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Live video: Indian soldiers are joke even at throwing stones


Sep 9, 2016
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Video from social media network surfaces show PLA take Indian soldiers from a "strategic height" indian claimed by throwing stones, despite the height position Indians run away like rats as usual:

It seems that Indian soldiers are born losers, they have neither the brain, technology or courage to take on China, and at this rate, with more and more video footage surface on social network, they may even lose the internet front as well, I feel really sorry about them.
Must be the secret microwave roasting the Indian soldiers butt. :enjoy:
Video from social media network surfaces show PLA take Indian soldiers from a "strategic height" indian claimed by throwing stones, despite the height position Indians run away like rats as usual:

China slowly and slowly reveal more evidence of Indian losing the Ladakh face off. They know Indian media love to brag so let them blown out of their head with all kind of self boasting and then hit their pride hard with cold hard fact of their losing with video as evidence. :enjoy:
Indians seem to know they have no chance. Even if India wasn't infiltrated by 200 million Muslims the Indians cannot stand against the Chinese. Chinese are faster, stronger, fearless to the point of being suicidal, have better equipment, endless production and are much more capable of becoming superior or excellent in a skill.
"It is not the India of 1962, says BJP amid Sino-India border standoff. "

Haha, of course it is not the India of 1962. Because this time China will bring a much bigger embracement to India if the war really happens.
Jawans: we have the higher ground.


Jawan is a Jawa not a Jedi or Sith. Jawas represent Indians and Indonesians.
All the Star Wars movies are extremely racist like many American/Canadian/British Caucasians (thus they would probably be Georgian or Roman or Greek "white" people not Europeans).

Those trade Federation guys are certainly Chinese. Depicted by Lucas film (Californians) as completely treacherous cowards.
Gungans are obviously African slaves. Depicted by Lucas film (Californians) as stupid and disgusting but strong.
or the army of trolls ran away like Indian army! in any case its funny how easy indians are no wonder everyone occupied them!

Good photo as a salute to your great allies. Lions, bulls, elephants all have huge heads. Chinese have huge heads. Aslan (Narnia) = Asian The video shows mighty Chinese lions chasing the little Indian Jawas. Just like a race of cats toying with a race of mice.

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