing by Pakistan coming in the US media. Also, if the USA did go ahead with such a sale, it could kiss a lot of potential contracts good bye, as the Indian public would perceive this as pandering to a nation supporting terrorism (OBL)
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