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Liz Truss news – live: PM resigns after less than seven weeks in Downing Street


Sep 26, 2018
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom

Liz Truss has announced she is resigning as prime minister after just six weeks in the role.

There will be a leadership election within a week, Ms Truss said.

It comes after the chair of the 1922 Committee, Sir Graham Brady entered No 10 for a crisis meeting with the prime minister, followed by party chair Jake Berry.

Ms Truss’ brief stint as leader involved a mini-Budget that spooked the market, the sacking of her close ally and chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng, the resignation of home secretary Suella Braverman and chaos in Westminster around a confidence vote where there were allegations of senior Tories manhandling and bullying colleagues.

Just yesterday she told PMQs she is a “fighter not a quitter.”

Conservative MP Simon Hoare said Liz Truss only had 12 hours to save her premiership while Lord David Frost, a former Brexit minister who backed Truss for PM, called for her to go in addition to more than a dozen MPs.
This has been a disaster for the conservatives in UK. Ever since Brexit, the UK has been on a downward slide. I wonder if UK will have another referendum to join with the EU again. This time negotiate an arrangement with EU that is seen as 'fair' by the pro-Brexit population. 🤔 🤔
Weak parliamentary system, guess what, Malaysia is also going to another election next Month

Every one is just punching another opponent, inside and outside party, no unity what so ever as country
This has been a disaster for the conservatives in UK. Ever since Brexit, the UK has been on a downward slide. I wonder if UK will have another referendum to join with the EU again. This time negotiate an arrangement with EU that is seen as 'fair' by the pro-Brexit population. 🤔 🤔
My wife said no......No UK in EU anymore......
Bets on which Tory knobhead is going to be the next PM?

My money is on the Victorian Mr Monopoly.
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