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(Live) Chandrayaan-2: India's historic moon mission lost its communication-Mission Failed

@waz @The Eagle @Horus

Request to NOT change the title of the main thread (ISRO GSLV etc.) to this title, if mods are merging these. It has happened before.

The mission (orbiter) is still on, and there are more data to be posted. Changing title will ruin it. Thanks.
Why do you quoted me, i don't understand this thread is useless this live stream is already in another thread, that's why i am asking mods to delete this thread @KapitaanAli
Not a big deal.
ISRO will send another moon landing mission in 9-12 months if communications with this one not recovered. :tup:.
it is such embarrassment for india when all their govt official arrived at this moment to declare and celebrate success,I think modi is bad omen for india and india is failing everyday after they started killing more kashmiris ,india is much behind china in terms of space race,it would be much better they not waste this money on such failed mission and focus on economic slowdown and poverty in india,they will fail in future and are decades away from landing on moon.

It's not so embarrassing, failure, setbacks, sadness, whatever are a part of life. It's what you do afterward is what shows character - ISRO have had several failures, but recently little to none due to those lessons learned. There are Indian institutions that do not learn from their failures, ISRO isnt one of them.
Chandrayaan-2: India's historic moon mission lost his communication during last phase of landing.
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A Muslim ought not relish in the failure of others. Rather, as a Muslim, seek to dig deeper within. It is the introspect, which humbles a Muslim, for the burden of responsibility to seek conquest (of one's soul) lies squarely on our shoulders. We, as Pakistanis, have a tremendous duty upon us, to become staunch Muslims, to bring relief and tranquility to our people. We do not have time to waste on the failure of others, as our time ought to be occupied in finding ourselves first, strengthening our Imaan first, establishing a creed from within us that would make Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, beam with a smile.

Is this all that we should reduce ourselves to? To laugh or poke fun at the failure of the enemy? Are we so small minded? Is this really what we have become?

Come on brothers and sisters, you are better than this. This is not the "Shaheens" that esteemed Allama Iqbal (Rahim-a-ullah) envisioned of Pakistan.

Get up and out of this puddled mentality, you are destined for greatness. But greatness is sought by those who find themselves first and seek Allah through HIS beloved Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam.
It's not so embarrassing, failure, setbacks, sadness, whatever are a part of life. It's what you do afterward is what shows character - ISRO have had several failures, but recently little to none due to those lessons learned. There are Indian institutions that do not learn from their failures, ISRO isnt one of them.

There is nothing to be embarrassed in this failure

Embarrassment is when you Indians elect people in parliament because of their "performance" in communal riots
Well tried and better luck next time..... wish our two countries were friendly and collaborating on science and technology rather than fighting. If only the Kashmir issue had been resolved during partition.
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