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Lockheed Martin signs pact with Tata to make F-16 planes in India

If there is a country in with world which is the biggest beneficiary of 9/11 than it nobody but India.
Though you are not entirely wrong. I think the biggest beneficiary has been Pakistan. Aid, military hardware, transit costs a seat at the high table of war against terror (biggest irony) & what not.

It could've been even bigger had your military not dabbled with both (Good Taliban, Bad Taliban, Haqqani, Osama etc etc) & coalition forces.

Using the Jihadi's as strategic assets has cost your country a lot. Innocent lives, good & updated hardware, a firm backer like US. You've literally driven away US from your fold. You could've milked the situation even more.

Now quite as a expected you are cozying up to China. The next presumable super power. But, China won't give you stuff like Uncle Sam did.

I have a distinct feeling your relationship will end up similarly.
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100 units of F16blk70 is quite strong. USA is willing to set up an entire production line in India.
Russia till now had virtually free hand in Indian defence industry which could be a reason for their ' taken for granted ' attitude.

There are lapses by term to stick to contract obligations driving India into losing more money - very bad business I'm

Other nations also are no different, I agree.
But, at least it will diversify our source and reduce complete dependence, who knows in future this steps will help us build our own MIC

My personal suggestion for GOI ( if they are listening ), please run parallel Indian projects with other Indian companies like L&T rather than for only TOT jobs

Though off topic - is this deal a compensation for USA for not buying nuclear reactor???

Well I hope India can find a balance between Russia and the United States since both value the market equally strong. The amount of money being poured into India's defense budget is quite frightening for the Indian economy.

That Nuclear Reactor is being built by Mittal and Russians so do not worry about that and neither had USA any intention of selling any nuclear reactor.

Obama was just a tough cookie in such affairs and maybe just maybe you got the F16 deal as a result. Although I highly doubt that Muricans will let F16 go just yet for emerging powers like India.
Game changer if the deal goes in. Massive blow for PAF. Obviously F-35 will be next in line. F16 block 70 is same as blk 52 but with AESA radar. Only option left for PAF is to have 5th generation procurement in decent numbers.
No this is not all, it will give a big big boast to the Indian aviation industry when an advance western technological giant will join hands with a private Indian partner.... Sure this will take India forward leaps and bounds.
Though you are not entirely wrong. I think the biggest beneficiary has been Pakistan. Aid, military hardware, transit costs a seat at the high table of war against terror (biggest irony) & what not.

It could've been even bigger had your military not dabbled with both (Good Taliban, Bad Taliban, Haqqani, Osama etc etc) & coalition forces.

Using the Jihadi's as strategic assets has cost your country a lot. Innocent lives, good & updated hardware, a firm backer like US. You've literally driven away US from your fold. You could've milked the situation even more.

Now quite as a expected you are cozying up to China. The next presumable super power. But, China won't give you stuff like Uncle Sam did.

I have a distinct feeling your relationship will end up similarly.
For US the stigma of a Muslim nuclear country was enough to make a choice between India and Pakistan.

No country in the world has done for US as much as Pakistan.

Be it establishing of Sino US relations in 70s by Kissenger. Be it fighting alongside CIA the first Afghan war with Soviets. Be it War against terror.

Rewards, sanctions every now and than Prescilar, Glenn amendments etc etc. Denial of civil neuclear deal...Just as soon as the job is done...abandoned Pakistan.

China yes you are right Pakistan may not be able to get what uncle Sam can offer. But at least he is a dependable friend.
Pak should buy new jets rather than waiting for too long SU 35 Will do wonders
I f a production line is set up in india numbers will be around 200
It can cause many trouble to China and Pakistan. Once you have a production line means you can refurbish the damaged fighter during war.
Game changer if the deal goes in. Massive blow for PAF. Obviously F-35 will be next in line. F16 block 70 is same as blk 52 but with AESA radar. Only option left for PAF is to have 5th generation procurement in decent numbers.
And for GOD sake make some decisions PAF u can't sit and do nothing

Rafale deal is done now this PAF need major modernization in numbers and quality
Sweden is a footy country, India will have to rely USA when having war with China.

Joint venture with TaTa is a smart tactics.
Lockheed Martin signed an agreement with India’s Tata Advanced Systems on Monday to produce F-16 fighter planes in India, pressing ahead with a plan to shift its Fort Worth, Texas plant to win billions of dollars worth of order from the Indian military.

India’s air force needs hundreds of aircraft to replace its Soviet-era fleet, but Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has said foreign suppliers would have to make the planes in India with a local partner to help build a domestic industrial base and cut outright imports.

But Modi’s Make-in-India drive runs the risk of conflicting with US President Donald Trump’s America First campaign under which he has been pressing for companies to invest in the United States and create jobs instead of setting up factories abroad.

In announcing their agreement at the Paris Airshow, Lockheed and Tata said moving the production base to India would still retain jobs in the United States.

“F-16 production in India supports thousands of Lockheed Martin and F-16 supplier jobs in the US, creates new manufacturing jobs in India, and positions Indian industry at the center of the most extensive fighter aircraft supply ecosystem in the world,” a joint statement by the firms said.

Sweden’s Saab is the other contender to supply the Indian Air Force, offering to make its Gripen fighter in India. It has not yet announced a local partner for the plane which it has pitched as a modern alternative to the F-16s.

The announcement comes days before Modi travels to Washington for a first meeting with Trump, scheduled for June. 26. India and the United States have built a close defence relationship in recent years with Washington emerging as among the top three arms suppliers to India, along with Russia and Israel.

India will also have the chance to export the F-16 that is flown by air forces around the world, the joint statement said. Some 3,200 of these planes are being flown by 26 countries and the model that is being offered to India will be Block 70, the most modern of all the F-16s.

“This unprecedented F-16 production partnership between the world’s largest defense contractor and India’s premier industrial house provides India the opportunity to produce, operate and export F-16 Block 70 aircraft, the newest and most advanced version of the world’s most successful, combat-proven multi-role fighter,” the statement said.

Tata is already building airframe components for the C-130 military transport aircraft.

India has not opened formal bidding for the jet order, which is expected to be anything from 100 planes to 250.

So Tejas is dead
:) good luck with those f16 btw but signing contract and actually making it r two very different things and alot of issues on implementation
As for us we r good we r already upgrading our f16 with turkey help who has been making f16 for decades now with USA license and our upcoming jf17 models fighting capabilities would b as good as latest f16 they r already at 70% of f16 at less then half the price
And by the time u would start assembling 4th generation f16 we would b jointly making 5th generation tfx with turkey
It's a great motivation to China, we will churn out more fighter jets to respond it.
For US the stigma of a Muslim nuclear country was enough to make a choice between India and Pakistan.

No country in the world has done for US as much as Pakistan.

Be it establishing of Sino US relations in 70s by Kissenger. Be it fighting alongside CIA the first Afghan war with Soviets. Be it War against terror.

Rewards, sanctions every now and than Prescilar, Glenn amendments etc etc. Denial of civil neuclear deal...Just as soon as the job is done...abandoned Pakistan.

China yes you are right Pakistan may not be able to get what uncle Sam can offer. But at least he is a dependable friend.
I agree to most of your points. Pak has done it's share for US. No doubt about that. What I meant was you missed something really great by mixing your priorities.

Maybe you thought once US pulls out of AF. We can use these battle hardened mad f***ers against India and keep AF on the boil again.

Anyways we aren't on topic. Can you point towards a thread where we can discuss this more.
Sweden is a footy country, India will have to rely USA when having war with China.

Joint venture with TaTa is a smart tactics.

Yes, in case of war, USA will produce hundreds of new F-16s on the production line located in INDIA.
Anyone can see a problem with the statement above?
Yes, in case of war, USA will produce hundreds of new F-16s on the production line located in INDIA.
Anyone can see a problem with the statement above?
Indians will have to pay protection money to USA, not Sweden, at worst France.

Not to offend, Sweden is nobody in international politics.

Gripen is a good fighter, but it won't be able to fly if USA don't provide you the F414 engine.

As a member of NATO, it will be very insensible to compete with your boss.

Yet the military budget of 2% of GDP is still not fulfilled asked by Mr.Trump.
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