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Lockheed Martin briefs Indian Navy on Aegis missile defence system

I thought China was the only country that was objecting for the Indian permanent seat.

LOL, India is not that welcomed by everybody, especially south Asia nations.

Plus, China never said no to India regarding the permanent seat. Like the other 4 members, we agreed India can get a seat, but without VETO.
. .
does this misssile defence saves indian ships from pakistani cruise missiles
There's another thing to consider here.

Does the Indian govt consider war immiment. If so then buying Aegis system would indeed be a better course of action.

If not however, it would be foolishness of the highest degree. Buying of the Aegis system with the associated missiles would mean that work on the indigenous system would be abandoned as a Technology Demonstrator or some of its lessons taken in. But for the most part, the investment put in, would be wasted.

Buying of US equipment would make India dependent on the US for this kind of system in the future as well. Everything would have to be paid for, with Indian money being used for further research in the US, putting money in the US economy as opposed to Indian economy. The further upgrades brought about by research would again have to be bought by India. It thus becomes a cycle.

Unless India was made a partner in the development with the associated technology transfer. In which case India and the US could share the technology of both to create a better system overall. India and the US are not allies per se, but we have a common heritage in many ways and similar goals overall.
Unless India was made a partner in the development with the associated technology transfer.
Again, depends on the level of Technology Transfer. The availability of source codes of relevant American developed components among other things.

India and the US are not allies per se, but we have a common heritage in many ways and similar goals overall.
Yes, but there are different needs of every nation. Iran being a prime example. While most of the broad goals would be similar, the methods, would be different, as would be on some other foreign policy issues.

Things are not as simple as you make them out to be mate.
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